I've (relatively) recently discovered fantasy roleplaying games. I mainly play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, (2nd edition and now some 3rd edition) though I've also played a little bit of White Wolf and Star Wars. As you can probably tell from my URL, I love the concept of half-elves, especially half-elf rangers. My very first character was a half-elf ranger named Sanlashok (nicknamed Shok) in the DragonLance setting. If you want any more information on any of the campaigns I'm in, go to my character description page. There you will find links (if available) to the DM's webpage.
Here's the best picture I've found of a half-elf ranger on the Internet. It's not exactly what Shok looks like, but it's the closest I've come across online so far.Here's me getting a bit too much in character one night.
My (small) DM Appreciation page.
Some of my pictures from GenCon 2000.
Here are some interesting links I've found so far which relate to AD&D:
TSR's Official Site | WebRPG (with very funny Top 20 lists) |
M.J. Young's D&D Materials (character creation steps, What is an RPG, great stuff) | Mining Co.'s Roleplaying
Games Site (lots of info
on lots of games) |
RPGnet | Role-Play News |
Dungeons and Dragons: The Movie | Gen Con Game Fair 2000 (August in Milwaukee) |
Blue Troll's Netbooks Web Page | Ray's Realm |
Rondak's Portal | Magefire's AD&D Page |
Panamon's AD&D Page with generators & more | The Dragonlands |
AD&D Resources with a humor section | Unofficial Planescape Page |
Pandius | Nostradamus Vault |
Game Guild (great store
in my home state!
Can also shop on-line through WebRPG) |
Common / Elven Dictionary |
Alignment Test | Gamer Purity Test |
The Gazebo Story | D&D Funnies |
White Wolf | Phorums (different forums for WoD) |
Knights of the Dinner Table (RPG comic)
Knights of the Dinner Table | Hoody-Hoo Cartoons
awesome Shockwave animations of select KoDT comics) |
Kenzer and Company homepage | ![]() |
Knights of the Web (some
great song parodies!) |
KoDT Yahoo! Club |
Background by Massimiliano "Max" Bertuzzi (maxbert@iol.it)
Java applet by Michael Kraus
This page last updated April 20, 2001.