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By a lecture of Ch Haotian Chinese Defense Minister in Japan, it can clearly be concluded that China did not also relaise its expected role by this time. "The build-up of China's defence force is not directed at any country and will not be a threat to any country" - he said.

However, it shoudl clearly be put on record that China's expected role is exactly related to a control of other nations in the region. Although, the known Chinese-American engagement beween President Clinton and Chinese President Chiang Zemin in 1997 is also a dilemma for many people, including members of military and security intelligence organizations; however, it is also an important message of the political realism that China should not be confronted in these years.

Behind the overloaded statements and the well-known professional criticism, a relatively clear description of this conception can be discovered in a work of a "warlike" Canadian female associate of the Alpha Team, the American Investments in China However,for example, Chinese and other minorities should also be protected in these years which can also successfully assist the solution of the appeared problems.

Febr 5, 1998

