Gershowitz Grant and Evaluation Services

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Product Evaluation:

We are approved by the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services as third-party evaluators of projects they fund. In areas where we have expertise, such as literacy, distance learning and drug prevention and treatment, we can, with the client’s consent, write ourselves into the proposal as the project evaluators. Since we designed the evaluation plan, we come to the task of evaluation at full speed.
Clients value our approach to evaluation, which focuses on serving as a management partner and providing insights that contribute to a project’s success, rather than coldly calculating the extent to which a project succeeded or failed in accomplishing its objectives. We can also evaluate projects for which we were not the original grant consultants. As with grant writing, our fees are based on time and expenses and in most cases are paid from the grant.

School Improvement Planning:

Under No Child Left Behind, schools not making adequate annual progress must develop School Improvement Plans. We are well familiar with these plans and can work with district staff to create plans that are realistic and effective. We will continue to guide the schools in implementing the plans, using a Continuous Improvement model.



   Last Updated: 02.08.2007

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