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Graceland Plaza Apartment Complex

312 Graceland Drive, Albuquerque, New Mexico

March 14th 2003

For Photo's from the investigation please click here

A tenant asked V.S.I. to investigate some unexplained activity at the Graceland Plaza apartment complex. Built in 1967, the complex has witnessed a variety activity by its residents, including the Apartment manager. An interview was conducted with several different tenants. All of them reported incidents of moved furniture, closed doors opening, small items moved about, loud pounding noises, even a personal visit by an apparition.

Knocking on doors, phone calls with hang ups in the middle of the night. Even a taxi was dispatched to the manager's apartment, but not by the manager!

Evaluation of the vicinity showed no cemeteries in the immediate area, or burials on the complex's site. A spirit nicknamed "Skitter" by the tenants wanders throughout the complex, and seems to be a benevolent spirit, and has even been seen in human-like form by the manager.

The activity was so regular, the manager kept a log of the ghostly occurrences. Disturbances happened regularly, while tenants were absent, making some to believe that someone was in their apartments moving things around.


Investigation Results:

The investigation started just after dust, right around

6:30 pm. The weather was mostly cloudy, with winds around 7mph, with gusts up to 15mph. The weather was a concern, because it could clearly be misinterpreted as spirit activity. We conducted a walk-through of the property, and the outer perimeter, taking pictures and discussing information from the tenant's interviews.

If a spirit was indeed haunting the site, it would have to have been since the complex was built, and the ghost had to know it's way around the complex. An immense feeling of unrest was felt in front of Apartment 5. Because of occupancy, access was denied, the tenant was not home. Other apartments

(20, 8, 22, 11, 36, 4, 12), were available for research.

The manager's apartment, Apartment 22, was the "hot spot" of the activity. Several pictures taken, showed spirit activity, as if the manager herself was being targeted. It was later confirmed that the complex's past manager was deceased by two of our years. I also felt that the manager was so-called, "spirit magnet", attracting spirits, and spirit activity throughout her life.

Three names stood out in reference to the activity. Thelma, Dave, and William. Later interviews and documentation confirmed that Thelma Parks was indeed the deceased manager of Graceland Plaza. Dave, a former resident of Graceland Plaza, committed suicide in his apartment, that number? Apartment 5. William was spiritually identified as an older man who was close to Thelma. He worked in construction, carpentry, or maintenance.

When I asked the manager to describe the apparition, she described him as an older man, 60-70 years of age, wearing overalls, clean-cut, and a red handkerchief, the appearance of a man in construction. As the ghost stood at the foot of her bed, he spoke the words, "You figured me out!" The reasoning behind this remains unsolved.

In closing:

Thelma, who used to live in Apartment 22, had a lot in common with the current manager. She continues to oversee the responsibilities of the complex. These spirits continue to hold on closely to Graceland Plaza, and the people that reside there. The two other spirits are also evident. I just wish that Apartment 5 were vacant, so we could investigate. "William", was either a tenant, or employed, in the past by the complex.

The activity continues to this day.