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Slashaliciously Good

Your Billy & Chuck Slash Headquarters!


Just clink the link below which connects to whatever part of the site you fancy visiting!

The Billy & Chuck Storyboard
Updated after every episode of RAW and SD, featuring captioned pics from all B&C skits and matches.

The Billy & Chuck Storyboard Part II
For episodes from February 2002 and on.
(see the Chuck storyboard for episodes after October 2002)

The Rico Storyboard
Now that the lovely stylist has split from B&C,
he's got his very own page to chronicle his crazy antics!

The Billy & Chuck Timeline
Highlighting important dates in the life of this tag team.

About them, in their own words.

Character Profiles
Bios for both these lovely men, and Rico, of course!

Match Results
How have Chuck and Billy been doing in the ring? And what crazy antics are they up to now? Find out here!

(from Might As Well Face It: You're Addicted to Slash)

Message Board
Have a comment about the site? Or about Billy and Chuck? Visit the message board!

Some extra pics from before the Storyboard started.
Click on the thumbnail for a bigger image.