The Fate Of A Child: Tsuwabuki Mitsuru

Who is Tsuwabuki Mitsuru?

Why Tsuwabuki?

Tsuwabuki Image Gallery

Tsuwabuki's Dueling Lyrics

The Tsuwabuki Fanclub

Free Tsuwabuki mail



101 Reasons Why I Like Tsuwabuki

Laughable Cosplay! a.k.a. Adrienne's Wacky Adventures with a Tsuwabuki stand-up!

E-mail Tsuwabuki no Miko (Adrienne)

Updates: On March 16, 2000, I have finally updated this page! I added more members to the Tsuwabuki fanclub bringing us to a grand total of 11! I added more reasons to like Tsuwabuki (they were suggested by one of our new TFC members ^_^). I added the cosplay thing and added one more button to the banners page! Wow! Dude! ^_^;

Welcome to the unofficial page about Tsuwabuki Mitsuru. A loyal duelist and very determined young man. I'm Tsuwabuki no Miko (usually known as Adrienne but I'm making this exception).

This page is copyright © Adrienne (Tsuwabuki no Miko) 1999. Basically, this page is owned by a Knob. A Knob who hasn't necessarily seen all the episodes of SKU. A lot of information and other miscellaneous things (it's noted on the pages) was obtained from The Utena Encyclopedia. Most of my images are from The Shoujo Kakumei Utena Image Archive. Most of the other pages where I got stuff are on the links page. Oh, yes. Of course, Shoujo Kakumei Utena is copyrighted © Chiho Saitou and Be-Papas and all others. Not me! I'm just a lowly Miko. Thank you! :)

Sadly enough, this page is best viewed with Netscape. Which is especially odd because I don't *have* Netscape. The images look funny on AOL and the text is aligned weird, too. *sigh* How frustrating.

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