December, 2015

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The Astrology of Kidney Disease
23 Cases, Including:
Four Successful and One Failed Transplant, Two Known Genetic Conditions,
One Infant Born with a Severe Kidney Defect and One Five-Year Old With Kidney Disease

If a disease is represented by the same astrology for each individual who experiences it, and it is unique enough, then we can say it has a significator. That is, there is an astrology which represents that disease such that people who have it, barring unknown mitigating factors in behavior or environment, will get the disease.

Such was the case with diabetes (especially Type I), heart disease and thyroid trouble. At least, that appears the case in the papers written and posted on this site, about people whose astrology correlated with those diseases.

I have written a number of papers on health problems. Here are their links ::

Other Papers on Disease
Parkinsons I
Parkinsons II
Robin Williams and Parkinsons Remission (?)
Diabetes (18 Cases, Including Some Deaths from the Disease)
Hyper and Hypo Thyroid Function (10 Cases, Including One Set of Twins)
Alzheimer’s Disease (17 Cases)
Alzheimer’s Compared with Parkinsons, Parkinsonism, and Kreuzfedt-Jacob Disease and the Astrology That Mitigates All of Them
Asthma (10 Cases, Including Some Deaths)
Human Growth Hormone (1 Case)
The Astrology of Heart Disease
Death of One Adult Twin from Heart Attack and His Brother Ten Months Later--the Picards
The Silent Twins: June's Death From Heart Trouble (Myocarditis) While Her Sister Lived
Death of Enron CEO Ken Lay of Heart Attack
The Kray Twins: Ron Died of Heart Attack; His Brother Reginald of Cancer

In finding significators for all the conditions above, it was found that the best way to identify them was to start with the astrology of those individuals most seriously affected. In general, the younger an individual is diagnosed (or dies) with a significant disease, the stronger his astrology for same. An 85-year-old man who dies from kidney failure is not going to present as strong an astrology for it as that shown by a 40-year-old man who also dies from it. Nor is the 40-year-old man going to present as strong an astrology as the infant who was born with deformed, non-functional kidneys.

As was the case with heart disease, infants born with serious, life-threatening kidney defects already—at birth—have the significators in place for their condition. Kidney dysfunction in adulthood is the result of starting (at birth), progressed (birth brought up to the present), and current (in the heavens) astrology and often has environmental and behavioral factors.

But in both diseases, astrology of affected infants is the place to start to establish the significator.

Therefore, cases presented in this paper follow the same order as those presented in the heart paper. That is, they are shown in chronological order starting with the youngest to be identified as suffering from kidney disease and progressing by increasing age to the oldest individual who died from kidney malfunction. So age order is ascending. Age of transplant—successful or unsuccessful—is included in that arrangement.

In most, but not all cases, this kind of presentation also shows a descending order of severity of the astrology of kidney disease that helps highlight the condition.

On the Reliability of Significators
The exact significator for kidney disease is discussed below under Planets, Paths, and Charts of the significator. Here is as good a place as any to bring up some of the problems, in general, of significators.

We cannot really know if our established significators are complete, or whole, until we discover instances that suggest something is missing or been added. (Generally such discoveries happen entirely by accident since biographies do not include “should have the disease but doesn’t.”) This is as true of winning the lottery as it is of experiencing kidney failure. Thus, an individual may have the whole significator, but not the condition it represents. This can occur for a number of reasons.

So the reasons a significator can be incomplete or apparently “incorrect” are considerable and always a potent challenge to proper identification of the significator.

Eastern and Western medicine use differential diagnosis—occurrence of differing constellations of symptoms--to select out from other potential diseases the one that is actually happening. This astrology needs exactly the same thing, but it cannot be done without complete biographies and complete medical histories.

Nonetheless, we have enough here to propose at least part of the kidney significator. In this paper we are trying to answer the question, is there an astrology of kidney disease? If there is, is it similar for genetic kidney disease as well as environmentally- and behaviorally-induced kidney failure?

Causes of Kidney Disease
Kidney disease produces a distressingly long list of “causes.” Here are some of them from

Renal causes of kidney failure (damage directly to the kidney itself) include:

  • Sepsis. The body's immune system is overwhelmed from infection and causes inflammation and shutdown of the kidneys. This usually does not occur with simple urinary tract infections.

  • Medications. Some medications are toxic to the kidney including:

    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and others), and naproxen (Aleve, Naproxsyn)

    • Antibiotics like aminoglycosides gentamicin (Garamycin), tobramycin,

      lithium (Eskalith, Lithobid)

    • Iodine--containing medications such as those injected for radiology dye studies

  • Rhabdomyolysis. this is a situation in which there is significant muscle breakdown in the body, and the damaged muscle fibers clog the filtering system of the kidneys. Massive muscle injury may occur because of trauma, crush injuries, and burns. Some medications used to treat high cholesterol may cause rhabdomyolysis.

  • Multiple myeloma. Acute glomerulonephritis or inflammation of the glomeruli, the filtering system of the kidneys. Many diseases can cause this inflammation including:
    • Systemic lupus erythematosus
    • Wegener’s granulomatois
    • Goodpasture syndrome.
  • Hemolytic uremic syndrome. This condition results from abnormal destruction of red blood cells. It most often occurs in children after certain infections, but also may be caused by medications, pregnancy, or can occur for unknown reasons.

Post renal causes of kidney failure (post=after + renal= kidney) are due to factors that affect outflow of the urine. Obstruction of the bladder or the ureters can cause back pressure because the kidneys continue to produce urine, but the obstruction acts like a dam, and urine backs up into the kidneys. When the pressure increases high enough, the kidneys are damaged and shut down:

  • Prostatic hypertrophy or prostrate cancer may block the urethra and prevents the bladder from emptying.

  • Tumors in the abdomen that surround and obstruct the ureters.

  • Kidney stones. Usually, kidney stones affect only one kidney and do not cause kidney failure. However, if there is only one kidney present, a kidney stone may cause the remaining kidney to fail.

Chronic renal failure develops over months and years. The most common causes of chronic renal failure are related to:

  • poorly controlled diabetes,
  • poorly controlled high blood pressure, and
  • chronic glomerulonephritis.

Less common causes of chronic renal failure include:

  • Polysystic kidney disease
  • Reflux nephropathy (damage caused by urine backflow from the bladder into the ureters and kidney)
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Alport's disease
  • Interstitial nephritis
  • Kidney stones

Initially, kidney failure may be not produce any symptoms (asymptomatic). As kidney function decreases, the symptoms are related to the inability to regulate water and electrolyte balances, clear waste products from the body, and promote red blood cell production…

…Kidney failure in itself does not cause pain. However, the consequences of kidney failure may cause pain and discomfort in different parts of the body.

…Often, a patient is seen for another medical condition and the diagnosis of kidney failure is a consequence of the patient's disease or injury. In patients with chronic kidney disease due to diabetes, high blood pressure, or another related medical condition; the patient's medical care team most likely monitors kidney function as part of the patient's routine long-term medical care plan.


Correlating Historical Views of the Kidneys with Planets Involved in the Significator
Our kidneys work from well before birth right up to our death. They are faithful workhorses, doing their job for us day and night whether we appreciate them or not. As we have just seen from the list of causes of their dysfunction, however, the kidneys give the impression of being sensitive, even touchy. When they fail, they can do so following either long-term or short-term stress. In fact, the kidneys can quit functioning following mere hours of certain stressors.

What does that suggest about their astrology? To address that question, we want to look at how two very different cultures have viewed the kidneys.

The West once gave more credit to the kidneys than seeing them as just an organ, a mere biological machine within the machine that is the body. Their earlier, larger dimension is portrayed in the Abstract entitled The metaphorical and mythical use of the kidney in antiquity” by Maio G at website The Hebrew View of Kidneys, Abstract:

While the Syrians and the Arabs viewed the liver as the center of life, the kidneys, in contrast, held a primary place of importance in Israel. In Hebrew tradition, they were considered to be [one of] the most important internal organs along with the heart. In the Old Testament most frequently the kidneys are associated with the most inner stirrings of emotional life. But they are also viewed as the seat of the secret thoughts of the human; they are used as an omen metaphor, as a metaphor for moral discernment, for reflection and inspiration. This field of tension in metaphoric usage is resolved under the conception of the kidneys as life center. In the Old Testament the kidneys thus are primarily used as metaphor for the core of the person, for the area of greatest vulnerability. For us today, this metaphorical use of the kidneys has lost its meaning. One reason for its disappearance is certainly the monopoly of causal-analytic rationality in science of today. The kidney has developed from myth to organ, and with this transition a variety of perspectives and ways of looking at knowledge inherent in imaginative thought have been lost. But the metaphor uncovers a deeper level of truth, it represents another form of reconstruction of reality which needs not necessarily be subordinate to the scientific rationality. Today as well, these imaginative ideas can provide an approach to an essential level of reality which may otherwise remain hidden. [italic emphasis mine]

That which we love can certainly be correlated to “the most inner stirrings of our emotional life, to our areas greatest vulnerability.” Injured love can be devastating.

In astrology, such stirrings are correlated with venus, the planet symbolizing love, our core emotional attractions and desires that comprise the bona fide fuel of our lives.

In most astrology venus “rules” Taurus and Libra, night and day rulers, respectively. Certainly those two signs are very different, so it makes sense to wonder, as occurs in modern astrology, if both signs are really “ruled” (that is, intimately associated with) by venus

Taurus is associated with aesthetics, beauty, sensual appreciation, and fine art. It is also, through its 2nd house meaning of “possessions,” associated with acquiring. It is forefront as sun, moon, or mercury in Taurus influencing the 4th house in charts of hoarders.

Libra is concerned with relationships, particularly balance in them. The statement “you and I, we are equal” belongs to Libra. With its natural association with the 7th house of marriage and partnerships, it is the model for partner equality, even if “but different.” So people with strong Libra easily get caught up in the question of fairness, which, if it does not exist can lead to potent resentment.

There are some connection between the two signs. Hoarding, really, is a matter of some aspect of personality having gone wildly out of balance. Aesthetics (Taurus) as well as successful relationships (Libra) are often matters of harmony, which are matters of balance. Often enough, harmony implies balance.

Venus, it turns out, is part of the significator found for kidney disease. It appears the planet standing for the balance that the kidneys maintain in our bodies. A little toxicity can be tolerated, worked with. A lot cannot”

But to represent the failure of balance—kidney failure—another planet has to be involved, one which restricts venus’ normal expression. By itself venus extends, reaches out and connects. It is one of the great binders of humanity, sponsoring the “we function.” Failure, isolation, is not in its aspirational vocabulary. Another planet has to be working with venus to induce it to failure.

The planet which most causes breakdowns, shrinkage, dessication, and stoppage is saturn, the greater malefic, the sponsor of isolation and contraction. It is the major player in death of any kind.

As it turned out, venus and saturn were found to be part of the significator for kidney disease. Their roles are discussed more below, under the heading The Significator for Kidney Disease.

Now we want to consider that other cultural view of the kidneys. Is there a discrete, long-standing non-Western view of the kidneys? There is.

The following quote, too long for this paper, has been greatly reduced from the original. The whole article can be read at The Chinese View of Kidneys from a paper written by Prof. Zou Yanquan, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing TCM University, National Medical Center of TCM Kidney Disease. Here, with italic emphasis being mine, is the gist of it.

In the above, they are viewed primarily with regard to their role in balance. “Primordial,” however, also has an implication of essential or inner.

So, these two cultural views of the role of the kidneys—vulnerability and balance—can, indeed, be represented by one planet, venus.

Of course the whole of a healthy body is comprised of numerous systems and organs involved in the checks and balances of whole body homeostasis. Here, however, we are only concerned with that regularly achieved through kidney function.

And here, demonstrated by Alan Tsai, is a demonstration of how the Yin/Yang symbol—that icon of eternal rebalancing—came into being:

From by Alan Tsai, 1999
They used six concentric circles, marked the 24-Segment points, divided the circles into 24 sectors and recorded the length of shadow every day. The shortest shadow is found on the day of Summer Solstice. The longest shadow is found on the day of Winter Solstice. After connecting each lines and dimming Yin Part from Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice, the Sun chart looks like below [above here]. The ecliptic angle 23 26' 19'' of the Earth can be seen in this chart.

The Ecliptic is the Sun's apparent path around the Earth. It's tilted relative to the Earth's equator. The value of obliquity of the Ecliptic is around 23 26' 19'' in year 2000.

Before going into further detail about the kidney significator, below is a discussion of the principles about this astrological method, which is quite different from either traditional Western or traditional Eastern methods. Following that is the discussion of the significator.

Astrological Method
This method is not traditional. It uses a birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis. Conception is based on a formula discussed in the following paper: How to Find Conception

This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets (Western) and the sidereal (Eastern) zodiacs can be found at Tropical vs. Sidereal Zodiac.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link just below), is used Results over the past 30 years suggest it is the correct harmonic for best and realistic results..
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules an Angle, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for static planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Acceptable orb for planets to return Angles is 2°; for progressed Angles, 1° (hopefully less, but these are unrectified charts). It is important that the two not be confused. 2° is an absolutely unacceptable orb for progressed planets to Angles or progressed Angles to planets.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” Throughout all papers I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:

About This Method
Empirically-Derived Rules for Reading These Charts
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. MC = Midheaven, Asc = Ascendant, and "Angles" is a generic terms for both. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers—for ease of reading—I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.” Pc3 mars stands for the harmonic for the 3rd chart of its progressed conception mars. T5 pluto represents transiting (at the time of the event) pluto for the 5th chart.

Please note that any planet shown below which is not harmonic—whether there at birth or occurring through progression—occurs in all twelve charts. Harmonic planets occur only in the chart for which they are derived. They are always shown with a number, e.g., b3 sun is the harmonic of the birth sun for the 3rd chart.


The Difference Between “At Birth” and “Progressed” Astrology of a Condition
Individuals who later in life develop any disease, in this instance kidney, also have at least part of the significator in place at birth. With the right, later astrology (and who know what other factors) the kidney conditions develops.

Although still not proven (no way to do so with people NOT having a condition), individuals do not contract kidney disease just because the full significator happens to form (and dissolve) at some point in adult life. For the disease to develop then, suggestions (significator) of it must occur in the birth astrology.

This astrological tendency for our birth charts to (mostly) foreshadow our later diseases (and blessings) I have called “fault astrology”—not the wisest of choices, but it compares such astrology to geological faults which under the right conditions turn into earthquakes. Faults foreshadow diseases.

But faults need ”supporting astrology” in order to create a condition. Supporting astrology occurs through three processes:

  • through progressions, which are date-oriented changes of position of the birth planets
  • through returns (which with this method occur 9 times per year, exactly 40°00’00” from birth and from each other)
  • and through transits (current positions of planets in the heavens at any one time).

Of those three, progressions carry the most weight while returns and transits play a definite, but supporting role.

When current astrology develops a fault into a manifestation, it always involves the same planets and house influences shown in the fault significator. It is not “new” astrology with regard to planets and paths. It involves increases of the influence of the original fault.

Hence, for example, the supporting astrology for infants born with serious heart defects occurs mainly through progressed conception suns and moons (the only progressions possible at birth) which intensify the significators. They do not need more supporting astrology to register heart disease. This is demonstrated in the paper on heart disease, link above.

But for adults first experiencing heart disease, supporting astrology is usually quite pronounced. It is comprised of additional planets and paths (progressions) which are the same as those in the heart significator. Metaphorically, they represents the drop-by-drop buildup of the astrology that changes a condition from potential to actual.

The same is the true of kidney astrology. At the time of the diagnosis of the disease in any one but infants, or at the time of the death of an adult from kidney malfunction, progressions, returns, and transits will astrologically repeat much of the astrology found in the (un-progressed) significator

For kidney disease that means that progressions, returns, and transits will show sun, venus, and saturn forefront in the current astrology, with forefront meaning either on an Angle or lighted and influencing one through a ruler of an Angle. None of these need influence a 6th house (the absolutely necessary house influence in the significator itself) if if one of the rulers of one of the 6th house has come to be on an Angle, which happens either at birth or through progressions. Occurring at birth it suggests the 6th house of health is in some way prominent in that life. Generally speaking, however, these progressed Angle/planets allude often to the three houses in the path of the significator.

Here, then, is the exact set of specifications, found so far, for the significator for kidney malfunction.

The Planets, the Path, and the Charts Showing Kidney Disease
So far we have the following:

The Planets
Any one of the ten traditional planets may be in the significator for a condition, but only some of them actually represent the condition. The rest of them either are not important, or play an unknown part in how the disease expresses, or extend the path of the significator to a necessary house.

The planets for kidney disease were somewhat a surprise to me. They were because one of them is the lesser benefic, venus. None of the previous significators for a medical condition included a benefic. (The other benefic, the “greater one,” is jupiter.)

Many years ago a friend was diagnosed with kidney disease. By the time I knew about it, he was already receiving dialysis. Later, after I left the area we both lived in, he died of kidney failure in his early fifties. Unfortunately, I no longer have his chart.

Currently, when I first started puzzling over the possible significator of kidney disease, I remembered this friend and his astrology at that time. Then I did not even have a notion of the concept of significator. But now I remembered what stood out in his astrology. His birth sun was in Libra. He had been born with his birth saturn longitudinally several degrees below it. Just as an example, let’s say his b saturn was at 15 Libra while his birth sun was at 20 Libra, with that saturn progressing directly toward his sun. When he started having kidney complications, that progressing saturn was conjunct his b sun and moving very slowly (taking years to move) over it.

It suggested the possibility the planetary part of the significator was one of sun and saturn plus venus, since Libra is ruled by venus. I was already encountering sun/venus/saturn/6th in the charts I was looking at.

And that has turned out to be true.


The Path
A significator’s path is a description of all the houses planets in it influence, including Angles.

So a significator path takes the form of “Angle/house/house.” When the planets are included, the form is Angle/planet/planet/house/house.

For kidney disease, then, the path is Angle/4th/6th/8th with the 6th being mandatory.

Influence to the 4th, 6th, and 8th houses were important in other serious medical conditions. Roughly, their influences work in the following ways:

  • The 6th house, plays a big role in the astrology of our health. Even if one of the other house influences is missing in the original significator, the 6th must be there.

  • The 8th house may be involved because life-threatening illnesses have life-transforming (8th house) potential, as does death.

  • Finally, the 4th house is involved because with this astrological method, the 4th house shows major influences in the waning years of our lives, including our death.

I should point out, however, that today even if the 4th is part of the path, it does not necessarily mean the individual must die from that illness. This is true because we have so many improved and life-saving medical procedures. With regard to the heart, surgery for conditions which would earlier have been fatal renders them non-fatal. The same is true for kidney disease. Dialysis greatly extends the life of who even 50 years ago would have died under those conditions. This is even more true for kidney transplants. They are life-extending and constitute, one might say, external or outer anti-significators.

So, the full significator for kidney disease looks like this:

Angle/sun/venus/saturn/4th/6th/8th with the Angle being either actually in the set or influencing through a planet in the set ruling that Angle.

The Charts
A significator can occur in any of the twelve harmonic charts. That being said, it occurs more frequently in some than in others. It often has a “typical” chart, or several “typical” charts it occurs in. It is often the 6th and 7th charts.

Regardless of the chart the significator falls in, its planets and path always remain the same. So, for example, with the kidney significator, even if it falls in the 4th chart (which can happen when the disease is hereditary through the father), it still refers to the whole significator to matters of health (6th house) in that chart.

Typical charts of significators for the following conditions were:

  • homosexuality—1st, 5th, and 7th
  • lesbianism—5th, 7th, and 12th
  • serious newborn heart conditions—6th
  • adult heart attacks—6th and 7th
  • adult heart failures (only a couple of examples)—none
  • Although I did not tally them, I remember distribution of significator in charts of gurus to have been primarily in 7th and 9th charts, with some surprisingly occurring in 1st, 3rd, and 10th charts.

The above list may seem to some to imply gender preference is a disease. I do not at all believe that. It is just that after guru chart identification—which was the breakthrough case for finding significators could fall in atypical charts--gender preference examples were the second and third to demonstrate the same. And they were the largest of any group, so tallies seemed reasonable.

These results could change. The heart cases are culled from a limited number of examples, so more examples might even out distribution. The gender preference examples, however, involve examples of at least 50 individuals, and appear likely to remain the same.

The occurrence of the kidney significator in different charts for the twenty-three individuals of this study was more spread out than for any other medical condition. They are as follows:

1st Chart
2nd Chart
3rd Chart
4th Chart
5th Chart
6th Chart
7th Chart
8th Chart
9th Chart
10th Chart
11th Chart
12th Chart

As can be seen, so far here is no chart which preponderantly contains the kidney significator.

About the Astrology of Death as It Occurs in This Method
In the examples below, I have put date of death or successful transplant, when given, in italics in all their attached biographies and shown their astrology for death. That astrology is useful for two reasons:

  • (1) There is a basic, fairly complex astrology for death, so when we know the individual’s date of death, their astrology should show it. If it does not, then there is something wrong with the date or time of their birth, or I have picked the wrong chart as containing the significator.

  • (2) The planets and path of the significator of a condition are turning out to also fall on Angles (through actual Angles or rulership) on the date of diagnosis, transplant, or death. In these cases, however, the planets on Angles appear not to have to be in the path of the significator.

It is not unusual to find sun on an Angle in many instances of death, including heart. Saturn must be either on an Angle or influencing it and a 4th (and probably 8th) house for death to occur. So those two being on Angles in kidney death would not suggest anything other than death in general.

But kidney deaths showed a frequent occurrence of venus either on an Angle or lighted and influencing one at the time of death. That is unusual in the astrology of other deaths. So forefront sun, venus, and saturn appear to help identify kidney death.

This gets us into some trouble because it is also possible that the venus part of a significator at death simply means being in the loving care of those one loves. Or, combined with Angular jupiter, symbolizes that a famous person has died. Even if out of the public eye for years, death of a once famous individual makes them temporarily famous again. That is frequently shown by progressed and return Angle/venus and Angle/jupiter. How do we know when they symbolize good aspects for a transplant or a famous death?

Right now it looks like starting venus and jupiter on Angles in the same chart as the significator indicates the individual—assuming he was born at a time when dialysis and transplant were feasible—has a good chance of surviving through dialysis and a transplant. Progressions, return, and transits of venus and jupiter with influence to Angles (and 6th houses) can go either way: symbolizing a successful transplant or simply the renewed fame at death.

The way we can tell the difference is by the increased amount of affliction in the significator chart, or in other charts, especially the 6th (health in general) or 7th (the major chart of this method) charts as well as through analysis of sets in these charts at birth which suggest either early death or a strong drag on the individual’s vitality. I have included these latter as part of the analysis for the death or transplant astrology of each subject.

Adding all those influences, they show the negative gaining in ascendancy over the mitigating or positive astrology with the result that the kidneys are overwhelmed and the individual dies. In addition, Angular uranus/6th or uranus/8th or uranus/4th all symbolize a death or health crisis as a scheduled part of that life.

Since I have introduced the astrology of death into my papers, some mention should be made regarding its dependability with this method.

With this method astrology for death works according to the concept of “necessary, but not necessarily sufficient.” That is, a definite, complex astrology is demonstrated <when each of us dies. However, it is also possible for that kind of astrology to occur without it causing death. So, just because it occurs it does not mean death must occur. This is particularly true for sets that are moved through quickly, that is, those that exist for a relatively short period of time.

I call sets (hard and easy) which imply something definite but which do not deliver it, “dumb notes.” When thought about, dumb notes seem not only reasonable, but probable.

For one thing, one has to have correctly evaluated the implications of the beginning astrology of the charts of this method to correctly interpret progressions. Giving an example of an easy set which does not deliver what was expected, involves winning the lottery. If one does not have certain definitely favorable astrology for winning the lottery at birth, then even very good progressions are not going to bring it about.

And even then, it may not happen because we never have access to the favorable astrology of all the participants in that lottery, so we do not know if someone had more favorable astrology both at birth and on the date of the drawing.

For another example, that of one’s own death:

  • with two sets progressing of Angles in 12 charts, if all the apparently effective sets were effective each time, there would be not stability to our lives. People would be dying even more frequently than is the case. A high number of people whose astrology at birth showed them to have “one foot in the grave” would die off quickly accordingly But there are a fair (unknown) number of people like that who live fairly long lives.

  • even more relevant, the astrology for one’s own death is always accompanied by sets showing death in the charts of love ones (it is not always absolutely clear who dies—it is a group event). Except for the small percentage of individuals who truly are alone and without loved ones when they die, everyone else’s death is tied into its reflection throughout the lives of those who love them. If that tie does not exist in their astrology at the time, then the subject’s set does not represent his death. It may represent something with an equally plausible interpretation. Or, it may represent nothing at all--a dumb note. There are always alternate, but entirely reasonable, interpretations for the same astrological set. Even progression of slow secondary saturn to an Angle—normally depressing the whole of one’s existence for years and often accompanying one’s death—can interpret as the long-term grief accompanying death of a loved one. Such was the case in the 9th chart (aviation) of Caroline Kennedy when her progressing secondary saturn hit her Angle/mercury (sibling) in that chart. That also occurred, through a slightly different astrology, in the chart of Vice President Joe Biden on the death of his beloved son, Beau. When I saw—months before I even knew his son might die--his slowly progressing saturn approaching his Asc, my initial thought was it represented his death. It did not.

  • so when we die, we all have an astrology representing our deaths, but we do not all die whenever we have an astrology which seems to predict it. Truly, “no man is an island of itself.”

There is a formula, established many years ago, considered solid for finding astrological death. It uses only the tropical birth chart. Since I do not want, really, to know that information, I never looked into it. There are two papers about it on the website established by Ken Gillman for papers published in his journal, Considerations. It is called the Life Span Revolution (LSR) and one of the authors was Ross Harvey. Here is the link:

We have reached the point at which we can now consider the examples of kidney disease.


Examples of Kidney Disease
I added several kidney cases after I had almost completed this paper, so the numbering of sets below is a little unusual, but entirely in sequence.

Nota bena that Bright’s disease is a historical classification of kidney diseases that would be described in modern medicine as acute or chronic nephritis.

Note in the astrology for death or diagnosis for all of them the recurrence of sun, venus, and saturn on Angles (or ruling them and lighted) on the date of the event.

Birth Defect: Kidney 14834
The following biographical material was taken from the biographical notes of In some cases, only some of the notes are presented: American baby born with a severe kidney defect.

Note that the biography does not tell us if the infant lived or died. It also does not tell us if the defect affected both kidneys or only one.

The first chart presented below to show her kidney defect—her 3rd— is presented because it is the most afflicted of her charts and at the same time contains the kidney significator. However, her 7th chart also contains the significator, and that is shown following discussion of her 3rd chart. Unfortunately, since we do not know if she lived or died, we cannot do progressions to see which chart was most active at the time.

Birth Defect: Kidney 14834 (Female)
Partial Harmonic Chart for Her 3rd (of Mind and Brain)
Placidus: c11—24Sag, c12—19Cap, c2—19Ari, c3—15Tau b11—5Aqu, b12—14Pis, b2—0Gem, b3—19Gem

Set (1) above shows us node/sun/venus/mars/saturn/neptune/pluto—a large set. C3 sun co-rules (30 of 44°) c 6th house, b venus rules B Asc and co-rules (30 of 52°) b 6th house, b saturn rules B MC, and c neptune rules C Asc. So this set influences three Angles and both 6th houses, making it a powerful health influence whatever the significator means. B mercury, at 9 Capricorn 07, ruler of b 6th house, and conjunct B MC at 8 Capriconr 46, shows us a birth Angle/6th influence.

Set (1), however, does not influence either 4th or 8th houses. She does have an Angle/8th influence already in place through c3 venus, ruler of c 8th house, at 7 Taurus 00 conjunct B Asc at 7 Taurus 30.

Since conception planets start progressing at conception, they can be progressed to birth where they are at birth. This infant’s progressed mercury (starting out at 5 Taurus 39 at conception), ruler of c 4th house, at birth is at 7 Taurus 12, also conjunct her B Asc at 7 Taurus 30. That gives her Angular 4th and 8th influences in a chart with highly afflicted 6ths, and I am assuming she either died at birth or soon thereafter.

A second highly afflicted set in this chart is not shown in the drawing above. It is comprised of the following:

Set (2)c3 saturn15 Aquarius 45ruler of c 12th house
b3 sun16 Aquarius 05
c3 mars16 Aquarius 43co-ruler of c 8th house
b3 NN17 Aquarius 05

Angle/sun/mars/saturn—a so-called “dark malefic because it contains both malefics and is lighted--is always a serious affliction threatening health and well-being (sun). It contains an Angle/sun/saturn/8th influence—at least part of the kidney significator. It functions through her 3rd chartbut strictly speaking is not affecting her thinking (no 3rd house influence, though an Angle progressing through the set would make it a 3rd chart, mind influence. The set instead references her 5th, 8th, 9th, and 11th houses. I did not erect those charts to see if they agreed with this negative set.

Angle/sun/mars/saturn/pluto is also a set suggesting death. With reference to her 9th house it suggests the soul cannot express through the mind, or some sort of conflict between them, hence incarnation was aborted.

In fact she has a golden benefic affecting her 3rd house in this chart comprised of b sun a 3 Aquarius 17, c3 jupiter, ruler of C MC in b 8th house, at 2 Aquarius 38, and c venus, ruler of c 3rd and 8th house, at 1 Taurus 24. It had progressed to 2 Taurus 22 at birth, very close to that jupiter, suggesting joy.

This individual could have been someone whose only remaining karma in this part of the universe—on Earth—was to incarnate in a body, duration not important. Of course, that would not have assuaged the pain of her prospective parents who lost their child.

Or this whole 3rd chart ensemble of sets could mean in an otherwise bright child her kidney malfunction throughout her gestation in utero caused severe damage to her mind. Or the reverse, something in her growing mind led to the severe malformation of her kidneys. We have a lot yet to learn with this method.

The kidney set in her 7th chart looks like this:

Set (3)c sun23 Aries 17co-ruler (30 of 44°) of c 6th house
b7 venus26 Aries 08ruler of B Asc and co-ruler (30 of 54°) b 6th house
b mercury22 Cancer 00ruler of b 6th house
c7 saturn22 Cancer 21

As can be seen, Set (3) influences one Angle and both 6th houses. But neither 4th nor 8th houses.

Another intriguing set, definitely referring to her mind and her health occurs in this chart. Here it is::

Set (4)b7 saturn7 Capricorn 39ruler of B MC
B MC8 Capricorn 47
b mercury9 Capricorn 04ruler of b 3rd and 6th houses
c7 pluto10 Capricorn 13
c SN10 Capricorn 28

Set (4), like Set (2) in her 1st chart suggests a highly afflicted mind or some brain dysfunction. B MC with just mercury and pluto could have been intense focus, such as occurs in research. But when the saturn was added, the set goes in the direction of Asperger’s syndrome. Here is the link to that paper: Asperger’s Paper .

As can be seen by doing research, each individual’s astrology is not necessarily limited to what produces known significators. Sometimes a set contains a mixture of significators. Therefore, we do not always know what, exactly, a set is going to sponsor. Examples of autism mixed with the astrology retardation, hyperactivity, schizophrenia, and other symptoms can be found in the four papers on autism, links on Home Page.

Paul Anderson

Paul Edward Anderson
The following biographical material was extracted from the biographical notes of American weight lifter known as "the world's strongest man." In 1957, he lifted more weight in a single attempt than anyone in history, 6,270 pounds in the back lift. Anderson was the Olympics champion for the U.S. at Melbourne on 11/26/1956…

…At age 52, Anderson was recovering from a near-fatal kidney disease. He had dropped from his prime weight of about 350 pounds to a mere 170 pounds when he entered the University of Minnesota Hospital. Before his kidney transplant in 1983, he had 300 kidney stones removed, one the size of a walnut. Still suffering from vertigo caused by one of the medications he took following surgery, he had regained some of his weight and was back to about 240 pounds. The vertigo, slowly fading away, confined him to chairs and to his golf cart.

In 1984, Anderson resided with his wife, Glenda, and their daughter, Paula, 16, in a beautiful white antebellum-style home near the dormitories for the youth home.

Anderson died August 15, 1994 in Vidalia, Georgia, at age 61. (Age 61, complications from a kidney transplant.)

At website we found truly valuable biographical information: Just a short walk from here, down East Tugalo Street is the birthplace of Paul Edward Anderson. On October 17, 1932, Paul was born at home and was welcomed by his parents Robert and Ethel Anderson and sister, Dorothy. Throughout his youth, Paul frequented these very grounds on his daily journeys to school and during neighborhood adventures with friends.

Paul’s life was threatened at age 5 when he became ill with Bright’s Disease, a kidney ailment. The doctors gave little hope of recovery but family and friends united in prayer for Paul. He triumphantly survived but was plagued with kidney problems for the remainder of his life…

In the early 1980’s, Paul’s kidneys, which had been seriously damaged by his childhood bout with Bright’s disease, failed him. His sister, Dorothy Anderson Johnson, selflessly gave him one of her kidneys in 1983[ [age 50 or 51]. This priceless gift gave the entire Anderson family many more years to share together with their beloved Paul.

Paul often told a story about how a great racecar driver once won a race even while driving a slightly broken down automobile. Paul would relate that it was not the vehicle, which won the race; it was the driver inside that mattered. Paul demonstrated this in the wee hours of the morning at the Olympic Games and each and everyday of his life. Paul Anderson showed that his true strength was not his physical strength but his true spiritual strength, which was found in Jesus Christ.<[/p>

Paul Anderson celebrated his Home going on August 15, 1994. “My life is being given as an offering to God, and the time has come for me to leave this life. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:6-7

This second instance of biographical data tells us Anderson’s first serious kidney problem occurred at the early age of 5 years. It tells us he had a successful transplant around age 50 which allowed him to live another eleven years. And finally, it gives us the important biographical detail that Anderson was a lifelong i>practicing Christian, an ardent one, which makes sense of our finding his 9th chart his center-of-gravity chart (COG) where his kidney disease is found. This stood out for me because knowing nothing at all about him except his interest in body building, I expected to find his COG was his 1st (where the astrology of weight lifting is usually found), but it was his 9th. Not having that second biographical material, his 9th chart was the last one I looked in to find his kidney significiator. And it was the only chart which contained one.

Paul Anderson, Male, Bright’s Disease at Age 5
Successful Transplant, Age 50 or 51
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 9th House (of Higher Mind, Religion, Philosophy)
Placidus: c11—15Vir, c12—11Lib, c2—9Sag, c3—8Cap b11—18Can, b18—11Leo, b2—12Lib, b3—13Sco

Anderson had a successful transplant around age 50-51. Along with his astrology for kidney disease, his astrology promoting a successful transplant is shown. Since, however, no definite date of transplant is given, we can only look at implications of the chart and progressions for the year. Important progressions, transits, and the return for the actual date of the transplant cannot be included. They also play an essential part in the total astrology for the transplant.

First, let’s look at his “kidney significator,” Set (4b), shown above. It includes Angle/venus/mars/saturn/neptune. B9 saturn co-rules (18 of 33°) b 4th house, c9 mars rules C Asc and c 6th house, b9 neptune co-rules (14 of 26°) b 6th house, and b mars rules b 8th house. So this set includes influence to an Angle plus 4th, 6th, and 8th houses. It does not include a light, namely here, a necessary sun. I will show that in a minute.

The inclusion of mars and neptune directly in the set sponsors inflammation, something to be expected when a kidney problem with resulting damage occurs in a child—here at age 5.

Not in the drawing is b sun at 0 Libra 02. It would have been interesting had its progressions over b9 saturn at 19 Libra 26--influential for at least 6 months--been the initiator of his kidney problem. But that occurred when Anderson was 19 years old, a time when we have no biographical information on him. Was damage done there? So, if Set (4b) is the actual significator, we have to find some other solar influence for or plus that set. As it turned out, there were several precipitating factors.

Since we only have “age 5,” we will look at the major ones for when Anderson was age 4.5, age 5, and age 5.5—April 17, 1937, October 17, 1937, and April 13, 1938 respectively.

  • progressing b mercury, ruler of B Angles and acting like a light, at ages 4.5 and 5.0, was at 19 Libra 02 and 19 Libra 42, respectively, in Set (4b). It is important because it shows a lighted venus/mars/saturn/neptune influence to two Angles, highlighting the potential for a disease including those significators.

  • at >age 4.5 pb9 sun was at 19 Capricorn 39, directly in the set. This is a fast-moving sun (11th harmonic, so the sun is moving ca. 55’/month), so it isn’t there long. One month later it is questionably in the set, but then it has moved to 20 Capricorn 33 in the same set with pb9 saturn at 20 Libra 50 (and closely allied with the mars/neptune of the set). That is long enough to foster an inflammatory kidney condition.

  • at age 5, pc9 sun has arrived at 20 Cancer 54, having passed through Set (4b) at the same speed as pb9 sun in the paragraph above.

Also playing a part at age 4.5 (4-17-1937) was pc9 mars (moving ca. 43’/month) entering the following set:

Set (4d)c9 saturn5 Virgo 11
c9 mercury5 Virgo 41ruler of c 8th house
c SN5 Virgo 46
pc9 mars5 Virgo 14ruler of C Asc and c 6th house
t saturn5 Pisces 13

Until mars (aggression against vulnerability, saturn) entered Set (4d) its main significance was that it was in Virgo (health) conjunct a SN (past or habitual consciousness) with saturn (deficiency)—likely to express as a health problem in this lifetime) with saturn. This progressed c9 mars gave the set both Angular and 6th house influence right at the same time his kidney significator was acquiring its necessary solar influence.

Transiting saturn also likely played an important role in either the diagnoses or poor health following diagnosis when Anderson was age 5.5 (that is, still “age 5”). At that time It was moving around 13-14 Pisces and negatively affecting both B MC and B Asc.

There are two unnumbered sets above which underscore the general beneficence of this chart for Anderson and make sense of its being his center-of-gravity chart. They are:

  • C MC at 13 Leo 36 is conjunct c neptune at 14 Leo 01 and b9 venus at 15 Leo 38, all of which are lighted by b9 moon at 16 Taurus 20 and c moon at 16 Scorpio 47. This is a set of passionate love (here, of God)—Angular (and doubly lighted, hence very active) venus/neptune in Leo.

  • B Asc at 14 Virgo 29 is conjunct b9 jupiter, co-ruler (15 of 32°) of b 3rd house (keeping his religious affection “in mind” and helping give it practical and service implications—Virgo and charity).

These show that Anderson has venus and jupiter on Angles. Summed, they give him a 9th chart Angular golden benefic, the same chart that just happened to contain his kidney significator. Given that it occurred in so benefic a chart, it suggested he was far more likely to have a successful transplant—when and if he did, which he did. With such an active spiritual foundation, it also helped him come to terms, without self-pity or bitterness, with his disease.


Philip Dorman
The following biographical material was extracted from the biographical notes of American astrologer, a brilliant interpreter the age of 12. A beautiful child, sensitive, nervous, bright, he had one blue and one brown eye and golden curls. He was tutored at home and put in school when he was nine. He skipped grades easily and chose to read folk lore, myths and fairy tales.

In December, 1887 [age 11 going on 12], he discovered astrology in the library. Within the year he had mastered horary, primary directions, medical and revolutionary secondaries and astrometeorology, corresponding with other international astrologers.

In July, 1890, he caught cold in the rain, and died of Bright's Disease 10/09/1890 [age 14]; 4:50 PM EST, Malden, MA.

The above biographical material does not imply Dorman’s 9th chart must be his center-of-gravity chart (his bright, inquisitive mind implies more the 3rd chart). But his being a young, “brilliant interpreter” (language skills are often correlated with Sagittarius and the 9th house) and his international correspondence with other astrologers as a young teen does. And that, his 9th chart, was where I found his kidney significator.

Philip Dorman, Male, Died of Bright’s Disease, Age 14
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 9th House (of Higher Mind)
Placidus: c11—16Gem, c12—18Can, c2—9Vir, c3—7Lib b11—4Leo, b12—3Vir, b2—24Lib, b3—26Sco

Set (5) shows us sun/moon/mercury/venus/jupiter/2saturn, with c9 sun ruling C Asc, b9 moon ruling B MC, and c9 venus ruling C MC in b 8th house. C saturn rules c 6th, while b saturn rules b 4th house. The jupiter might have helped retard the problem but it was on the high end of the set. The significator is complete.

On the date of his death, October 9, 1890, pb9 moon, ruler of B MC, at 1 Scorpio 09, had entered the set giving it a second influence to B MC and adding a light. It shows the set being stimulated, but is not enough “new” kidney astrology to cause his death.

On that date he had also formed a completely new significator set comprised of the following:

Set (6)b venus6 Aquarius 30co-ruler (26 of 32°) b 8th house
pb mercury7 Aquarius 08ruler of B Asc and a light
pb9 sun7 Taurus 13
c saturn6 Leo 54ruler of c 6th house
pb jupiter6 Scorpio 23

There was no 4th influence in this new set. This set also contains a venus/jupiter with Angle and 6th influence. I would think they would mitigate against kidney failure.

Dorman has apparently significant astrology at the time which occurred through his 6th (health in general) and 7th (everything) charts.

In his 6th chart Dorman had b6 uranus at 25 Pisces 20 conjunct c NN at 24 Pices 29 in 6th/8th houses. It suggests a sudden (uranus) precipitous (uranus) unforeseen and difficult (Pisces) health (6th) transformation (8th) that was right for his life (NN). On the date of his death at age 14 (at 4:50 pm LMT) transiting sun was at 23 Virgo 20. His c sun is at 27 Pisces 31. The middle point between these two values is 25 Virgo/Pisces 25, closely opposite that uranus and lighting it. With his B Asc at 26 Virgo 43 and progressed b6 mercury (a ruler and also a light) at 27 Gemini 05, his uranus in Pisces is effectively on B Asc and still in c 8th house suggesting his sudden (uranus) unforeseen (Pisces) death (8th).

The 7th chart is the main chart of this method both because it is used to find conception, and because works with our major identity which occurs through our relations with others. In his 7th chart, Dorman had pc saturn, ruler of c 6th house (coming from 5 Aquarius 39 at birth) at 15 Aquarius 51 made Angular by C Asc at 15 Leo 15. This Angle/saturn/6th set was a major negative influence on his health and vitality.

Jean Harlow

Jean Harlow
The following biographical material was extracted from the biographical notes of American actress whose slender figure and short platinum hair earned her the nickname "The Blonde Bombshell."

…Harlow was the daughter of a dentist and a domineering housewife mother. Mom divorced the dentist when Harlow was two and remarried a man of uncertain profession who was reputed to be a gangster type. Daughter Jean, whose nickname throughout her life was "the Baby," was placed in boarding schools…

On 7/02/1932 Harlow made a second marriage to MGM executive Paul Bern who kept a full-time mistress…The Bern-Harlow marriage was catastrophic. Two months later, it became obvious that Bern was unable to perform sexually without a dildo, much to the hysterical laughter of his new bride who, having no part of it, flushed it down the toilet.Bern then proceeded to beat Harlow with a cane until she was unconscious; her injuries included damaged kidneys, yet the full extent of internal damage was never medically diagnosed.

.A distraught Harlow turned to promiscuity, claiming she wanted to experience normal sex and also to have a baby…and she eventually found out she could not have children.

A third marriage, to cameraman Hall Rossen in 1933, lasted eight months. The reasons for divorce were never clear, it was speculated that Harlow’s domineering and insanely jealous mother played a role…Harlow’s health began to deteriorate. In December 1935, she collapsed on the set of "Wife vs. Secretary," allegedly due to fatigue and overwork. Her mother, now a Christian Scientist, took "the Baby" in for a few days to rest, but Harlow’s physical condition was more serious than anyone knew and any medical help was flatly refused by her fanatical and manipulative mom.

…while filming "Saratoga," on 5/29/1937 she collapsed in Clark Gable’s arms. Despite pleas for an ambulance, she was driven to her mother’s house again to rest for a few days.

…"She is not sick." Mom shouted at Powell and the others. "She’s just pretending to make a fool of me. She won’t admit what I’ve done for her." Within days Harlow’s situation was desperate. Powell took the matter into his own hands and contacted Louis B. Mayer, the one person Mom truly feared and that same day, 6/6/1937, Mayer ordered an ambulance to the house. When Harlow arrived at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, she was too weak to undergo surgery, and died hours later. gives the following information: Jean suffered from scarlet fever at the age 15 in 1926. This may have contributed to her untimely death from kidney disease on June 7, 1937, at the age of 26.

Jean Harlow, Female, Died of Uremic Poisoning, Age 26
Partial Harmonic Chart for Her 7th House (of Significant Others)
Placidus: c11—4Aqu, c12—11Pis, c2—24Tau, c3—16Gem b11—11Can, b12—11Leo, b2—4Lib, b3—4Sco

I did not find an Angle/sun/venus/saturn/6th influence in any of Harlow’s harmonic charts. It can be put together by summing two sets in this, her 7th chart.

Set (7) shows us sun conjunct venus in b 6th house. It has no Angular influence except that her return (5/24/37, Los Angeles) for her death has return MC at 18 Taurus 39, giving her an Angle/sun/venus/6th.

Set (8) contains only c7 saturn at 6 Libra 16 (a sign of venus) in a close set with C MC at 7 Capricorn 24. And it is in c 6th house. Note that c saturn, ruler of C MC in b 4th house, at 7 Aries 22 is also in the set which shows Angle/saturn/(venus)4th/6th influence.

On June 6, 1937, the date of her death, pc mars, ruler of C Asc and c 8th house, at 7 Cancer 21, had entered Set (8), giving the whole set influence to an Angle, 4th, 6th, and 8th houses with saturn in Libra/6th. There was no sun in this set. Return saturn was at 8 Pisces 57 affecting her B MC at 7 Gemini 32 and h her B Asc at 7 Virgo 25. This set was enough to cause her death even if she died from causes other than kidney. As a long-term Angle/mars/saturn/4th set it put great stress on any of her physical deficiencies.

With c saturn ruling C MC in b 4th house in such a close set with C MC, her life—as her biography showed—was under duress from birth (regardless if caused by her mother but the set suggests she helped), giving her a saturn/4th/10th influence, the same astrology that effected president John F. Kennedy’s death in his early 40s.

Medical: Kidney 35986
The following biographical material was extracted from the biographical notes of American case of auto immune kidney disease leading to dialysis. He is employed as a welder. Married, no kids. He died 11/13/1993, 8:30 a.m., Glendale, CA of a heart attack.

We will look at both his significators—for heart attack and for kidney disease, the latter first.

Medical: Kidney 35986, Auto-Immune Kidney Disease, Died of a Heart Attack, Age 38
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 1st House (of Early Childhood and Some Physical Disorders)
Placidus: c11—8Tau, c12—11Gem, c2—4Leo, c3—1Virs b11—18Vir, b12—14Lib, b2—6Sag, b3—11Cap

Set (9) includes sun/venus/mars/saturn, suggesting an individual whose health is under attack (sun/mars/saturn) beside the kidney influence (sun/venus/saturn). B1 sun rules B MC and b1 mars rules B Asc in c 4th house and b 6th house. The sets lacks an 8th influence. On the date of his death, November 13, 1993, pb1 mercury, ruler of b 8th house, was at 23 Cancer 41R, having entered the set and giving it an 8th influence.

Also on his date of death, pc venus, ruler of c 4th house, at 11 Libra 21, was in the same set with pc saturn, co-ruler (12 of 31°) of c 6th house, and C As at 11 Cancer 32—a new Angle/venus/saturn.

Set (10) shown above contains B Asc in the same set with c1 mars and b1 neptune. It has no 6th influence, but influences c and b 4th houses (neptune co-rules b 4th house). Perhaps its 5th influence (neptune rules b 5th house) implies inflammation through sexual matters. On 11/13/93, the date of his death, pc1 NN, a light, at 6 Aquarius 41 had entered the set and made it more potent. Had it had 6th influence, this chart would also have shown his death from heart attack.

35986’s astrology (by timing as well as significator) for his heart attack occurred in his 7th chart. The link to the paper on Heart Disease is at the top of this page. :

Medical: Kidney 35986 Medical: Kidney 35986, Died of a Heart Attack, Age 38
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 7th House (of Significant Others)
Placidus: c11—8Tau, c12—11Gem, c2—4Leo, c3—1Virs b11—18Vir, b12—14Lib, b2—6Sag, b3—11Cap

Set (11) above, containing 2sun/moon/mars/saturn shows his heart significator. B7 sun rules B MC, b7 mars rules b 6th house and B Asc in c 4th house. C saturn co-rules (12 of 31°) c 6th house. C saturn is direct and somewhat far from the sun (almost 2°), but there are two suns in this set. Return sun was at 7 Libra 29, with, of course (for this 7th chart), its harmonic at 7 Aries 21 (because all of the harmonic suns for every return for this chart are at 7 Aries 21).

He had a progressed Angle/sun (pB Asc at 4 Sagittarius 51 and pb sun at 4 Gemini 24), a progressed Angle/saturn (pc saturn at 12 Libra 02 just finishing off influencing C Asc at 11 Cancer 32, and progressed Angle/mars (pc mars, ruler of C MC, at 13 Sagittarius 39 with pc7 moon, ruler of C Asc, at 13 Virgo 37).

For both charts he had progressed c uranus (coming from 0 Cancer 24 at conception), ruler of c 8th house, at 2 Cancer 27 close in the set with C MC at 2 Aries 28. This is his only and major 8th influence, but it is Angular, so influencing every aspect of his current astrology.

Jack London

Jack London
The following biographical material was extracted from the biographical notes of American writer of 46 adventure tales and hundreds of short stories.

Born in San Francisco, London was the natural son of Irish astrologer William Chaney and spiritualist Flora Wellman. After Chaney disappeared from her life, Flora married John London, a migrant worker and widower with two small daughters, one of whom looked after young Jack's upbringing...

London had been ailing from a variety of problems prior to his early death. He was lame, had pyorrhea, a rectal ulcer, skin problems that were either pellagra or psoriasis, and a kidney disease that may have contributed to his death. In addition, he was an alcoholic, and had unusual dietary habits, including raw fish, and raw-meat sandwiches.

On the morning of 22 November 1916, London's valet found him comatose. It was evident that he had taken a lethal dose of morphine, but whether or not the intent was suicide is a debated conclusion. He was treated for morphine poisoning, but died without recovering consciousness at 7:45 PM, 22 November 1916 at Glen Ellen, Calif.

Jack London, Male, Suffered Kidney Disease, Died of a Morphine Overdose, Age 40
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 4th House (of Homes and Father’s Influence)
Placidus: c11—19Vir, c12—15Lib, c2—7Sag c3—12Cap b11—27Aqu, b12—7Ari, b2—11Gem, b3—3Can

Set (14) is London’s potential kidney set, but it is weak. The two c saturns in it are on the high end of the set, so weaker in it. But on his date of death, November 22, 1916, they had picked up two progressing suns—pc sun at 29 Aries 41 and pc4 sun at 28 Aries 05. And Set (14) starts out with two lights (sun and moon) and an Angle (B MC with its lesser 2° orb).

Progressed b saturn (starting at 1 Aquarius 22 at birth) was at 6 Aquarius 10 conjunct c venus at 6 Aquarius 36, just passing out of a set with C Asc at 5 Scorpio 42. This is a potential Angle/venus/saturn without reference to a 6th house.

Pb4 saturn, at 7 Sagittarius 03, was in the same set with pB MC at 7 Pisces 44, pC Asc at 7 Sagittarius 31, and pb4 NN at 7 Gemini 21—a double Angle/node/saturn.

At 7:45 p.m. PST, his hour of death:

  • transiting harmonic (t4) sun at 11 Gemini 44 and t4 saturn at 11 Gemini 24 were in the same set with his pc mars, ruler of his C Asc in b 6th house, at 11 Sagittarius 24.

  • pC MC was at 28 Virgo 15 in the same set with his c SN at 29 Virgo 31 and his c4 NN at 27 Virgo 05 (midpoint equals 28 Virgo 17).

  • pc moon was at 18 Leo 27 lighting up that C MC at 18 Leo 19 and c4 uranus, ruler of c 4th house, at 19 Leo 32--in b 4th house.

  • return Asc was at 23 Leo 29 conjunct c4 sun at 24 Leo 41, giving him an Angle/sun.

Again, his 7th chart contained some significant sets adding to his distress: