However, it should also be mentioned that the unusual behaviour of UN and American officials in the Gulf region is also a message to Israel and other nations. For example, a few days ago UN inspectors warned Israel that, in a special situation, it is not impossible to blaw away Tel Aviv. Experts of the Mind Control System clearly understand the implied message which is probably also related to unexpected reactions of Israel.
Basically, it is not impossible anonimously to turn Saddam Hussein against Israel.
However, for example, the Alpha Team whose foreign speaking editor is also a Jewsih origin professional, does not also agree with such power-centered and unethical solution of problems. If such an assistance is needed from Saddam Hussein or any other military and political type of power in the region, it should be asked for openly, in particular by the United States and the United Nations whose leaders are usually do not also know about the importance of this development by this time.
Basically, the solution of this crisis in the region also depends on the attitude of Israel. For example, the sentence that ," in particular from the second half of the 80s directly or indirectly, every more important change of our lives is related to the development of a new satellite system which is commonly known as Mind Control" is also true in Israel. Nevertheless, this system is also used on medical fields which is also an extraordinarily sensitive problem.
Undoubtedly, these are really able to generate a new world war; however, it can also be realised that it is not only a problem of Middle East nations. This system is also operated in Russia. However, it is more than objectionable that serially Saddam Hussein and Iraq became targets of this uncertanity of the United States while their positive attitude and openess can clearly be indicated.
Boris Yeltsin bursting out is, from this point of view, an important moral message about a change in the Russian attitude which also affected financial and political organizations of the world. However, it should also be highlighted that this change in the Russian attitude should not be a source of abuses. In particular, Russia can successfully assist the solution of the appeared global problems.
Febr 5, 1998.