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Bad Luck of Asian Airlines

"This particular six-months period has been pretty much unprecented. I've never known such major loss of life in the region. But it is difficult to see anything common linking these things. They just happen to have occurred in a very short period of time."

(Neil Smith, Director of Air Claims air accident surveyors, Singapore)

Sept 3, 1997. Vietnamese Airline, Cambodia

Oct 17, 1997.Guam(Web document)

Sept 26, 1997. Garuda Crash, Indonesia(Web document)

Dec 6, 1997. Irkutsk(Excite News)

Dec 22, 1997. Silk Air Crash, Indonesia (The Straits Times)

Feb 3, 1998. The Philippines(ABC)

Feb 16, 1998. Taiwan(Web document)

Feb 18, 1998. North Korea Opens its Sky (AFP)

Feb 21, 1998. Lufthansa Bullish on Asia(AFP)

Feb 24,1998. Asian Aeropspace '98, Exhibition in Singapore(Web document)

Feb 25, 1998. Remarkable safety record(Reuters, AOPA Air Safety Foundation)

Feb 26, 1998. Indonesian Domestic Airlines on Verge of Collapse(AFP)

Feb 27, 1998. Thai Government Tells U.S. to Sell Jets(Reuters)

Feb 27, 1998. Singaporean Air Force Shows its Skills(AP)

