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American Sailor Was Killed in Australia(organizational crisis)

Aviation Security of The Asian-Pacific (organizational crisis)

Year of The Tiger

Call Against Nuclear Weapons

Overloaded World-Leaders

Dignity of Sri Lanka

China's Expected Role

New Ways of The Sexology

Postponed Launch of The Ariane

Change in the Russian attitude

The Conspiracy Theory

International Dispute on Human Cloning

Earthquake in Afghanistan

Easy Mate! It is Balck and White...(organizational crisis)

Moscow: Meeting of Underinformed Partners

The Medicine Strike(organizational crisis)

Clinton on the Invisable War Theory

Power Crisis in New Zealand(The "Invisable War" Theory)

Bad Luck of Asian Airlines

Moscow: Eye on The Future...

The Mossad Under Pressure


Estimated by usefulness. See article on The Conspiracy Theory

Feb 3, 1998. L'Uso del Controllo Mentale in Scientology (Italian) ***

Feb 3, 1998. Invitation to Santa Monica ****

Feb 3, 1998. Radio Interview with Kathleen Sulivan, Mind Control Forum***

Feb 3,1998. CAN Home Page (Mind Control and Music)**

Feb 4, 1998. Light and Sound Mind Machines ****

Feb 4, 1998. La Trappola della Liberta Totale: Scientology, Dianetics e L. Ron Hubba (Italian)***

Feb 4,1998. Advanced Psychotronic Research Homepage(Russian) *****

Feb 5, 1998. Republicans for Bill Clinton***

Feb 5, 1998. Kingdom of Brantonia*

Feb 5, 1998. The Super Mind Mind Machine from Mind Max****

Feb 5, 1998. Arts and Mind Control***

Feb 6, 1998. No Title *

Feb 6, 1998. "APOCALYPSE: Caught In The Eye Of The Storm" *

Feb 6, 1998. $1,000,000 Bond for Man Charged with Intimidation and Contempt**

Feb 6, 1998. The White Water Investigation *

Feb 6, 1998. RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police***

Feb 7, 1998.The On-Line Massage Supply Store *

Feb 7, 1998. Satanic Crime Update(for criminologists)*****

Feb 7, 1998. STOA-ATPC Bibliography ***

Feb 7, 1998. Shocking books on the real Bill and Hillary Clinton...!**

Feb 7, 1998. Invitation to The First Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretice Organizations and Mind Control Conference***

Feb 10, 1998. Illumination Research Center ***

Feb 11, 1998. The Extraordinary Place for Self-Improvement and Motivation ***

Feb 11, 1998. The Aryan Warriors***

Feb 13, 1998. Books by experts on the New World Order**

Feb 15,1998. Biological Warfare Research****

Feb 17, 1998. Control of Brain Activity(Korean)*****

Feb 17,1998. Hubbard on Brainwashing and Mind Control ***

Feb 18, 1998. The Intelligence Service (New Zealand)***

Feb 19, 1998. Ritual Abuse Newsletter***

Feb 22, 1998. Current 5.(Youth...)***

Feb 22,1998. Ronnie Cramer's Cult Film Site**

Feb 22, 1998. Yu'squotes.html****

