Date Started May 1, 2024, from San Diego
American Peace March to The White House
To Restore the Great Law of Peace
For Leonard Peltier Clemency
”To Correct America”
Peace Through Divine Love
Weekly Peace Walks Around City Halls Everywhere
Stop Human & Drug Trafficking
Abolish All Nuclear Weapons
Liberate Free Energy Technologies
For Divine Love, Truth, Health, Freedom
Converging on The White House:
To Implement Free Energy Technologies

Revise Schedule, continually updated

San Diego Send-Off Flyer(s) and Draft American Peace March Schedule

My first inspirational Pocket Book
“Restoring the Great Law of Peace:

Davy Crockett’s Delusion of Grandeur”

December 8, 2023, NEW UPDATE & 4 American Peace March Posters

David Williams Peace March History Summary

List of Critical American Peace March Issues with Links

Explaining my Two-Sided Davy Crockett for President Business Cards

Davy Crockett for President
To Correct America
Restore The Great Law of Peace

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

Free Energy Revelation:

David Crockett Williams Jr (III) CLU
Chartered Life Underwriter
Contact: 805-403-1828

Can Ibogaine Exorcise the Devil from Child Trafficking?
See African Exorcism Scene in “Rite of Passage”
With my speech and letter to Santa Barbara City Council:
July 18, 2023, American Peace March Announcement

My complete new info summary, June 25, 2023, Facebook Post
As a Google Doc with flyer image as above

Proposition One
The Nuclear Weapons Economic Conversion Act
To Redirect Nuclear Weapons Funding to Peaceful Purposes
Like the Liberation of Free Energy Technologies

God’s Sound of Freedom Movement
To End Human & Child Trafficking

Press Release of June 17, 2023

“The Great Awakening Documentary”
G Edward Griffin, Federal Reserve Expert
“Before we see victory we must carry the truth to
every man, woman, and child in America.”
Just Released: Premiere June 6, 2023

“Trust Us” - Video about how stupid government
scientific experts make problems worse!

Freedom Law School
Ending Federal Reserve Income Tax

Watch Disclosure Project News Conference
June 12, 2023, National Press Club
Dr Steven Greer MD Reveals Free Energy
Ending Tesla Lost Free Energy Century

First American Peace March Flyer, per text below:

Dr Shiva Promised Clemency for Leonard Peltier,
at his Weekly Town Hall Zoom on June 1, 2023,

Announcing the American Peace March on behalf of the American Peace Movement, walking from Youngevity Headquarters in San Diego to The White House for Truth, Freedom, and Health, the release American Indian Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier, to restore The Great Law of Peace to the US government, and for the Liberation of the Free Energy Technologies suppressed for over 100 years since Nikola Tesla.

American Peace March
to Liberate Free Energy Technologies

Global Crisis Solutions Conferences
American Peace March
Restore The Great Law of Peace to Us
Ending at The White House on November 1. 2024
San Diego, Santa Barbara
To The White House:
Free Leonard Peltier
David Williams - 805-403-1828

The American Peace March to observe October 2, 2023, Gandhi’s 154th Birthday, David Williams is his successor for a non-violent scientific spiritual political revolution to restore The Great Law of Peace to the United States system of government. Based on True Free Speech, overlooked when the U.S. “Founding Fathers” were inspired by the Iroquois Confederacy, they left out the Foundation of The Great Law of Peace. That was delivered by The Peacemaker about 1000 years ago ending centuries of bitter warfare among the indigenous nations, uniting them to begin hundreds of years of Peace and Harmony under The Great Law of Peace of the Iroquois Confederacy.

They overlooked this principle of the inviolably sovereign Law of Nature, as the Hopi call it, this Great Law of Peace, what the Jews like Einstein called the Torah (The Law which even God must follow and cannot contradict, the subject of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory Equations to describe all events in Nature, no matter where or when, with 100% certainty), what Islam calls The Will of The One God by which everything happens all the time without fail, which Buddhism understands as True Dharma, what Jesus Christ taught as the law of universal unconditional love.

To restore the love of Jesus Christ to Earth, for his Kingdom of Jerusalem Israel, we offer the Santa Barbara Global Peace Pole for Jerusalem.

Join the American Peace Movement Facebook Page here:

To Return the Love of Jesus Christ to Earth,
Why he deserves his freedom, Clemency, Reparations

American Peace March to Liberate Free Energy Technologies

My name is David Crockett Williams. I was the main organizer for the 1995 Global Peace Walk across country from New York City to San Francisco for the United Nations 50th Anniversary of the UN Charter signing in San Francisco, on June 26, 1945, “to eliminate the scourge of war from the future generations” and banning weapons of mass destruction in warfare, signed just two months before that agreement was broken with the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan.

I was the among the first Americans, even before Dennis Banks, who took up the same drumming prayer as did Gandhi from our teacher Nichidatsu Fujii, the Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo Global Peace Mantra.

This is like the story of India’s Great King Ashoka who renounced warfare and initiated 500 years of a Great Peace throughout India, after accepting the True Dharma, by propagating the Message of Peace with the Peace Poles and Peace Monument (Stupas).

2023-2024 American Peace March Route

San Diego, Honoring Monday, October 2, 2023, Gandhi’s Birthday, at Youngevity HQ: 2400 Boswell Rd, Chula Vista, CA 91914

Walk 248mi to Santa Barbara, Dolphin Fountain, walk 1mi to City Hall, at De La Guerra Plaza, walk 12mi to UCSB Tree of Peace

La Paz, Cesar Chavez Foundation, Keene CA

San Francisco, Herbst Theater site of signing United Nations Charter on June 26, 1945, walk 1.9mi to Gandhi Statue

Hummingbird Sky Island, Columbia CA

Hotevilla, Hopi Villages

Big Mountain Dineh Community

Santa Fe NM, April 8, 2024, walk 130 mi to

Taos NM, April 22, 2024, walk Apr28, 1937mi to

Albany NY, walk 21mi to

Grafton NY Peace Pagoda, walk 69mi to

Leverett MA Peace Pagoda, walk 85mi to

Cambridge MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ceremony Honoring Bruce DePalma, walk 211 mi to

The United Nations NYC, walk 95mi to

Philadelphia PA, walk 26mi to

Caesar Rodney Square, Wilmington DE, walk 111 miles to

The White House, November 1, 2024


Primary Water, the Solution to Water Supply

“Primary Water” is Untold Reason for Destroying Libya and Killing Gaddafi, his 2003, Great Man-Made River Project that tapped “Primary Water” producing 6 million gallons per day in the Sahara Desert, until NATO/US destroyed it to stop his Gold Backed Currency floated by Primary Water.

Check out the source:

The National Press Club Event on Free Energy Tech and UFO Disclosure, Monday, June 12, 2023, 11:00am - 12:30pm Pacific Time, will be broadcast free on YouTube here:

Register for Dr Shiva’s Zoom Town Hall Thursdays at

Until his death, I worked with Dr Fred B Wood, one of the “Fathers of Systems Theory”, to create three Global Crisis Solutions Conferences for him to speak about his knowledge of suppressed Free Energy Technologies; at UC Berkeley, UCSB, and Cal State Northridge, about devices like the n-Machine developed in Santa Barbara in 1979 by, and MIT Electrical Engineer,

Steven Greer Disclosure Project Releases:

One month ago

A few days ago

On March 11, 2018, we conducted a prayer ceremony at the Santa Barbara UCSB Tree of Peace, symbol of The Great Law of Peace, in order to draw attention to the inviolably sovereign Great Law of Peace which was overlooked and left out of the US government.

But it still known to the indigenous people such as Mayan Day Keeper and Crystal Skull Guardian Jose Ajpu Munoz Raven, who conducted that Tree of Peace Ceremony with local Chumash Elder Art Cisneros, and Santa Barbara’s 50th Mayor, Cathy Murillo, who presented her Mayoral Proclamation about the Great Law of Peace, and affixed the symbol of “The Three Holy Faiths of Jerusalem United in Peace” onto the Santa Barbara Global Peace Pole for Jerusalem, which is now on display, following Ashoka’s example, with Jose Munoz at his Hummingbird Sky Island Community, awaiting its installation in Jerusalem Israel with Uri Geller, Ibrahim Abu El Hawa, Eliyahu McLean, Jose Munoz, Mayor Murillo, Art Cisneros, et al.

1990 Tree of Peace Ceremony, ending with American Peace March Procession, Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness, video:

#90ForLife -
“Somebody Needs to Go to Jail!”

On June 24, 2013, the Mayor of Santa Barbara issued a Proclamation of support for the "90forLife!" Global Peace Walk 2013 for "Global Peace Now!" designating October 2, 2013, Mahatma Gandhi's 144th birthday as Global Peace Walk Day in Santa Barbara.

2013 Santa Barbara, San Diego Mayoral Proclamations:



Global Peace Walk precedent example:

“Dispelling the Myth of Gandhi as The Mahatma”, a story of the “flip side” of how Leonard Peltier has been vilified by bad publicity, since the FBI has long acknowledged falsifying the ballistic evidence convicting him almost 50 years ago.

Gandhi, who sold out India to the British:

Six months earlier, by Dr Shiva:
Follow Pharma Money Trail to Understand:
The Tragedy of India: Pfizer, “Mahatma” Gandhi, Beggars, & Bullshit, May 8, 2021, 56min


Please support this effort by spreading the word and, if you can, donate to me directly to make this 2023-2024 American Peace March happen. My RV broke down and I am living homeless on the streets of Santa Barbara between Starbucks and sleeping on a bus stop on The Mesa, living large on my $1,493 Social Security Monthly Retirement thanks to, pushing my stuff abound in a shopping cart as of May 31, 2023, with my files in storage which completing my 12 week course learning how to write popular non-fictional inspirational PocketBooks.

I want to get a new van and small house trailer for this American Peace March, otherwise I’ll keep pushing my shopping cart around, at my age 78.

This is an individual effort, nobody is sponsoring me, yet. You can send me funds using Zelle to my cell phone number 805-403-1828, and PayPal works using

I’m recruiting lots of helpers. Let me know if, and how, you will help, text me by phone?


——— previous American Peace March activity 2022 ——

Sepember 21, 2022, Press Release to UCSB Daily Nexus about
October 2, Gandhi's Birthday American Peace March

9.11.22 American Peace March
Photo Report and Next Steps
Columbia and Santa Barbara UCSB

Longest Walk Organizer and American Indian Movement Leader,
Dennis Banks, on his inspiration from Nichidatsu Fujii Guruji:
“From Violence to Nonviolence”

Press Release of September 1, 2022

American Peace March started September 11, 2022

Page Updated: September 22, 2022 - 9:30amPT

American Peace March to Advance Free Energy Technologies

Mayan Ceremonies Camp, September 8-13, 2022, Hummingbird Sky Island

11am American Peace March begins from entrance to Main Parking Lot of California State Historic Park in Columbia, walking 11 miles into the National Forest, to Hummingbird Sky Island, ending at Jerusalem Peace Pole Exhibit. Come join and pray a few steps for the Movie. Need Walkers, taking turns, for all or parts of the way, support vehicles to carry tired walkers. About halfway lunch stop at Lost Dutchman Gold Mining Camp on the Stanislaus River. For hot weather, bring a towel to keep wet for cooling. (Route # One)

Noon, Santa Barbara, UCSB Tree of Peace, symbol of The Great Law of Peace, walking ten minutes across campus to the Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument dedicated to JFK, RFK, and MLK. (Route # Two)

Press Release of August 17, 2022, with recipients list

Flyer Images:

UCSB American Peace March Appeal
To the Chancellor and Campus Radio:

I’m writing to ask your help, with Chancellor Yang’s agreement, participation, and support, to promote an American Peace March event on Sunday, September 11, 2022, for an hour at Noon, walking as a prayer “To Correct America, To Unite America” across campus to the Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument from the UCSB Tree of Peace, near your office on the Northeast corner of the Greenbelt just North of Storke Tower, after a brief message from the Chancellor about The Great Law of Peace symbolized by the Tree of Peace, representing the inviolably sovereign Law of Nature, the Foundation of the Iroquois Confederacy which was studied by America’s Founding Fathers but they misunderstood some parts of that system of government and did not incorporate them into the US Government intended to replicate the Iroquois system of a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”.  

You and Chancellor Yang may know of the academic work at UCSB by Gregory Schaaf whose PhD work was based on his discovery of “The Morgan Papers” in an attic in Montecito with details about the Iroquois written by a General Morgan.

Among these oversights and omissions was the council process which made decisions by unanimous consent instead of “majority rule”, the central role of women who had to judge the fairness and approve the men’s council decisions to be effected if they were deemed just, the misunderstanding by which money was equated with Wampum which is complex system of social contracts, why “Manhattan was ‘bought’ for a handful of beads”, and most importantly the religious faith in the absolute nature of truth and the mysterious inviolably sovereign Law of Nature, which principle it took until Einstein’s era to be understood as the Torah of Judaism, the inviolably sovereign Law which even God cannot contradict, what is taught in Buddhism as True Dharma, the Wonderful Law depicted by the Myo Ho in the Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, described by Islam as The Will of The One God which cannot be contradicted, and what Jesus Christ taught as the reciprocal Law of Universal Love, what the indigenous Native Americans call simply The Law of Nature.

Sharing this understanding will bring tranquility to the Nations, “To Correct America, and To Unite America”.

This is what The American Peace March is all about and welcomes your strong support.

The UCSB Tree of Peace was planted on May 16, 1985, with my participation adding a handful of Earth, as well as that of my wife and son who still live in Santa Barbara since I moved in March to help Jose Munoz develop the Hummingbird Sky Island community.

Since I will be conducting a Hummingbird route to help initiate The American Peace March, that is why I need all the help you can offer towards popularizing National routes as per the example of our 5th Fujii Guruji Memorial events ending with a similar peace prayer walk from the UCSB Tree of Peace to the Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument, shown in this video where the walk starts at about 1:14:30, and ends  about 1:16:30

Appeal to Mayor of Sonora California
August 11, 2022 at 1:13:52 PM PDT
To: Sonora California City Mayor Mark Plummer
Cc: Jose Manik Ajpu Munoz - Mayan Day Keeper, Art Cisneros - Chumash Elder, Santa Barbara’s 50th Mayor - Cathy Murillo, Monique Holcomb - Tuolumne County Community Relations Liaison, Nipponzan Myohoji Los Angeles Dojo, Nipponzan Myohoji Atlanta Dojo
Subject: American Peace March to Hummingbird Sky Island, September 11, 2022

The Honorable Mayor Mark Plummer
City of Sonora, California 
August 11, 2022

I am writing to explain this request for your Mayoral Proclamation in support of the American Peace March which will start at 11am on Sunday, September 11, 2022, walking the 11 miles from the main parking lot entrance at Columbia State Historic Park to the Hummingbird Sky Island, a 160 acre community in Columbia, formerly known as Kayumari, which has been bought by the friends of the traditional Mayan Calendar Keeper Jose Munoz, an American Peace Movement leader from Guatemala who has moved, after many years in Los Angeles, to Tuolumne County to help develop this Spiritual Community and World Peace Center we call Hummingbird.

As our nearest neighborhood City Mayor, we are honoring you to help initiate the American Peace March, “To Correct America, To Unite America,” by your adopting the enclosed draft Mayoral Proclamation that we request you to issue at your earliest convenience, so that this message may be widely publicly announced, locally and Nationally. 

This is to inspire other communities to also conduct such local American Peace Marches on the theme of “World Peace Through The Practice of Universal Love”. 

This from the example of our peace prayer walk on September 11, which you are invited to lead for the first half-mile after reading your Mayoral Proclamation, based on this suggested draft:

To Correct America, To Unite America 

Whereas, the American Peace March from Columbia Historic State Park, on September 11, 2022, will begin to Walk as a Prayer for Unity, Harmony, and Peace All Across America, and 

Whereas, this Peace Prayer Walk starts with 11 miles to the Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem on display at Hummingbird Sky Island, and

Whereas, the Sixth Sun Sacred Mayan Calendar Dream Catcher “Humanoid Reset Manifestation Station” there depicts the new 26,000 year Cosmic Calendar from December 21, 2012, and

Whereas, this Cosmic Calendar marks the time since June 21, 1444, when the Mayan Jade Princess relayed her witness that World Peace manifests between our years 2021-2029, 

Now therefore, we the undersigned proclaim September 11, 2022, as a Day of Healing, Unity, Harmony, and Peace, locally and Nationally Across America.

American Peace March Supporters

—— end of suggested draft

As an American Peace Movement Organizer since 1989, and a National Coordinator for the United Nations 50th Anniversary Global Peace Walk from the UN Headquarters in New York City on Martin Luther King’s birthday January 15, 1995, ending in San Francisco where the United Nations Charter was signed on June 26, 1945, prohibiting the use of weapons of mass destruction in warfare, and “to remove the scourge of war from the future generations”, I pray you will accept the honor of this request, as have several of my previous Santa Barbara Mayors including our 50th Santa Barbara Mayor Cathy Murillo who presented her similar Mayoral Proclamation of support to Jose Munoz. 

This was during the ceremony when she read her Mayoral Proclamation on the 7th Fukushima Anniversary on March 11, 2018, at the University of California “Tree of Peace” - symbol of the Iroquois Great Law of Peace - which was studied by America’s Founding Fathers but omitted from America’s creation documents, and when Mayor Murillo then affixed the symbol representing the “Three Holy Faiths of Jerusalem United in Peace” to the Santa Barbara Global Peace for Jerusalem which has been at Hummingbird Sky Island since March 27, 2022, after its completion on Gandhi’s Birthday October 2, 2021, in Isla Vista de Santa Barbara, after is first initiation in Ceremony on August 27, 1994.

It was the carried to a Prayer Ceremony at the White House in Lafayette Square on August 30, 2018, with the Mayan Sixth Sun Calendar symbol also affixed, representing Peace, Love and Patience, one of the 25 archetype symbols we hope our prayer walk will manifest as a Buddhist Peace Pagoda at Hummingbird, per inspiration of the teacher from whom both Mahatma Gandhi and I each took up the prayer drum and the Peace Prayer Mantra of Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, the Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii, whom Gandhi called his “Fujii Guruji” and who spoke at his age 93, at the end of the Native Americans Longest Walk of 1978 from SF to DC, saying that “The religious faith of the Native Americans that has been carried down to this day will be the source for creating lasting peace in the future.” 

Jose Munoz, Director
Hummingbird Sky Island
Mayan Ceremonial Center 
“A Place to Worship Nature”
(323) 809-0694
25300 Italian Bar Rd, Columbia munoz.73

I have been working with Jose and our Chumash Elder, Art Cisneros, since meeting them both in Santa Barbara in April 2015 when Jose relayed to the public, for the first time per his Mayan Elders instructions, the information he has carried down since the presentation in Guatemala of the Mayan Jade Princess who explained on June 21, in the Year 1444, the message she received from the Year 2029, that  world peace would begin after a turbulent start in the Year 2021. 

To this end we have conducted various prayer ceremonies from Santa Barbara to the Hopi Land, to nearby the White House and United Nations, to further Jose’s mission to construct 144 Dream Catcher Monuments to display and memorialize the 26,000 year Mayan Sacred Calendar that started in December 2012, with the 13th one under construction at Hummingbird Sky Island since June 21, 2022.

I turned 77 years old this year and have dedicated my life since 1973 to the cause of world peace as a scientist with a special field of interest in the dynamics of the human mind, which are depicted in the four equations of my Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory developed from August 1974 to April 28, 1977, “to correct the mind of science”.

In the course of these years of my spiritual practice, as someone who embraced Islam in 1963, as a devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba since 1968, and as a lay disciple of Fujii Guruji since December 8, 1976, I have taken on the relationship as an informal assistant to various Native American spiritual leaders starting with the Traditional Hopi Interpreter Thomas Banyacya from 1976, Shoshone Spiritual Leader Corbin Harney, Lakota Medicine Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer, and various Santa Barbara Chumash spiritual practitioners since 1977. 

With these 49 years experience I have moved to your area in Tuolumne County to continue this effort under the guidance of Jose Munoz at Hummingbird, with the goal of creating a successful American Peace March, to correct America, and to Unite All of America under the theme of world peace though the practice of universal love.

Please accept this honorable offer.

David Crockett Williams Jr (III) CLU
Chartered Life Underwriter 
Jerusalem Peace Pole Project
22628 Parrott’s Ferry Rd #432
Columbia CA 95310


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii Guruji

Thomas Banyacya, Hopi Life Plan

Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory about the human mind’s consciousness orientation function of light, Inviolably Sovereign Law

Jose Munoz ceremony, UCSB Tree of Peace, Santa Barbara Mayor Cathy Murillo’s Proclamation, The Great Law

Text of Mayors Support Proclamations

David Williams news articles since 1976

Jerusalem Peace Pole Project background

August 27, 1994, inaugural procession to introduce the Jerusalem Peace Pole:

The Six Symbols, the historical precedents of The Message of Peace depicted by the Jerusalem Peace Pole


Previous Announcement

Walking as a Prayer to manifest the first California Peace Pagoda, as a symbol of the Message of Peace represented by the Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem, with its Seven Sacred Symbols, to end warfare and violence forever by purifying the mind of science, on the 2022, 21st anniversary of the NYC 911 USA Attack, the American Peace Movement will be conducting the first annual American Peace March to The Hummingbird. (See Google Maps)

“The religious faith of the Native Americans that has been carried down to this day will be the source for creating lasting peace in the future.” - Gandhi’s Fujii Guruji 1978

Walking a total of 11 miles into the National Forest from the main parking lot of the preserved gold mining town at Columbia State Historic Park in Columbia California, past the pavement end at 3mi, and past the still-active Lost Dutchman Gold Mining Association Italian Bar Camp at mile 6.6, walking the forest road the last 4.5 mi to arrive at the Hummingbird Resort Swimming Pool, near the proposed California Peace Pagoda site atop the 160 acre community near the French Camp Gold Mine Historical Monument, and near the hilltop view above the permaculture gardens, at the site of the Crystal Mountain 13th Mayan Sixth Sun Sacred Calendar Dream Catcher Display and “Humanoid Reset Manifestation Station” under construction by Mayan Day Keeper and Crystal Skull Guardian, Jose Federico Munoz

My first experience somewhat inspired by the Mayan Calendar was the long build up for the Harmonic Convergence of August 16-17, 1987, promoted by Jose Arguelles as the first worldwide coordinated global peace meditation event, which gathered about 100 of us for an hour outdoors, in the wee hours of that morning in Santa Barbara.

Then after I organized my second Global Crisis Solutions Conference, at UC Berkeley with Reverend Yusen Yamato on behalf of the Global Peace Walk 2000, Jose Arguelles invited us and sponsored our participation in the 1999 Summer Solstice World Peace and Prayer Day Ceremony conducted by Chief Arvol Looking Horse in Costa Rica, which was followed by Arguelles’ World Conference on Peace and Time at the University of Peace there, to offer our input to the resultant document later presented to the United Nations and the Vatican as a formal appeal to move globally to the Mayan 13 Moon Calendar System to better harmonize the mind of humanity with the natural order of time itself.

Jose Munoz video invitation to what is now called Hummingbird Sky Island since close of escrow July 7:

Meaning of the Six Sacred Symbols of the Message of Peace depicted by the Global Peace Pole

The Seventh Symbol of Tetron, the human mind’s consciousness orientation function of light

The Peace Pagodas each enshrine bits of the mortal remains of Shakyamuni who became known as The Buddha, such as the Peace Pagodas like the New England Peace Pagoda, the Grafton Peace Pagoda, and the one under construction as the Great Smoky Mountains Peace Pagoda, and the one envisioned on Bainbridge Island Washington by Nipponzan Myohoji Peace Walk and about 100 others around the world inspired by Nichidatsu Fujii whom Gandhi called his Guruji when he accept the prayer drum from him and began his lifelong practice of chanting the universal medicine word prayer of Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo as Nichiren’s prophecy says will bring peace in our time through putting it to voice for the purification of the minds of the people.

California Peace Pagoda
911 American Peace March
Sunday September 11, 2022
11 AM Columbia State Historic Park
Walk to Hummingbird 11mi
Peace Through Universal Love
For Good Health and Long Life

22628 Parrott’s Ferry Rd #432
Columbia California 95310
Hummingbird Community
Sixth Sun Mayan Calendar
13th Dream Catcher Portal
25300 Italian Bar Rd, Columbia CA 95310

The American Peace March by the
American Peace Movement is an
Activity of Conscience as Humankind.

The era of warfare and violence is about to be buried in oblivion, replaced with an era of perpetual peace and harmony, Unity and Oneness, through the practice of universal love.

In his speech from the Steps of the US Capitol at the end of The Longest Walk on the 33rd anniversary of the “birth” of the Atomic Bomb, on July 16, 1978, Fujii Guruji’s message included:

“Historically, the modern state is built on the myth known as the raison d’état [reason of state]. Its supreme principle of conduct is defined by need and convenience in sustaining the state’s status quo. In this case, the state can disregard various laws and statutes, morals and religion if they are not in the interest of preserving and fortifying the state. All laws, statutes and social morals have value only to the extent that they preserve and fortify the state. The sovereign power of the state is affirmed to be sacred. The Machiavellian realism in politics, which is craftiness, duplicity and manipulation, allows laws to be disregarded and deliberately misinterpreted.”

“Today with the extreme development of nuclear weapons and humanity’s knowledge of them, the only way to prevent humanity from the catastrophe it faces is to eliminate war itself. We must work with all our might for general and complete disarmament. General and complete disarmament is no longer a mental game but is the most realistic solution. The era of war, the era of violence, the era of murder and destruction is about to be put to rest.

“No measures taken in anticipation of future conflicts or war will enable us to build true peace. The issue that takes precedence in creating genuine peace is the issue of removing fear and mistrust between discordant nations. Elimination of fear and mistrust is a purely spiritual issue, which religions have consistently taught from ancient times. Fear shall disappear when we believe in the Almighty God. We believe in the omniscient, omnipotent God to dispel our fear. We fear others when we suspect they are evil. When we believe in the goodness of others, we no longer fear them. We do not believe in God because we have seen His omnipotence. We seek to see God’s omnipotence by believing in Him. We do not believe in the goodness of others because we have seen their goodness. When we believe in the goodness of others, we can dispel our own fear and become capable of amicable associations with them. Believing in the omnipotence of God whom we cannot see is a disciplinary practice of the mind and heart enabling us to believe in the goodness in others, which we cannot see.

“Once we reject the belief in absolute state sovereignty, and after we eliminate all armaments including nuclear weapons and completely bring an end to war, we must create a new civilization and an era of perpetual peace. However, the people of this new era will be the same people who were dependent on self-defense through arms. The most crucial requirement for these people is a spiritual foundation for disarmament, namely, acts of conscience as human beings. Development in science served to build the civilization of materials yet incurred the crisis of annihilation of humanity. The myth of absolute state sovereignty is another spiritual ailment, a consequence of heightened arrogance and avarice. No matter how much we change systems or bring our minds together, there is no prospect in dispelling mutual fear and mistrust unless people open up the gate to spiritual change. Spiritual transformation comes without disgrace. Buddha Dharma teaches that when we free ourselves from delusions we become enlightened.

“The civilization of the new era, the era of perpetual peace, will be the spiritual civilization. The civilization of religion is the universal center of the spiritual civilization. Nichiren Daishônin called this Risshô-ankoku [give rise to the True Dharma to bring peace and tranquility to the nation]. The religious faith of the Native Americans that has been carried down to this day will be the source for creating lasting peace in the future.”

Excerpted from:

Fujii Guruji: On How to Make Our Dream of World Peace Come True

—— Previous Plans, updated as above, August 12, 2022

Making Plans for developing The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage as "The Most Popular PeaceTV Show Ever", based on the format of a moving staging encampment accompanying a long distance Peace Walk from place to place around the world, with the pilot planned to start in Santa Barbara California on April 1, 2022, with a walk from City Hall to the University of California at Santa Barbara's Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument and Tree of Peace symbol of The Great Law of Peace, as explained and scheduled here:

Mayoral Proclamations in Support

This page was created to support projects under auspices of AmericanPeaceMovement.Us and the Facebook page in support, by that name and using the logo shown above.

On Saturday, October 2nd, a Celebration of Gandhi’s Birthday took place starting at Noon in Isla Vista’s Anisqoyo Park, with an opening ceremony by Chumash Elder Art Cisneros who provided the sage blessing ceremony for the installation the Seventh symbol atop of the Santa Barbara Global Peace Pole for Jerusalem, the Tetron symbol representing the inviolably sovereign cosmic law, The Great Law of Peace as explained in the four equations of the Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory developed from 1974-44 and explained at

Dedication, Inspiration for an American Scientific Spiritual Revolution, to bring the mind of the people into harmony with the natural order, in respect of the the Perfect Truth:

Plans and Results from AmericanPeaceMovement.Us Inaugural Event, July 4, 2021:

Project Support PayPal Email Address:
