Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing
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Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing

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The Oldest Attempt at Making Glastonbury (Called 'The Most Pagan Earth in all England') Christian
"Celtic spirituality" Turning Unwitting Christians Into New Age Pagans (666 Spiral Symbol Included)
The Great Falling Away: "Celtic Christianity" Leads Directly into an Arthurian-Styled Neo-Paganism
The "New Age" in Glastonbury: The Construction of Religious Movements (Including the Occult)
So-Called ‘Jewitches’ in Israel Are Now Embracing a Mix of Judaism and "New Age" Witchcraft

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing

The Age of Aquarius: A time that is believed by those within the New Age Movement that will herald a time of peace, love, and universal brotherhood. The term has come to signify spiritual, Occult, and metaphysical teachings and practices as well as their mainstream acceptance.

Essential Wicca p. 312-313

Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln suggest that the Priory of Sion is seeking to capture or exploit the emotional response surrounding the very concept of a living descendant of Jesus Christ. In other words, it is essentially a cult response that is being orchestrated. Followers are swept along by their instinctive feelings. Logic and reason have no part in it. Presumably it is only a matter of time before somebody emerges to stake such a claim, establishing himself or herself as the leader of this ready-made pseudo-religious cult. The idea of the sacred Bloodline is also gradually integrating with more traditional New Age beliefs and culture, and claimants are treated with interest, respect. and even a certain awe. The New Age [does] tend to take Occult ideas and dilute them with hefty doses of naive "Love and Light."

The Sion Revelation p. 278, 291, 425

Marilyn Ferguson compiled and espoused a synthesis involving the theories of transformation and the secret plan of the Aquarian Age. In her studies of the scientific advancements of this age involving entropy and syntropy, holism, holographs, paradigm shifts, the uncertainty principle and evolution, she discovered that, "for the first time an American renaissance is taking place in all disciplines, breaking the boundaries between them, transforming them at their farthest reaches—where they all converge."

The Aquarian Conspiracy p.12

Meanwhile, progression continues to bring us nearer the Aquarian Age, and a Teacher is coming to give the Christian Religion impetus in a new direction.

Max Heindel in Gleanings of a Mystic, Chapter IX: The Coming Christ

If you haven't run into it before, it would be hard to avoid it now. Oprah's rolling out the red carpet for the New Age: a weekly online class with New York Times bestselling guru Eckhart Tolle and a daily broadcast with Marianne Williamson, whose Course in Miracles was beckoning seekers thirty years ago when I was [LSD] tripping through the wonderland of discovering my own divinity and wielding the powers of the universe to create my own reality. Ah, but I didn’t know Jesus back then – that is, I didn't know him as the Son of God. I knew him only through my guru, who taught that Jesus was a great spiritual master and who blended quotes from the New Testament with quotes from the Bhagavad-Gita to produce a spiritual foundation for people like me – too hip, too cool, too sophisticated to tie themselves to the narrow-minded thinking of Christianity.

What is New Age Religion and Why Can't Christians Get on Board?

Glastonbury Festival Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Avalon Glastonbury Pyramid Ancient Mystery King Arthur Tintagel Camelot Castle Qanon CIA UK Government Mind Control New Age Deception Green Movement Metaphysical Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Whole Earth Catalog Modern Wicca Religion Grimoire Black Book Baphomet Templar Druidism Evil Wicked Wiccan Goddess Hecate Witch Magic Christianity Celtic Spirituality Occult Tradition Luciferian Witchcraft Druid Ley Lines Glastonbury Festival Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Avalon Glastonbury Pyramid Ancient Mystery King Arthur Tintagel Camelot Castle Qanon CIA UK Government Mind Control New Age Deception Green Movement Metaphysical Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Whole Earth Catalog Modern Wicca Religion Grimoire Black Book Baphomet Templar Druidism Evil Wicked Wiccan Goddess Hecate Witch Magic Christianity Celtic Spirituality Occult Tradition Luciferian Witchcraft Druid Ley Lines
Antichrist London Whore of Babylon City Satanic Crown Temple Bar Royal Queen England UK EU Rothschild Conspiracy Apocalypse Evil Bloodline Grail Corruption Pedophile Priest Sex Abuse Pope Queer Gay Homosexual Jesuit Roman Catholic Church Vatican City Rome Seven Hills Babylon America Satanic Religion Pagan Goddess Diana Worship Mary Hecate Witchcraft Blood Human Sacrifice Druids Satanic Ritual Abuse Project Monarch Mind Control Globalist New World Order Antichrist London Whore of Babylon City Satanic Crown Temple Bar

From Climate Change to Witchcraft: Why Satan's New Age is Taking Over
What is the New Age Movement? Certainly, the New Age as a movement and religion has well-positioned itself into every single area of modern life, but what are its goals, and who operates its borderless global cult following? Royal lineages of so-called "Elites," infused with Serpentine, Satanic, (or "Reptilian") Royal Bloodlines are running the world for its own ends, while the rest of us are mere cogs in their global scheme toward bringing their god of light forward in his destined role as the Rex Mundi or World King. While that is the truth, there have arisen many "truth reporters" of late who, while claiming much of the above, that these elites certainly do worship Satan, they'll attempt to still force the belief that Satan doesn't exist, and thus, the Satanic global elites worship Satan only for show, as some kind of revenge against the Catholic Church for such things as the Inquisition, etc. One such reporter who has risen to the top of this field is none other than David Icke, a former BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party. In his own words, he claims that all changed on a single day, in 1990, when a psychic told him that he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose, and that a spirit was soon going to pass messages to him that he was to release to the world. If any of this sounds familiar, you might remember that Aleister Crowley claimed the exact same thing. Moreover, being some kind of channel or conduit for some previously unknown intelligence is precisely how the self-titled "Great Beast 666," and 'the most wicked man in the world' also received his messages by the alien spirit named 'AIWASS' who seemingly afforded Crowley a similar air of infamy as an author and lecturer. In March of 1991, David Icke held a press conference to announce that he was a "Son of the Godhead" – a phrase he said later the media had misunderstood. He said that a subsequent appearance on BBC's Wogan changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into someone who was laughed at whenever he appeared in public. He nevertheless continued to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years – The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001) – set out a worldview that combine his warped New-Age spiritualism, with the truth, and therein lies his problem. Despite his being better informed across the span of many years now, by me, directly (and I'm sure others, who've been influenced by my works since), his New Age views remain, and go at great length to systematically remove any and all Biblical Truth regarding the very real, otherwise, very truthful topic of human enslavement by those in control that so greatly harms his overall message, as well as his being responsible for creating an army of equally blind devotees the world over.

*Read Article An Arthurian County in England Has Mysteriously Become the Center for the UK's Q'Anon Cult

In fact, to give David Icke any ear at all is to hear him twist everything that is true into one where, ultimately, nothing is real other than the complete enslavement of mankind by a sky-fallen, shapeshifting, alien reptilian species (whilst mostly denying that the Biblical Scriptures are telling us the exact same thing). As far as the reality of his spirit world, Icke explains that the spiritual realm is little more than atoms sped up beyond light speed, which is how the controlling elites hide their reptilian natures to appear as Queen Elizabeth II, for example. Of course, such an explanation purposefully takes away from all previous notions regarding an infinite spirit world (where God, Christ, Satan and angels dwell) and how that world can actively descend into our own, or our own transcending with it. Moreover, Icke uses his made-up theories to completely circumvent God, God's Son, God's Word, and God's much more accurate prophecies regarding the ultimate reality of what is actually happening all around us. Apparently having watched The Matrix films one too many times, David Icke now claims that there is no spirit world at all, in his latest way of quickly removing God or Satan from the equation, and that we are all instead living in a computer simulation designed by the Satanic-worshipping elites, whereby none of what we daily see, feel, or touch is real. Do you see the hypocrisy there? While he claims there exists these "men who know far more than us" and that they do worship Satan as a result, Icke feels he has to drastically circumvent any notion presented in the Bible, because the Bible, according to him, was written by the same Satanic elites! How perfect. As mentioned, David goes at great length in order to spin the truth far removed from the Scriptures, and its own epic war over the souls of mankind, into one where, no Christ exists to save us, but that he, as a kind of "Neo," character from The Matrix, will "awaken" us all to somehow shake the chains of enslavement off ourselves, firmly believing that if we collectively awake, the elites will then no longer have power over us, and that we can all move into the *New Age* together. So there it is, while Icke exposes the Masonic Overlords who govern this world, he is only moving in circles and taking his global followers right back under the same Satanic control they vainly believe they've awoken from, when Satan and his fallen will NEVER relent, despite whatever mankind vainly thinks. Because we know only God can destroy every work of our collective enemy, and only waits to do so according to the appointed timeframe that He Himself has placed (precisely 7,000 years) on this world, it will take much more than mankind waking up to the fact that he is being ruled by Satanists, to defeat Satan! Ultimately, David Icke cannot ever bring himself to recognizing the actual Truth, because to do so would mean he would have to submit to Christ and His Church, which he touts is just another form of control by "alien masters" to keep all Christian believers blind to their own Reptilian Overlord they call "Jehovah." Of course.

*Read Article Atlantean Conspiracy: The End of David Icke -Intriguing Video

David Icke, therefore, despite all the evidence proving the elite worship Satan and his demons, is by his own description, not only still 'sleeping,' but remains in a virtual coma, blind to the fact that his "alien masters" are none other than Satan and his Kingdom of Fallen Angels, who with their children, do exist to rule this planet and keep us far removed from the very One who can free us all. The New Age Movement itself is not defined by any singular religion or religious thought, but one metric it can be always measured by is that it's diametrically opposed to the Holy Bible. The force behind the New Age Movement wants to define it as a mere fusing together of eastern-influenced metaphysical ideologies blended together with Occult magic and traditions that arose in Europe, beginning with Celtic and Wiccan-based theologies. Celtic Druidism and Witchcraft falls under its many divisions, as well as Satanism, Kabbalah, Astrology, and Demonology. The New Age Movement is bound together by notions of “universal tolerance” and liberal interpretations of moral relativism where there is no concept of sin, thus, man needs no redemption other than what karma places on him. In other words, the New Age is nothing more than the rehashed traditions of all of Satan's ancient cultural religions that he used to cause mankind to look somewhere else other than their Creator for guidance. The New Age Movement is the natural progression of humanism taken to its 'next step,' teaching that humans have evolved biologically, and must now evolve spiritually to survive what is coming. Its belief systems are many, syncretic, fluid and able to morph into whatever man, no matter his creed, sex, or social standing, would like to draw from it. Therefore, Lucifer's New Age religion of (false) "Light" purposefully stands in direct opposition to the seemingly much more dark and supposedly rigid dogma of a jealous God of hatred and revenge, that all anti-Christians describe the God of Israel to be. However, behind all of the shiny glitz of its outward trappings, is the same dark spirit of the Occult that already drove men like Crowley drug-addicted, penniless, cursed, and absolutely mad toward their life's end, and damned for an eternity after that. According to those who profess such New Age ideals, we are currently moving away from the present Age of Pisces (which they define as the rule of Christ and His Church) to an Age of peace, harmony, understanding of global/personal enlightenment, that they claim defines the coming New Age of Aquarius, hence the name "New Age." Varying in everything from what is called synergy and synergistic principals, to the concepts of personal Christ consciousness (without the acceptance of Christ's Divinity), energy, global unity, oneness, harmony, transformation, 11:11, "the one," spirit growth, human potential, awakening, networking, purification, cleansing, holistic medicines, eastern meditation, martial arts, and transcendental meditation, resides this vague, always pagan and benevolent New Age god of supposed love and light.

*Read Article The Connection Between the New Age Movement and Satanism
*Read Article The New Age 'Millennium Messiah' and the Coming World Change
*Read Article Hipster Owner Couple of 'Pagan Home Decor' Exposed as Russian Spies


The origins of the New Age Movement date back to at least 1875 with the Theosophical works of Olcott and Blavatsky. The Theosophical Society, as it was called, espoused the abolishment of Christianity and Judaism while promoting the total unity of other world religions in their place, even as they claimed that their teachings were revealed by demons in the guise of so-called spirit or elemental guides. They emphasized heavily the evolution of a self-deified, master Aryan society, and a One World “New Age” religion and social order. In 1877, Blavatsky wrote the book 'Isis Unveiled' which sold out its very first day in print. In 1879, she launched 'The Theosophist' a monthly magazine started in India. By 1887, she launched 'Lucifer,' a monthly magazine started in London. The following year, in 1888, Blavatsky wrote 'The Secret Doctrine,' her master work. It was this book which put forth Blavatsky's Aryan (and anti-Semitic theories) on Atlantean and other 'Root Races' which later influenced Adolph Hitler and his own ideas about Luciferian Aryan supremacy. Pushing the New Age agenda further, British-born Alice Bailey founded the “Lucifer Publishing Company,” in 1922 which printed and distributed their own similar teachings which became increasingly singular in their intent and goal toward the concept of a Luciferian New World Order which was to be accomplished through various degrees and steps toward its ultimate realization in the 21st Century. Bailey’s teachings established the "Luciferic Initiation," a pledge of allegiance to the 'Christ' of the New Age and to the New World Order. As such, Alice Bailey discussed extensively the plans for a religious war between the forces of Good and Light (New Agers; "Light-workers") and the forces of Evil and Darkness (Christianity), as well as forced redistribution of wealth and the world’s resources, mass planetary initiations into the Movement, world-wide disarmament, a new theology with Lucifer as its God, and the complete elimination of "obstinate religions" namely Christianity and Judaism. Bailey even discussed the sacredness of a future New World Leader’s number (666) as well as the Solar Symbol which would symbolize his reign. Included in the metaphysical categorical subtext and soon after the work of Bailey came Margaret Murray of whom is believed by many experts and authors on the subject of Satanism and Witchcraft to have "made the single greatest impact on the idea of Witchcraft in the twentieth century." It wasn't until the 1950's however that her ideas found the audience she sought, she rightfully believed Witchcraft to be organized Devil Worship [Witchcraft Out of the Shadows p. 98-99]. Gerald Gardner and his own brand of Luciferian Witchcraft which he named Wicca in the 1950's which has rapidly evolved since if first came to public attention over a half century ago. Gardner was heir to ceremonial groups such as the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O as reformed by Crowley.

*Read Article David Icke and Aleister Crowley Connection Part 1/2 by Gorilla199
*Read Article David Icke and Aleister Crowley Connection Part 2/2 by Gorilla199

In the 1960's, Wicca became commonly associated with the Goddess Diana and Rex Nemorensis (Satan in one of his many guises as World-King). At the time, Wicca very much appealed to the peace-loving bohemians dubbed hippies largely for its seemingly new approach at viewing the world as well as its seemingly strong ecological message. During the 1970's, Wicca moved toward a focus on Celtic religion in addition to the writings of Dion Fortune, Aleister Crowley, and the teachings of the Qabbalah which began to merge with Wiccan beliefs and practices. The 1980's brought Occult teaching into the mainstream under the newly named category "New Age" while the 1990's witnessed a virtual explosion of new believers including the usual peacenik liberal leftovers from the bygone hippie era at the lower end of the metaphysical spectrum to the heads of major corporations worldwide in its increasingly organized cultish Craft. Adding to the Luciferian ideology of such proponents has come a new generation of Occult metaphysical idealists in league with preparing the world for the Antichrist. As such, David Spangler, Levi Dowling, Norman Cousins, George Trevelyan, Carlos Castaneda, Abraham Maslow, Ruth Montgomery, Jeremy Rifkin, and Marilyn Ferguson all lay the blueprint for the Antichrist's false Utopia that forcibly brings in the New Age on a global scale, which in turn sets the perfect foundation from which enters the Antichrist himself on the world scene, modern Occult (New Age/metaphysical) authors are intent on warping the minds of as many people as possible in preparation for their Satanic Utopia. The authors now number in the thousands with some being more propagated than others on American talk shows such as Larry King and Oprah. They include Eckhart Tolle, Shakti Gawain, Barbara Marx Hubbard, J.Z. Knight, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and the late Elizabeth Clare Prophet to name a relative few. Some authors have even linked quantum mechanics to New Age thinking to form a new sub-genre known as Quantum Mysticism which has also received much popularity of late, along with The Secret (Law of Attraction), and other offshoots related to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which cites the physical world is only what one believes it to be, again, very dangerous things to believe in at a time when the world is entering that prophesied age of great falling away and global Satanic deception. With such media savvy among them, as well as the post-modern and increasingly globalized neo-culture itself being re-geared toward New Age thinking, the Movement has actually achieved nearly every single one of its intended goals beset by its founders, and now only awaits the final completion of their work, culminating in Antichrist. It bears noting that both the towns of Glastonbury and Tintagel, home of the reputed Camelot of King Arthur are to figure prominently in the ascension of the Antichrist.

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing

Glastonbury Town Council Meeting March 14th, 2023:
Glastonbury's 15-Minute City Zones of Agenda 2030

Sandi Adams’ speech at Glastonbury Town Council explained some of the happenings around 15-minute zones and about Agenda 2030, which is the wider framework within which the 15-minute cities and Ultra Low Emissions Zones (ULEZ) agenda. Glastonbury Town Council had a meeting on 14th March 2023 where many concerned citizens turned up at the meeting as a list had been put on the internet with Glastonbury’s name on it as a 15-minute city. Nobody apart from one man on the council appeared to know about it apart from one man who appeared to be hiding information. Most of the Council are Green Party. Some speakers were allowed on the topic, one of which was Sandi Adams. Sandi herself left the Party when it was called the Ecology Party. People who have only superficial understanding of these 15-minute cities and think they are designed to save the environment may be confused as to why people like this maybe going against ULEZ and 15-minute cities, which are cast as green policies. It’s fake green. These 15 min cities and other initiatives are not to save the planet, they are to control us and pretend to save the planet. This is quite clear when you read the documents. The plans and much infrastructure is already in place. Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are due in this year and then we can be controlled by a Chinese style Social Credit system, it will be too late. Something needs to be done, urgently. Sandi outlined her concerns and put them into wider context at the Glastonbury meeting in the above 12-minute speech and did a brilliant job. Dystopian fiction is becoming dystopian fact and will do so unless you help stop it. Lack of action is not an option if you want to be free. Permanent “zero carbon” lockdowns are intended with “climate change” as the fake justification. If you do not believe this, read the documents. They tell you. In a wider context most people must be thinking by now that something is wrong, extreme trans-activism is out of proportion and affecting increasingly younger children, covid lockdowns, mandatory vaccines have caused immense damage, mainstream (Operation Mockingbird) media propagating 15-min cities, etc. As for what is happening in Glastonbury, then I believe that there is a push to have a meeting within two weeks, before the current Chair leaves. I think Sandi also mentioned a rally and/or civil demonstration in June. The following is a speech-to-text transcript of her speech:

*Read Article The Global Initiation of Our Collective Deaths Equate to Their New Age

"We're not doing 15-minute cities. I think Glastonbury would fight it, if we represent the people of Glastonbury. The whole 15-minute city ideology is not a grassroots initiative. It's actually a global initiative as was brought in by Boris Johnson, Michael Bloomberg, and Carlos Moreno in 2004 under the C40 Cities International Organization which Sadiq Khan is now the chairman. Moreover, 15-minute cities are a top-down global plan found within Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 which highlights "17 sustainable goals" toward "net zero emissions" to supposedly head off "Climate Change" which is to be achieved by 2030. This means no flying out of the UK no ships out of the UK no cars at all um and no um you know all wood burners to be ripped out of every home and every gas Appliance we ripped out of every home by 2025. now that is a government document UK fires absolute zero and this is where we're heading for in Net Zero we will literally be imprisoned on our own Island and I you know this is this is what this top down Global control is all about you think it's a green agenda to actually save the planet. It is not. It was implemented at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 by oil billionaires, ironically, that are hoodwinking the planet. Now, I was in the green party in the 1990s. I left because it became a trojan horse for the technocratic agenda who have been planned this since at least the 1970s. Whether you know it or not, there is also a digital ID coming where the government will have all of your data in one place and underpinning this whole agenda are major capitalist stakeholders shelling out billions to make it all happen. The Covid-pushing media is even telling us about this future already, but making it sound like it's a bunch of scientists and "experts" behind all of it and that we need to live according to what they say. That's partly what Covid was all about. What's most worrying is that this whole green agenda is based on top-down control of us, we the people, It's not anything about our rights and freedoms it's about destroying our rights and freedoms. Ian, you're a butcher. Look down that list they've created and notice that by 2030, they want to get rid of meat and lamb and everything you know that sustains your business. This is ludicrous. This is all being done without our consent. You won't even be able to access your bank account or health records because everything a person is, all their data, will be made accessible by a cental authority computer connected to a digital ID. This Orwellian future they have planned will also see facial recognition and a cashless society attached to the 15-minute cities, where you won't be able to buy or sell unless you have an augmented device you wear that doubles as your link to your online digital ID. Every transaction you make will be recorded, tracked, and traced, so they will know all your habits, your likes, and even where you are at any given moment. In short, mankind is becoming a commodity for these elites, and that's what the whole global enslavement is about. This needs to change. Thank you for letting me speak."

*Read Article ABSOLUTE PROOF that the New Age Movement is the Ancient Deception of Satan
*Read Article The New Age Swastika: A Warning to Jews Regarding the Satanic New Age Movement

The UN's 17 goals are also being implemented by the World Economic Forum, working together with the EU and UN. The report I provided you proves they are bringing the kind of drone technology that will be surveilling us from the air. That same government document says they will have 900,000 drones flying in our skies by 2030. This is Glastonbury. We can action things that will go out to the whole world and that is the most important thing John that whatever happens in Glastonbury reverberates around the whole world. We have to really take some sort of action and stop this this march toward AI dystopia that is actually there to turn us into a prison planet. The coming digital ID in the West will mirror the Chinese social credit system model where you will be stopped from doing things or saying things if your credit score isn't "acceptable." And you will want to be accepted into this Beast system because not accepting it means you lose the easy life the system provided you, where you shop via Virtual Reality headsets and have everything delivered by drone to your comfortable Smart City apartment, In effect, you'll have traded in all your freedoms for mere creature comforts. So, this is the reality behind all of your green policies, that's neither green nor Democratic and is actually working against us. It will enslave us. Your giving in to green policies will enslave us all. The whole thing with CO2 emissions is a lie. As a kid, I was taught that CO2 is a life provider, as it makes green things grow. Much of CO2 rises from the sea and literally becomes the basis for oxygen itself. So I want this to be looked at properly by you because thus far, everything regarding climate change has been manipulated by an intergovernmental panel on that was set up after the '92 Rio Earth Summit to skew all the data. Look into where emails were hacked by an American finding out that the Hadley Research Center and the University of East angular were actually lying about the climate data, which actually sent the media into the whole climate change thing. Also, the Club of Rome have admitted that they've created climate change to make humanity the enemy, and that's in the first Global Revolution page 115 a very interesting Club of her own document which actually made up the bones of Agenda 2030 in 2015, when it was endorsed by American President Obama and the Pope in Rome. Anyway, that's all the stuff that I've been researching for the last 15 years. I want this town to wake up. It's actually happening, and you know it's coming at us like a railroad train. We need to do something and do something now about what's coming.

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing


It's clear that the remnant of the early 20th century's American Spiritualist movement has been manipulated by Satanic elements within MI6 (and now the CIA) to formulate a 'new paganism' to act as a modern counterfeit of Christianity that provides many 'Messiahs' and many 'gods' and ultimately the Antichrist himself, as decoys of the one true God and His three manifestations as Father, Son, and divinely-shared Holy Spirit. As a result, the New Age Movement, through its many tentacles, via books, films, seminars, and personal growth retreats, teaches that one can have one or many so-called "Spirit Guides" to help them along their path toward ascension and enlightenment, which is strikingly familiar in its spiritual intent to the 'ascension-by-degrees' method taught behind the closed doors of Masonic lodges and other such Luciferian Societies the world over. Do not be deceived, the New Age Movement is a conspiracy toward bringing the entire world into the 'One Mind' concept, a New World Order under its secular "God," Lucifer, with our world ultimately to be governed by "the One," which by this point, you know exactly where that is heading toward. With the followers of such a movement all preparing for this New Age timeframe, many of them not your average bohemian-type, but holding prominent positions in business and finance, there is no doubt you who read this have been infected by its many tentacles and tenants along the way, perhaps without you even knowing it. Somewhere in your life the New Age mindset has affected you, either by close personal contacts such as through friends or family, or even by the programs you watch, the films you see, or in the books you read. It is everywhere, literally, all around you, surging its way into the minds of billions globally. In fact, "Globalism" and the "Green Movement" themselves are only two more ways in which the New Age is attempting to ready this planet and this generation for the many changes to come by 2020. Interestingly, July 28, 2019, (or 24 Tammuz, 5779 in the Jewish calendar), is a date which Grail researcher and author Tim Wallace-Murphy cites as relating to a coming Apocalypse, which, as already proven, their false New Age Apocalypse is certainly not the Biblical one, where evil is put down for good. [In fact, their 'Apocalypse' is what actually brings the Antichrist to power.] The date he arrived at comes from his research into Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel, or more precisely, the Masonic builders' placement of seven round stones prominently placed within. The seven rounded stones are believed to correspond to the seven major planets known by the ancients (the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), as well as seven local cathedrals (at Amiens, Paris, Chartres, Orleans, Toulouse in France and Compostela in Spain) depicted by the stones that oddly enough, will be exactly matched by the astronomical sky pattern of the seven planets, on one key date, July 28th in the year 2019. Will August 2019 therefore bring something akin to a "purification"? Pursuant to the Book of Revelation, this moment could be, as Wallace-Murphy believes, "an Apocalyptic creation...not a destruction of the world, but a transformation toward a New Age on earth." Such New Age authors speak of just such a time when the current world system is to soon be replaced with the establishment of a "New Age" by which mankind shall finally unite under one Occult hero of legend, exactly as Lucifer and his 'illuminated' men have long planned.

*Read Article The New Age Deception: The Other Side of Darkness - From a Women's Perspective
*Read Article New Age Judaism: Jews Already the Targets of Celtic Witchcraft & Neo-Paganism
*Read Article Christ Versus the New Age Infiltration of Today's Christian Church

In 2019, New Age author and Occult guru Marianne Williamson entered the 2020 presidential race and received much attention at the July 30th CNN Debate with her correctly announcing that "Dark psychic forces" were overtaking the nation and that only love could turn the tide. Almost immediately after she said those words, she was suddenly the most searched candidate on Google that night in every state in the country except Montana. Having not seen her for decades since I used to watch her new age "Church of Today" telecast in late 90's. I was one of those who wanted to catch up with her and see what her site had to offer. This is what I found: "There are two distinct audiences for the Democratic primary debate on Tuesday: people who will tune in to see a long row of aspiring presidents snipe at one another over policy differences, and those who want to watch the orb queen Marianne Williamson resonate frequencies of love into the universe. If you’re one of the latter, might we interest you in the “occult task force” being organized on an orb-festooned Reddit page “to influence the events at the debate so that Marianne gets as much airtime as possible.” Maximum airtime is critical, because it was arguably Williamson’s closing argument during the first debates last month that won her this unique fan club: about equal parts professed occultists, liberal peaceniks and ironic memeophiles who just want to cover the election in orb emojis. Long before she entered politics, Williamson attained celebrity as an Oprah-proximate New Age spiritualist, churning out best-selling books with titles such as “The Law of Divine Compensation,” “Illuminata.” Various mystics, occultists and magicians have begun to frequent [her] Reddit group. Victoria Santapau, 31, reads tarot cards for customers in a park near Asheville, N.C., as a weekend gig. She had never seen Williamson speak before the debate and came to the Reddit group several days later. “I’m 100 percent convinced Marianne is gonna be our next president,” she wrote on the forum. “No other Democratic candidate is utilizing chaos magick principles like she is.” Chaos magick is a postmodern occult belief system that dates to the 1970s, and bears similarities to the “Course in Miracles” that Williamson preaches, insofar as both treat reality as a fungible thing that can be manipulated with ritualized thoughts. The candidate initially embraced the orb memeing in good humor, going so far as to post a picture of herself as a fantasy anime character this month. But she has more recently been arguing with people on Twitter who find some of her performances “cultlike.” “I am very, very concerned about the word occultist,” Williamson’s communication director Patricia Ewing wrote when asked about the evolving fanbase. She said she had been unaware that witches and chaos magicians now mingled with the ironic orb memers." Now, am I the only one that finds it ironic how Williamson's own communication director finds Witches and Chaos Magicians circling the campaign "concerning," but is working for a candidate who herself is awash in the New Age movement and writes books with such titles as "Illuminata"? As correct as candidate Williamson is regarding Trump's obvious bent toward racism, division, and general evil, it should forever be noted that New Age principals and theory are still not the opposite of those demonic traits seen in the President. Personally, I've always found New Age adherents to be wonderful people, individually, who mostly only want good for the planet as they see it. The issue here is they've been brainwashed into accepting Lucifer as the Light, or New Age Christ, in direct opposition to Jesus Christ who explicitly warned about false christs rising in the last days that support the Antichrist agenda.

*Read Article What You Should Know About the New Age Movement and Demonic Possession

Researchers say more and more Americans, particularly millennials, are turning away from traditionally dominant religions like Christianity. A study conducted in 1990 showed there were probably around 8,000 practicing witches nationwide at that time. Recent studies looking at practicing Wiccans and Pagans indicate there could be as many as 1.5 million in the U.S. now. That officially eclipses Presbyterians, who number about 1.4 million.

More Practicing Witches in the US Than Ever Before

Knowing that New Age Movement is already setting the Pagan foundation for the future One World Church, it's also becoming quite clear that the current New World Order itself with its anti-christ policies and rampant injustice toward immigrants and others are clearly playing out its purposed role of the global version of 'bad cop' in archetypal figures like Trump that offer a strong contrast with rising of the world's 'good cop' in Antichrist. This will be done in order to deceive the world that the older 'New World Order' has fallen, like Babylon, while a new, seemingly incorruptible New World rises in its place, like a phoenix from the ashes, as it were. The more liberal youth of the world are being perfectly primed and ready for such a change on the other side of the Trump 2.0 backlash that is all but inevitable heading into 2030. However, their ongoing problem now and increasingly in the future is that they are too blind to see that their bent toward world peace has already been manipulated by those same globally controlling elites from the old world order that backed both Hitler and Trump toward evil infamy. The ruling Elites have seen to it that the current Order must fall if their master's New World Order is to begin. As such, this has been prepared for centuries ago and anything happening today is hardly newly devised. The elites still guard all the doors and hold all the keys, to quote one of their own films. It is they who've created the vacuum by which many in the anarchist world are rushing to fill in, seeing themselves as well-equipped avengers against "The World System," completely falling for the lie devised by those they only think they're against. In their own short-sightedness, as they can only see the obvious decoys of America and Israel dangling in their faces, while the true evil is protected in Europe to operate with impunity, even as they are always at the forefront for creating the next agenda for their 'truthers' to believe in, so that they may more perfectly establish the framework that best results in the piecemeal acceptance of an "Anti-Illuminati World Leader" coming, who will be none other than the Biblical Antichrist himself. And this exact same dynamic is seen being directed at every religion and fringe group or cult in the world today, with such Antichrist mind control being custom tailored for each individual in order to cause as much mass acceptance and blind servitude toward Satan as possible, befitting precisely what Revelation tells us in Revelation 13 about the world's mass faith in a New Messiah. Ironically, Prince William has already been touted in some alternative media as being completely "anti-Illuminati," thus, the stage is set, and the most grand of deceptions is nigh. As the New Age Movement continues to infect the reprobate minds of those ignorant enough not to even see it, its rank and file will only increase as the world is given its signal that we must enter into a completely New Aeon or face the extinction of our species. In one recent video seen online titled "The New Age Messiah is Alive and Returning," I stated the following "Even the intro depicts a mark on the forehead, and spiral universe (666-like) on the hand. How do you people not see it? Forehead and hand, marked with the backdrop of a Metaphysical Utopia ascended, where have we heard that before? Your New Age video is replete with Lucifer's "You can be as God," lie wrapped in a gorgeous, mind-altering, metaphysical, shiny New Age (western occultism mixed meets eastern mysticism) package. Given all we are being inundated with today in the media, including books and in film, who can even deny anymore that a New Age Messiah is coming? His "New World" Utopian order will be touted more like a green "Global Village" than the Orwellian prison it actually becomes. This is precisely why Satan is deceiving youth today with the very things his Antichrist will bring tomorrow."

*Read Article New Ager Explains the 'Four Ways that the New Age Movement Has Tricked You'
*Read Article Judaism and New Age: Religious Communities in Israel Turning to New Age Beliefs
*Read Article SATANISTS RUNNING OUR INSTITUTIONS -Deceptive New Age Website "Exposing Satan"

Under his leadership, the same loud voices that make up his future Kingdom today, on both the left and the right, will rally behind his radical global changes tomorrow. They will demand his Masonic devised "Global Constitution" to be the synthesis that finally makes a complete break to everything of the former world system, with its formerly dying political, banking, financial, and religious mandates, in order to save our One World to unlock its "inevitable Golden Age." Of course, this is all in counterfeit of Christ's coming Millennial rule. According to God's own text attributed to Him, such ideological thinking was first reasoned by a Serpent in a Garden long ago, citing man could become as God via changing the established beliefs man held, about himself *as* God. How could today's man, with all his superior advancements and great knowledge, be any less flattered, corruptible, or so easily beguiled? In the modern New Age Luciferian belief system, the world is an existing living entity and one that is equal to us, or dominates us, depending on which New Age author you are reading. They all say they believe the earth is a living entity needing to be nurtured and cared for more than it has been since the Industrial revolution, something which is blatantly obvious, yet that single and obvious well-sounding belief and foundational tenant has done more to capture already liberal-minded people into accepting all the rest of the New Age agenda, therefore much of the New Age's own trappings of world peace, global healing, and everything else that is obvious we need in the world is acting as the well-manicured front, a cover to mask its real sinister intentions while bringing into its fold countless millions, just as it was originally designed to do. Now while the New Age Movement does espouse honesty, integrity, love, peace, etc., it also wants to assimilate all those same Godly ideals into the context of a very Anti-Godly belief system. A disproportionate amount of New Age Movement books, articles, and texts contain the word “self” or self-help, etc. This is because man, either in the singular sense, or the allegory of collective mankind, is always the central figure (as he is the one Satan is trying to deceive) for example, one must constantly ascend, achieve the next higher degree and improve one’s “self” to become one with nature and god (or Goddess). They deny God because the New Age 'god' is impersonal with no specific requirements as to morality, belief, and behavior, or judgment. This is why the eastern mysticism and now New Age incorporated idea of reincarnation appeals so much to them. With it, there is no judgment, there is no eternal punishment. In so doing, they have fallen for Satan's oldest and most well-known lie, that we can become our own God's if we simply deny God to accept Lucifer's plan for world order. Only later does man discover it was all to promote Satan's own agenda of human destruction. The deception even found within the way the New Age Movement is now trying desperately to distance itself from Satan is incredible, with everything from articles attempting to seemingly denounce Satan and the Occult (which is kind of like a leopard trying to denounce its spots) to holding major New Age conferences that hold countless workshops and lectures making it seem New Agers are the world's next spiritual heroes after the impending Collapse, and they will be. Satan will give them that much, until the New Age grows itself into his One World Religion that the Scriptures refer to as the Whore of Babylon.

*Read Article The Old Gods = Demons; Rendered in the Greek as δαίμων
*Read Article Daemonologie: by King James; Pagan Folk Spirits = Demons
*Read Article Revisiting the Ancient Accounts that Demons Created Merlin

Understand, while it seems on the surface that the New Age has no actual leaders to speak of, it does. Its leaders are the same men in power who control every nefarious work being established for the coming Antichrist. In fact, the New Age religion is needed by the Antichrist, if only to centralize the world's former religions under a singular Anti-Christian belief system, whereby Satan can wholesale bring his flock to the slaughter later. Revelation 17-18 proves this, when it speaks of the Ten Kings having power just one hour with the Beast, so that the Whore of Babylon can be sacrificed, and burned, with her flesh, eaten. As I watch those trapped in the New Age, in various websites on the internet, who cannot hope to find their way out, not ever seeing an exit, or feeling they should need one, I have warned: "This is the basis of all New Age and metaphysical thought, which started in the Garden of Eden with Satan's conversations with Eve. It was a lie then and has gone global today. Mark my words, this will get you nowhere, ultimately, no matter how intriguing or intelligent it sounds to your unlearned ears today. Most of you here, of course, won't ever see where this path actually leads, in your current human perspective(s), and you will naturally take my words with great offense even though my warning shouldn't attach itself with being offended. You must be warned, nonetheless. The traditional Christian path is where the right path back to Heaven actually resides, not in LHP, or tantric sex, or in chakras, or mystic breathing, or in spells, or any pagan god or goddess tradition by which demonic entities use to shackle your soul, to keep you bound from ever recognizing the true Light of the Divine. Christ has nothing to do with the eastern mysticism, or what is perceived today in earth and/or cosmic religions, or even in the Hebrew Occultism, that this video uses (that's also found in the occult-tainted works of Babylon, so derived to formulate the mystical Talmud and Zohar). I could go on, but the warning has been made. If you ever keep an open mind to anything, always reserve at least a part of your mind, open, that all of this, is just another attempt of Satan to steer you increasingly further away with ever subtle blandishments, that while sounding as a path toward perfection, or "Godhood," it is actually the "divine" path only unto himself, Satan, and not our Creator. Our time in this world is not to collect gnosis, by which we are to save ourselves, as Satan would love for our time to be wasted with. Our time is best spent in loving our neighbor and doing good, but more importantly, saving others in the name of Christ, daily, not in reading gnostic texts, burning incense, and trying in some vain attempt to become (or equate) ourselves with Christ by using the Occult-laden knowledge of twisted magical systems. The only quicker path to Hell than Gnostic, Occult or Kabalistic magical systems, would be to fully embrace Theistic Satanism itself, which, ironically, but not coincidentally, contains much of these same Gnostic beliefs."

This is not by accident either; as we all should know by now there is a shadow order who have very strict intentions about humanity’s future, especially building a world-wide centralized control-system which is dressed up in a pretty outfit so it’s welcomed by the masses. Anyone who has their critical thinking engaged can see that this dark Occult agenda has influenced the New Age movement, just like it has with basically everything else. The fact remains that the divide and conquer strategy is rampant among the truth and freedom movements. Not only that, certain concepts and themes have been pushed within spiritual circles to not just deactivate us, but dehumanize us.

4 Ways the New Age Movement Has Tricked You

The New Paganism (which in its most current form of transgenderism is both anti-Christian and anti-science) is deeply committed to the use of state power to quell opposition, Christian or otherwise. This was recently proven in the case of a British feminist who was interrogated by police because her tweets questioning the castration of a sixteen-year-old boy were deemed hate speech and prejudicial to transgenderism. All dissenters, not just Christians, should be appalled by such raw use of state power to suppress opposing views. The New Paganism is bound to think America would be better if it were rid of Christians altogether.

Riddled with pre-science superstitions better belonging to pagan barbarism, the New Paganism is dead set against any restraints whatsoever. Christians, however, know human will is capable of great evil, particularly when it brooks no restraint. They know human will must be restrained by allegiance to a higher law than the state. They know the New Paganism is horribly regressive and inevitably oppressive, as are all ideologies that permit the absolute ascendency of human will, be it the will of an elite class or individuals. The ineluctable descent of the sexual revolution into bestiality, pedophilia and the mutilation of the human body in order to create a facsimile of the opposite sex are revelatory of a truly barbarous religion.

State Enforced Paganism in America

Despite the vast ignorance of those who wish to remain willingly blind to it, the Bible predicted it all, from Cain's lineage, their evil workings, control, empires, even to the Antichrist himself, not to mention the attributes of today's New Age adherents who will comprise that of his future following. 2 Timothy Chapter 3 speaks thusly: "This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, having a form of Godliness (desiring peace, unity, and love for all) but denying the Power [God] thereof. From such, turn away." In other words, in the Last Days, along with Antichrist there will arise those that have a form of Godliness and Godly attributes yet deny God. Does not the same Scriptures teach us that denying God, as the Father and Son, is the spirit of Antichrist? Therefore, what the Scriptures are actually telling us is that the New Age Movement today and all its current followers are, in effect, the very spirit of the Antichrist, as they will be the ones to formulate and work for his future globalized religion, even as they are already doing. From such we are to turn away from, yet what if someone were to effectively show them the Hell they are going to bring upon our children, and upon us all, what if we resisted this coming New Order? The Bible actually tell us that there will be an effective Resistance Movement countering the Antichrist Order at the time of his reign. This prophecy is found in the Book of Daniel 11:32-35 and details how it is mostly comprised of newly converted Israeli/Jewish Believers in Christ, who despite how the Antichrist openly mocks the God of the Bible during the latter half of his reign, shall then become acutely aware of and 'know their God,' performing great exploits in the Name of God. However, as the prophecy goes on to explain, many of them will be hunted down and killed by forces of the Antichrist and die as Christian martyrs. These forces of the Antichrist will certainly comprise all facets of the global New Age Antichrist society, offering up Christians to be executed thinking they are doing their 'god' a service. This proves that while the New Age Movement and its followers might believe in the attributes of love, 'God-sanctioned homosexuality,' and seemingly Godly tolerance overall, it is all an empty sham and counterfeit of Satan to ensnare the unsaved world. In time, Satan's Antichrist will have so twisted the minds of that future "Utopian society," many of its New Age citizens that once espoused tolerance and peace will eventually outright hate, hunt down, and murder anyone professing Christ as their King, as well as being staunch pro-life and anti-gay, believing these true Christians to be the greatest hindrance to world peace. Christ Himself prophesied of this, that they shall hate us who bear His name, even delivering us up to the magistrates, and judges, to be put to death. In this, fear not for the Scripture states that, while losing this life, we shall yet 'possess our souls,' meaning, for eternity.

*Read Article More Proof That Church of Satan's Anton LaVey Was a Theistic Satanist, Not a Typical Atheist
*Read Article Church of Satan Founder Anton LaVey Once Told New Agers to Give Satan His Religion Back

Because a great majority of Antichrist's current earthly Kingdom worship demons, and will allow their bodies to be used as spiritual conduits, meaning, possessed by other entities not themselves, is precisely why many New Age books today glamorize the allowing of demonic spirits into their own bodies, called "walk-ins." Of course, it isn't ever told to duped readers of such metaphysical books that they are opening up their human vessel and physical homes to be taken over by demons, because they are told that these very real entities are merely loved ones who have passed, ancestral beings, or better yet, "benign angels." However, no matter the sugar-coated packaging, this is nothing more than demonic possession, whereby a greater gateway is created allowing increasingly more wicked spirits to leave their "dry places" that Christ referenced by which demons dwell when in-between possessing humans or animals, and enter their much more favorable abode, a physical body, of which they lack. The Bible clearly warns us that we are to remove ourselves from such people who engage in Occult practices, for in their own ignorance have they given themselves over to the same curse as the Devil they unknowingly worship. Thus, in their own insolence have they chosen their fate, and punishment, not heeding the many warnings given by God in His word not to tamper with demonology, black magick, and the Occult. Jesus also said of this: "As the days of Noah were (when demons began to infect man) so shall the same be at the Return of Christ. Therefore, from the most radical New Age believer to those caught somewhere in between, in time everyone will see what this New Age Movement is bringing upon the world - Final Armageddon at the hands of the Antichrist, period. There is no amount of space given to which I cannot stress that one single point enough. Satan and his seed upon this planet are quickly rounding up and infecting an entire army of people in order to stand with him both at the time Antichrist appears, as well as when Christ returns to judge the world at Armageddon, seven years later. Of course, being that the adherents of this New Age generation have unwittingly followed Lucifer himself, God is ready, even certain, to judge accordingly every one that has chosen the Fallen Angel Lucifer over the Risen Lord Christ. Our Creator has set before us Life (Christ) and Death (Satan/Anti-Christ), telling us to choose Life (Deut. 30:19), yet just as it was for the Angels before us at the time of Lucifer's War against Heaven, it is still, as then, ultimately our choice alone. Satan can only counterfeit what God has in store for the world, global peace, unity, and eternal life prosperity, therefore his attempt at counterfeiting that true New Age in Heaven with his false "New Age" on earth is merely the counterfeit all that God has prepared for us. Now we can fully grasp as to why God explicitly commanded that there should not be an allowance for these generational Witches, who were literally born into Satan's craft and lineage, to live within human society, for they work only toward one goal, which is Satan's goal, the destruction of mankind. For if Satan can defeat mankind, then he knows he has defeated at least a part of God via His creation.

*Read Forum: The PROJECT AVALON Forum: Is Prince William the Future Antichrist?
*Read Article New Age Glastonbury: A Construction of Occult Religious Movements
*Read Article The Official Glastonbury Annual Rock Music Festival Website

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing

Upon the Sands of UK's Cornwall's 'Arthurian Coastline' the G-7 are Pictured with the Queen Making a Total of 10
Antichrist London Whore of Babylon City Satanic Crown Temple Bar Royal Queen England UK EU Rothschild Conspiracy Apocalypse Evil Bloodline Grail Corruption Pedophile Priest Sex Abuse Pope Queer Gay Homosexual Jesuit Roman Catholic Church Vatican City Rome Seven Hills Babylon America Satanic Religion Pagan Goddess Diana Worship Mary Hecate Witchcraft Blood Human Sacrifice Druids Satanic Ritual Abuse Project Monarch Mind Control Globalist New World Order Antichrist London Whore of Babylon City Satanic Crown Temple Bar

And as I stood upon the sand of the sea, I saw the Beast rise up out of the sea,
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns were ten crowns and
upon his heads were each a name of blasphemy against God.
- Revelation 13:1

The Traditions of Glastonbury Connect Jesus Christ with King Arthur

THE MISTS OF AVALON: There’s not a man in sight. And that evocative title! The Mists of Avalon. I’d already read — and loved — T. H. White’s The Once and Future King, which had led me to Howard Pyle’s take on Arthurian legend, as well as John Steinbeck’s. I still cannot imagine anything more perfectly aligned with my thirteen-year-old sensibilities than Marion Zimmer Bradley’s masterpiece. The Mists of Avalon also gave me a glimpse of spiritual possibilities beyond male-dominated, male-defined religions. In retrospect, I can see that it gave me ways of seeing that helped me find the feminine even within patriarchal systems while studying religion as an undergrad. The impact of this book lingers in my feminism, certainly, but it also influenced my scholarly interest in folklore, and it still informs my personal spirituality. By the time I left home for a women’s college in 1989, I’d reread The Mists of Avalon several times. I arrived ready to smash the Patriarchy.

And then, in 2014, Moira Greyland, Marion Zimmer Bradley’s daughter, told the world that her mother had sexually abused her and many other children for more than a decade. Bradley’s husband and Greyland’s father — died in prison after being convicted of molesting a child. (Greyland says that there were many, many more victims.) Learning that the author who introduced me to feminine spirituality and the hidden side of history abused children — girls and boys, her own daughter — was horrifying in an existential kind of way. I no longer recommend The Mists of Avalon to other readers, and I can’t imagine burdening a child with it... I am still haunted by the voices she silenced.

The Book That Made Me a Feminist Was Written by an Abuser

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing

GLASTONBURY/AVALON: The Official New Age capital and Occult Mecca within the Pagan's world going as far back to the ancient Druids. It sits upon the most powerful ley line in Britain, the same ley line which also passes through Buckingham Palace, where Prince William grew up as a child. The Tor was believed to be the gateway to Anwwn, the Celtic Heaven or Otherworld, a gateway to the dark twilight realm of the dead where spirits travel back and forth into our world from the depths of Annwn (Hell). Because of this belief, Glastonbury Tor has been called the 'holiest earthe of all England' and 'the most pagan of hills' by pagans who deem it to be their version of the mythic World Mountain, where heaven meets earth. It was and still is a beacon to those in modern witchcraft, Wicca, neo-Druidism, new age, as well as certain Theistic sects of Satanism, and is forever to be seen as a stronghold to those souls who venerate and worship the Sidhe; the old gods (demons). As a result, Glastonbury Tor to those in the know, is in effect Satan's Zion, his temple on earth from which the coming Antichrist will also have a special affinity toward, as well as other places throughout Britain which also hold important Occult significance for one reason or another. There is a folk belief that alludes to the creation of the 'hollow hill' of Glastonbury Tor as being the result of a fallen beast from the sky who crashed into the earth creating a vast tunnel deep below the surface, and that 'strange angels' or creatures can be seen all around the area surrounding it, which might answer why UFO sightings as well as other Occult phenomena are still associated with Glastonbury and its Tor to this very day. I've also noticed a very disturbing trend of late regarding Glastonbury, and that is it is also trying to be the international site where conspiracy conferences are held, with industry speakers such as David Icke, Ian Crane, Michael Tsarion, etc. This is dangerous because what's really happening there is Glastonbury [the Mythic Avalon of King Arthur] is already being set up as the anti-New World Order capital of the world, when, as you know from reading this website, Glastonbury is actually the main spiritual hub for all things future, New Age, and Antichrist. What is the underlying religion pinning such New Age precepts with its most Satanic counterpart, from the ancient to modern world? Druidism. Consequently, expect Druidism and Judaism to mesh into one, becoming that global religion by which Antichrist and his False Prophet cause Craft to prosper in his hand. As a result, the world will have not one, but two twin spiritual strongholds in that era coming, Glastonbury and Jerusalem. As such, Antichrist will use Glastonbury in the future as his One-world Center for Transformation whereby people everywhere can travel there to become not enlightened, spiritually awakened or "freed," as they'll be led into believing, yet spiritually twisted, completely brainwashed, and deceived. In short, Avalon is growing at an alarming rate into becoming something far surpassing just the "Occult Mecca of the World" and into something more akin to the Antichrist's version of a "New Jerusalem."

*Read Article Queen Elizabeth II was Inducted as a Druid High Priestess, Human Sacrifices in 1946
*Read Article Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's (Church of England) Honoring as a Welsh Druid 2002
*Read Article British Government Names Modern Druidism as an Official State Religion in 2010
*Read Article Mystic Christianity: Mixes Arthurian/Templar Heretical Concepts into Christianity
*Read Article "Celtic Spirituality" is Turning Today's Unwitting Christians Into New Age Pagans
*Read Article Great Falling Away: "Celtic Christianity" Leads Directly into Arthurian Paganism
*Read Article Celtic-Christianity: Occult Enterprise to Steer Christians into New Age Thinking
*Read Article The Glastonbury Legend Stakes Glastonbury as 'The New Age Jerusalem'
*Read Article Avalon Rising: Glastonbury as the New Jerusalem for a New Golden Age

Another legend referring to the Tor as 'Dragon Hill' has it that a great serpent, wounded, fell from the heavens and washed up on the ancient shores of Britain where he was tended by Druid priests where the Tor rests today, which is to explain why the peculiar Dragon shape can be seen from above as forming this massive 500 foot hill which seemingly has the outline of a large dragon, its serpentine body spiraling upward. Interestingly, the Tor of Avalon even crosses paths with the Magdalene mythos as it is believed by some within the Occult that the former harlot herself was buried at the very top, where St. Michael's Tower stands today. Every year, thousands of counterculture, pagans, druids, wiccans, witches, and others flock within the confines of Glastonbury Tor, climbing its spiral/spine to witness a portion of the mystery that has long been attributed to Avalon, to imagine what was and what will be again. In ancient times, Glastonbury was called Ynys Witrin, or Glass Island, yet is better known by the name Avalon, the reputed burial site of King Arthur and the place from which legend states he shall return again. Curiously, another piece of the Antichrist identity is found within Glastonbury itself, as its infamous ruined Glastonbury Abbey is reputed to be the burial site of King Arthur and found to be 666 feet long. The Glastonbury Tor itself will also be represented at the 2012 Opening Ceremony of the XXX Olympic Games to be held in London. Also planned is the Glastonbury Thorn tree at the apex of the hill, instead of Saint Michael's Mount, an obvious Christian symbol. The Glastonbury Thorn Tree, connected to Joseph of Arimathea, and thus Christ Himself, is not well known among the global masses, but a large "World Tree" (not unlike the YggDrasil, or the Occult 'Tree of Life') taking its place, will have a more apparent pagan significance. It is planned that all of the national flags of the world will surround the base of the Tor, while the Tree takes greater prominence, as if to portray the world united under its Arthurian influence, which certainly is the larger point. It was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil by which Satan held dominion over mankind ever since. Glastonbury has spawned a growing, worldwide movement of paganism that has not ceased from the dark ages when Celtic Briton was shrouded in ancient mists to the present day. Since the time of Christ, the movement has easily been able to effectively switch between two personas, for while being the Occult Mecca of the world, it has managed to go under a faked Christian identity in the face of a powerful Roman Church in order so they would never be destroyed, and always be able to carry on their secret work in preparing the world for their false Messiah to come. The decoy religion they created as a result is today called Mystic Christianity, and to a greater extent, what is known as Celtic Christianity stands at the very heart of what is deceiving the Anglo-Christian world today. Both teach the same heretical revelation called 'The Traditions of Glastonbury,' which states that as a Child, our Lord Jesus Christ supposedly spent His "lost years" in Britain being taught by the oak-venerating Druids, the supposed source of Christ's later healing power, thus circumventing the Holy Spirit completely. Like Mormonism does, they also teach that King Arthur was related to Israel's King David, with Arthur being a tenth descendant from Joseph of Arimathea (Mary's brother) as if to establish a direct bloodline and spiritual connection between Christ, the Son of God, and Antichrist, the Son of Satan.

*Read Article Prince Charles is a Gorsedd Druid Council Member
*Read Article UK Druid Performs Mock Sacrifices in Very Bizarre Ritual
*Read Article Bizarre Rituals of Ancient Druids Seen in Closing Ceremony
*Read Article Druidic [Satanic] Symbolism Found in Masonry & Christianity
*Read Article Prince William Urges Ecology from Base of Ancient Oak Tree
*Read Article Actual Dark Ages King Arthur May Have Been a ‘Celtic Superhero’
*Read Article Satanic Artwork Depicting Druid Sacrifices Looking Like King's Painting
*Read Article Article Predicts that Prince William Might Become "King Arthur" Upon His Coronation

We were warned of it all, this belief that the Bible prophesied would be an end-time teaching of demons and doctrine of Devils, for it prepares weak, liberal, minds into accepting the coming Antichrist as a seemingly God-sanctioned new Messiah figure. in fact, because of the Traditions of Glastonbury, we have "Celtic Christianity," which works on a very subtle level to youth into the Occult. It is these same Occult-led 'Celtic Christians' of today which are seducing Christian traditionalists to shift their thinking as to prepare them for a new kind of Christianity to come. Already there are those seemingly representing the Catholic Church albeit in pagan Glastonbury form that is attempting to bring together Christians, Jews, and Witches together under one common belief that shall serve as the foundation for the coming globally-unified "church" under the command of the False Prophet and the Antichrist, an entirely new religion that ultimately places the Antichrist as some kind of Alchemical Solar Christ presiding over a New Age. The Celtic Druids: An ancient Pagan priesthood who worshipped the "forces of nature" as gods, the chief of which being an extremely ancient Sun God they called 'Lugh' (Lucifer). Today, self-professed Druids around Britain and the world claim the ancient Celtic religion for themselves, yet they are hardly authentic priests of original Celtic Druidism or should in any way be called Druids. Much of the original Druidic culture and wisdom was vanquished at the hands of Roman invaders circa 450 AD. Moreover, Druidic wisdom was never written down, but was a magickal tradition passed from one generation to the next leaving little of authentic Druidism that can be discerned after the Roman destruction by those who vainly think themselves to be actual Druids today. For much in the same way that Cainites breed only their own stock and in so doing pass the ancient secrets of their heritage from one generation to the next, so too it is with (authentic) Druidism. Evidence of Celtic Druidism is still found in the most rural areas along the wind-swept plains, craggy shores, and stone-circles of Britain and Wales even today, yet they themselves are so utterly elusive that nothing about the reality of these more authentic descendants of ancient Druids can be said with any absolute air of certainty, which is ironically in line with their traditional covert nature. One rite we know that is still practiced by those carrying on the original Druidic tradition from the dark ages is the rite of human sacrifice, whose similarities are also seen in theistic Satanism today (theistic Satanism is descended from ancient Celtic Druidism). The Celtic Druid prophecy about a Celtic King to return who reestablishes the Druid religion as well as carrying out their ancient vengeance against the Church which destroyed them is something yet to be. From the Druids such illuminated wisdom came, and according to them, their blazing "Sun-god of White Light" will return, "bringing back the balance that was lost to time."

*Read Article 1946 Film of Young Princess Elizabeth Becoming a Druid
*Read Article Satanic Sex Cult Found to be Operating in Wales on Trial
*Read Article Ancient Mystery Babylon in the Rise of Modern Paganism
*Read Article The Celtic Otherworld is Bleeding Through -A Must Read
*Read Listing The Glastonbury Communicator: Back Issues 1984-1989
*Read Article Exposing Satanic Druidism: Sample of 'Diverse Druids'
*Read Article A Solar Witch Cult is Operating in Northern Wales

What is a Witch? A female Druid, and similar servant of the Devil, and proudly so. Many witches who are indeed, generational, passing their evil down their own genealogical tree, do so in full service to Satan's every wish and desire for them, as his literal children in the world. Because Satan knows (and hates) that women can create life, he chooses anyone who would be insidious enough to follow him, destroy life. This most often takes the form of witches killing their own, or the infants of another witch, within their own coven or cabal. In his immeasurable hatred of Christ and the true Church, does Satan have his children partake of the [Blood] Red Meal, comprised of human flesh for bread or manna, and human blood for wine, also known as the Sabbat Meal of the Black Mass. In their consumption of the "sacred communion," and in accordance with whatever individual traditions that various coven then place within their own "tradition," does their human cannibalism often provide them fleeting powers of the supernatural. These powers can range from a counterfeit form of prophecy ("the sight"), to having one or more of Satan's demons do their specific bidding, known as "magic(k)." Glastonbury itself is the focal point of all Witchcraft in the world, which is why it is often referred to as "Satan's Jerusalem." This is why not only witches, but pagans of every stripe have, are, and will set up shop there in order to recruit others into their twisted mindset, in whatever form that may take. Understand, taking the initiation of 3-degrees to become a witch, you are telling your Creator and the entire spirit world that you want to become a child of Hell, because Hell is your reward. While Satanic Witches do employ a strict adherence to the worship of Satan, ultimately, Satan only needs for a soul to be tempted just enough toward liberalism, or the more common witchcraft, or even the New Age, or simply rejecting Christ as Lord, to corrupt that soul and have them descend into Hell forever. In other words, the vast majority of Hell's population had no idea that they served the Devil in some minor capacity while yet in the flesh, and yet have found themselves in Sheol, where they exist now, just the same. Thus, no matter if one lived as Voltaire, Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, or Hitler, the punishment by God is the exact same. Why Satan has his Druids, Witches, and others kill in his name, is obvious. It's the same reason why he desires that all commit the most atrocious and inhumane acts as often as possible, even if it's simple hate -- because Satan desires that each of God's unique creation enter the same everlasting punishment of Hell that he must endure. So, in a time that we are witnessing the numbers involved in Witchcraft soar, especially among today's Millennials and pre-teens, Satan is given that much more power to kill us all, as a human species, including themselves. The irony of those getting involved in Satanism cannot be pointed out enough. Satan literally HATES you, no matter who you are. Satan only uses you to achieve his own selfish aims against God, period. This is the truth behind Satan's entire agenda, as simple and sick and self-serving as it truly is.

*Read Article Mystery Attack of Holy Thorn Tree Connecting 'Celtic Christianity' with New Age Teachings
*Read Article The Druid's Summer Solstice Marked by Satanic Sacrifices of Animals in Cornwall, England
*Read Article Sheep Stabbed to Death and Painted with Satanic Symbols Found in neo-Druid's New Forest

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing


The power of Avalon, and indeed, the entire Arthurian legend, is not a fancy of days gone by. We need only look around us to find ample proof of its relevancy. Tales of Arthur, Morgan Le Fay and Merlin fill today’s bookshelves. Psychologists, fantasy writers, Celtic scholars and personal growth proponents have all gained insight...many Wiccan and Pagan groups draw heavily from the realm of Arthur and find a path of spiritual growth symbolized in the Quest for the Grail and the Code of Chivalry. At the end of his life, Arthur was borne on the barge to her [Avalon's] shores to await Britain’s need. So too has Avalon’s memory been kept alive through the tales of that Once and Future King. Hidden in shadow, the barest glimmer of all which once was Avalon whispers to us from the traditions of Arthurian legend. And, like Arthur, her re-emergence comes at a time of great need.

The Sisterhood of Avalon

When this celestial Round Table manifests on earth, it will be chaired by a Merovingian descendant of King Arthur who was the fabled Guardian of the Grail during his particular era of history. Another New Age book titled 'The Light Shall Set You Free' recalling 'King Arthur's olde mandate' at Glastonbury Avalon confirms that England will be the future center for world Transformation. It will be through 'the Grail in England' that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the Seventh Golden Age.

You cannot escape destiny. You cannot escape change. Join the future in unity. And look for him to come as well, for he will come. He will show the way. The voice of Albion, Let it be. The King Stag [Cernunnos/Satan] will appear as Guardian, the Great Bear at his heels, then will the Golden Age be upon us. Resist and your world will be destroyed. Resist and I shall destroy you myself.

Arthur, Dragon-Son come to life, will you walk once again by my side?

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 15-16, 282

To save the Earth [from destruction]
One is brought back into modern times
To recover and teach an Ancient Magic
The world is then forced to a New [World] Order

The Quatrains speak of an individual being 're-born of Arthur' to lead the Druidic re-construction. He is 'the One' from the 20 + 1 on whose head success or failure seems to lie. He also appears to be the same 'One' who is charged with joining the Three Lost Books in One, in accord with [a much] older prophecy.

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 402, 400

This book figures around the retelling and clarification of an obscure and scattered series of Welsh tales concerning the boyhood of King Arthur, collected from a variety of sources including the National Museum of Wales, local populace, rare manuscripts both published & obscure (some housed in private collections in Wales/England and the public and University libraries at Cardiff, Oxford, London & Dublin. All accounts deal with the apprenticeship of the boy-King Arthur, under the mentorship of Merlyn, the last of the Druids, who represents the culmination of Britain's mystic past.

The 21 Lessons of Merlyn p. 1

Merlin permeates most Western magical traditions, Aleister Crowley being no exception, thus we have a wide field to explore. We have in Merlin the exemplification of shamanism. Merlin also offers an additional perspective into the "Enochian Visions." Merlin does not die, Merlin is not just an obscure figure of legend and history, but a very real force to be embraced.

Temple of Set: The Order of Merlin

I believe that the Chalice is destined to become the symbol for the New Age dawning, and it is my hope that Chalice Well may once more fulfill the inspiring mission of acting as a gateway through which revelation for coming times may flow, radiating from there [Avalon] across Britain and the world. It is my conviction that the people of our island [England] will be given the opportunity once more to lead humanity out of the present darkness into 'the Light.'

This statement appeared in the afterword to Men Among Mankind (1962) by Brinsley le Poer Trench (1911-1995). The same book carries a foreword by Leslie Orley, editor of [the UFO publication] Orbit, and the two contributions nearly frame Trench's interests. In between is a curious and sometimes breathless mixture of historical speculation, British patriotism, Avalonian ideals, and Atlantean lore.

Atlantis and the Cycles of Time

This book is a necessary initiatory construct that is designed to trigger the psychic synapses and so enable the reader to soar into the glittering realms of another reality... I welcome Robert Coon to the ranks of the ageless esoteric Brotherhood, the "Company of Avalon"; he joins an august Order that stretches from Atlantis to Aquarius and beyond.

Voyage to Avalon: An Immortalist's Introduction to the Magick of Glastonbury

Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing
Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing
Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing
Metaphysical Glastonbury Festival Speakers New Age Deception Occult Pagan Tradition Magical Isle of Avalon Druid New Forest Center Luciferian Witchcraft Demonology King Arthur Antichrist Tintagel Camelot Castle Q'anon British Truth Movement Convention Witch Demons Satan Satanism Human Sacrifice Wicca Religion Druidism Wiccan Goddess Ritual Magic Pyramid Ancient Celtic Christianity Spirituality Druid Ley Lines Dowsing