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With all the cheating, disconnecting and general name calling on a call went out for a Code of Honor. It's meant to encourage fair play and make a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Your suggestions are welcomed. Here is a proposed Code of Honor :

Die with honor - Fight to the end. Disconnecting is cowardly.

Lose With Dignity - Ranting after a loss, making excuses or blaming others just makes you look lame and is poor sportsmanship. Don't surrender unless it is offered. Allow your opponent the satisfaction of reducing that last building to smoldering ashes after a long battle. Congatulate the victor on a well played game.

Win with Grace - Gloating after a win is lame also. Don't offer advice unless he asks for it. Thank your opponent for the game and offer a rematch sometime.

Be Respectful - Players that exhibit respect will be treated with respect. Set the example, don't follow it.

Don't put too much Emphasis on Ratings and Stats. A player with a 1-0-0 record is just as good a challenge as someone with a 50-2-2 record. Remember this is only a game, and meant to be fun. Don't take your stats and other people so serious.

Exploiting bugs or using external hacks to gain an unfair advantage is dishonorable. Play within the boundaries of the game.

Don't entertain known violators. Why waste time worrying about them when you can spend the effort to find players with honor? Don't get too upset about losing to a Violator, the shame is theirs.

Be patient with newbies, we were all newbies once. Help them out if you can. Offer to play a 'learning' game. If they accept, play non ladder games.

You will sometimes get teamed with players less skilled than you. Don't insult them, or switch sides halfway through the game to avoid a loss. Losing isn't that big of deal. Help them out with cover, offer advice, build orders and strat tips. Don't blame them if you lose. Remember, you weren't always as skilled as you are now either.

When you see a game for Newbies Only, respect it. Maybe they don't want to see you strut your stuff. They might be more comfortable playing a game at a slower pace with others who are still learning.

When joining a game ask if it is 'open', if it's not just politely leave. A 'closed' game just means the game creator has asked specific people to play and is waiting for all of them to join. If you enter the game, you are taking someones spot. If it is an open game, ask for specific rules, speeds etc... so you can decide if you want to join the game.

When Creating Games keep a few things in mind. If you want to play a game with your friends and don't want strangers in it, create a private passworded game. You'll avoid hassles. If it's a public game, put something in the title if you have specific rules, maps, or species so people will know clearly what type game they are joining. Never argue with a game creator about the rules etc.., just leave and join a different game, or create your own game.

Don't cuss and argue in public channels. No one wants to hear your fight but you. Please take it to a private channel. On the other hand, if someone is doing this in a public channel and it bothers you, don't let it upset you. Just do the /ignore [their name] command on them. That's what it's there for ;)

Don't type IN ALL CAPS .... especially in chat channels. It's considered to be yelling and very rude.

While playing with teams, don't double cross your team mate because your enemy is stronger. Stick with them to the bitter end. There's something to be said for loyalty.

When playing as Zerg in team play, distance your base from the others so that the creep doesn't block their building.

Got one to add? - Email me

Thanks to Jermz for the original idea for this 'Code of Honor'. Additional Contributors : Tender Fury, Sgt. Dawg (sc mode), j.y.dawg (diablo mode), MichealReed, Atrivis and Glor`dahl. Thanks everyone :)

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