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Moscow: Meeting of Underinfromed Partners

It clearly reflects the logic of the present changes that; although, Iraq is the subject of the present talks between Defence Secretary William Cohen and Russian Defence Minister Igor Sergeyev in Moscow, finally, Russia and the United States face each other.

However, it should also be higlighted that at present both parties are underinformed about the importance of this satellite system. Although, William Cohen basically knows about such development; he does not also know the difficult heritage of these years in Russia and other countries. The related reports are usually underestimated and stopped in the officies of the Pentagon. By the logo of these documents, Pentagon officials usually think, that these are medical type of researches of scientists; while it can clearly be realised that it is one of the largest military developments of the human history.

At the same time, although,Russian authorities also know the terms "psychotronic systems", "low frequency research", mind control and so on;they have also received the first convincing, but unofficial Internet information materials on this development only a few days ago.

However, a much more sensitive question of these talks between underinformed partners is that how will Russia and the United States "get over" the first correct information materials on this development...?

Although, at present, Iraq is the subject of these talks, it can also be thought that both partners also consider the realities and the possibility of a nuclear war. For example, for understandable reasons, the Mind Control system also has a highlighted importance in the lives of nuclear desicion-makers and military porfessionals. Their unexpected reactions should also be controlled by both partners, in all probabilities, with a UN assistance.

For example, the appearance of a new term of the social psychology "war fever" can be observed, usually,in English speaking countries whose target is Iraq at present. However, in all probabilities, Russian and other Russian speaking citizens might also become targets of such unexpected reactions in these years whose rights and personal safeties should also be protected, including in other countries.

Although, both Russian and American partners of this Moscow meeting are underinformed by this time, important results of these talks are that both partners also consider the real things such as the psychology of the present changes and the possibility of a nuclear war. Nevertheless, this meeting also flash the hope of a coordinated solution of the appeared problems between the two nuclear great powers.

Feb 14,1998.

