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By a recent survey in the United States which has also been highlighted on a top Davon summit in Switzerland, managers on average receive and send 178 messages a day. However, it should also be mentioned that this satellite system can also assist the communication with a perfect efficiency. For example, the foreign speaking editor of the Mind Control Watch Report does not also have a direct contact to this defence agency whose address is not also known by official authorities of the United States.

However, it can also be mentioned that, in some cases, similar methods assist President Clinton in his desicions. A very experienced team of poitical, military, economic, medical scientists,and security experts work at this organizational unit whose duties are related to the White House.

Nevertheless, it can also be mentioned that usually everyone thought about it already that it would be a great thing to be connected to a large computer system which knows the answer for every question from the Greek mythology to last changes of share prices. The name of this computer is the Galaxy which was developed in the 80s. In this operational mode, it is basically a highly sophisticated communication system which similarly to the telephone systems, can also be used in the military and business communication. Visual and acoustic messages can also similary be transmitted with the assistance of this satellites.

However, on a top business summit in Davon, Switzerland political and industrial leaders of the world also highlighted it that it would be important to make a determined effort to avoid information overload. By the way, it is also a new problem of leaders and associates of this defence organization that sometimes they are also overloaded. The recommended method of the Swiss summit is an information diet which is probably an implied wish for a much better and much more peaceful world.

Feb 4, 1998.

