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The Dow Jones Jumped 2.5 Percent

On The Fundamentals Nothing Has Been Changed

"Asian markets roared into the Year of the Tiger as foreign confidence in the region started to return - reported by Sarah Davison econic correspondence of the Reuters from Hong Kong - even though little had changed beyond the passing of another lunar year."

However, it is also an opinion of her interview partner, Ambrose Chang, chief investment officer at Daiwa Capital Management in Hong Kong that "There are some early signs of confidence...; even though on the fundamentals, nothing has been changed."

However, this relatively disappointed psychology characterise the operation of this satellite system in the Year of the Tiger everywhere. Despite this, it should also be highlighted that, by an opposite economic report from New York, there are also very promising signs of a successful economic crisis management. The Dow Jones jumped 2.5 percent which is also the fourth largest single-day point gain in the index's history. Nevertheless, it is also an implied message about the successful economic therapy that the huge drug industry also affected the stock market as a catalyst which is also medicine for the tortured Asian economy.

Naturally, it is too early to state it that this is the economic recovery which is also assisted by this system; however, can be thought that positive aspirations characterise the activity of economic experts on the other side of this satellite system.

Although,considering the extraordinarily serious heritage of these years, to talk about economy is also a deception method, it can really be recognised that, undoubtedly, the economy is also responsible for a large number of related problems on a gobal level. Many of our problems are directly or indirectly related to the activities of economic type of organizational units.

From this point of view, in particular representatives of wealthy nations should be disaproved over and over. It can be said that victims of their undisciplined and quarrelsome behaviour regarding this development are poorer nations. Although, by this time this system is not published officially, this problem is serially overemphasised and overillustrated by some specialists of this defence agency. For example, it is not impossible to indicate it that the presently employed strong economic fetters on Asia were directly related to an expected offical publishing of this satellite system and other important changes in the Year of the Tiger. However, official leaders of the United States have also recentlly received the first, relatively correct descriptions about this development whose possible effects were also considered. Basically, these are the fundamental whose importance has also been highlighted by the Hong Kong investment expert.

However, as Sarah Davison's detailed media report also mentions it, an interesting conclusion of these changes that opposite influences can be observed in European and American investment acitivities which is probably also related to the operation of this satellite system. While usually long-term investments characterise Europe in the Year of the Ox, a much more careful control can be observed in the American investments. Usuallu short-term and protfolio investments characterised the United States on Asian markets. However, this well-considered investment behaviour is probably also related to a special position of the United States in this development. In all probabilities, American citizens and investors have to be much more careful in these years, including in the Asian-Pacific and other regions.

Febr 3, 1998.

