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**********GOD BLESS YOU**********

May God Bless the family and friends that you left behind.
I did not know you or anyone else who lost their life on 9/11/01, but it hurt so much watching those building fall and knowing that many where gone.
Happy Belated Birthday!!!! (My birthday is also the 11th of April (1969).

Angie Campbell (Denton, TX ) April 26, 2002

To Paul's Family:
I am the person who has his FDNY memorial bracelet. I am ever so honored to have it too!
Reading through these entries I can tell what a special person he was.
I am glad I now know a bit about his family and his background. What a special entry that was by his father!
My love and prayers go out to all of his family, most especially his two sons. Remember what a hero your father was. He was going UP those stairs to rescue people while others fought so desperately to go DOWN in order to save their own lives. You have A LOT to be proud of!
Feel free to contact me if you feel it will help in your healing.
God Bless!!

Susan McLester (Charleston, SC ) March 11, 2002

It has been almost six months since my nightmare began. I am or still not or think I ever will come to terms with all of this. You see Paul not only are you up in Heaven you are with my wife Patricia she was there at WTC im not even sure if you knew that.
I know you are having a great time with her my baby and everyone else because that is just the way you lived to have fun and not worry about the bad things.
Paul I am sorry we have kept in contact as much but your lives change and it becomes more distant. I can say a lot about you but there is two really important memories I'll never forget.
I'll remeber the times when you were working out really hard and you would eat a lot of egg whites. Well, one day during coffee break you ate many and then we continued to work. You were on a ladder and you said to me that you were not feeling so good and I said what is it and you said I feel like throwing up; and that is exactly what you did -- but on me instead of the dumpster container. Thanks again.
The other memory is when you first started tattooing or shall I say experiencing on animal skins you had asked that me if you could try on me and what do I say, "yes". Well you actually fixed an old tattoo of mine so I have to say for the record I was your first human guniea pig.
You did a good Job. Paul, you are a good friend and warmhearted. I thank you again for showing me the ropes in carpentry and little things in life even though you sometimes led a weird for me life but that's cool.
You are a true hero like my wife. Thanks for giving your all.
I will never forget.
Your little boys will never forget.

Louis Massari (Glendale, NY ) March 3, 2002

I was a nervous and shy student at Martin Luther High School, and I can remember many times when Paul would just sit right down and talk with me like we were great friends.
His kindness and ability to make people feel comfortable was a gift he always used.
I'm glad that I knew Paul even just a little bit.
I know he will be truly missed.

Eileen (Reid) Pajkowski (Islandia, NY ) February 5, 2002

Somehow one does not remain unaffected by the tragic events.

I often remember the name of Paul Gill - speaking to friends that I actually knew someone there, remembering his name when I pass a fire house or when I see the hole in the sky of lower Manhattan, looking for his name on a thin screen at the Superbowl...

I was a classmate of Paul's at Martin Luther High School. Although we were not close, we acted together in plays and musicals. He had an ability to perform - even when it wasn't the "coolest" thing to do. It takes guts to sing on a stage when you are in high school.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family. May God's peace and resurrection hope surround and fill you.

Deborah Matern Graf (Reading, PA ) February 5, 2002

Dear Paul,
I've never met you but after reading your fahter's tribute and others, I feel like I got to know you a little. A smile came to my face and I felt I could beam with pride as if you were my own son or my own brother. Paul, I know you are deeply missed and I pray for your family's peace and comfort.
Karen G.

Karen Griffith (Monroeville , AL ) January 31, 2002

I just wanted to express my deepest sympathies to Paul's family.
I went to Martin Luther High School with Paul. We were in the same class. Our class was not very "clicky" so we were all friends and went to the same parties and in general all knew each other.
Though after High School as many do, we did not keep in touch with each other, but I will never forget him.
I attended his memorial service which was a beautiful and unforgettable experience for me. I am sorry for your loss and the loss his sons will experience.

Ann-Marie (Bellerose, NY ) January 21, 2002

Dear Paul:

I never met you, but we are cousins, and we share the same name. I have a son, Paul G. Gill, III, who is a few years younger than you.
When I saw your name in the list of the brave firefighters who gave their lives at the WTC I was stunned.
You could have been my own son, who I know would have shown the same selfless devotion to duty that you did.
Thank you for your sacrifice, and for setting a shining example for all young Americans.
You have covered our family name with Glory.
Rest in peace.

Paul G. Gill, Jr.,MD

Paul G. Gill, Jr. (Middlebury, VT ) January 12, 2002

May all the sorrow in your hearts be lightened by the precious memories of the beautiful moments in you lives. We thank Paul for his dedication of saving and caring for others as a firefighter. Such a profession comes with a brave, warm and caring heart full of love for his fellow man. May Paul's courage, life and love live on in those who love him and in those he has helped through the years. May you always feel the warmth of his love as it surrounds you and radiates into your hearts. Our hearts cry with you in your loss of Paul. We are deeply sorry.

America Cries
We see your sorrow-
and our hearts cry....
We can not erase your pain
but you do not have to face the anguish alone-for we- -the American people-
are beside you.
We so desperately want to have the touch that brings you comfort,
the strength that gives you courage,
and the words to lighten your spirits.
And when we are left speechless
may the silence of our nation weave love into your hearts
to ease your sorrow.
May you find healing through our nation's strength as we-
-the American people-
face this difficult time together. Our hearts are with you.

Teresa Jahn (Dixon, IL ) December 30, 2001

I will always remember Paul, because I knew him as a baby, and I observed him thoughout his life as he grew up and became a man.
Paul became a gentleman, always ready to give anyone a helping hand when there was a need.
Paul was the quite gentle type, which always made it a pleasure to be around him.
We will all miss him greatly.

Jack Sellars (beechhurst, NY ) December 17, 2001

"Dear Paul,

It is said that a man`s worth is judged by the memories and grief caused by his passing.
If this is true, then you truly with your God. "

Scott and Esther Margolis"


My deepest sorrows go out to you and your family.
Working with you many years ago at Eurotech, I never imagined anything like this would ever happen.
I was at the World Financial Center working that day. All I could think of was getting out of there.
And I remember so many firetrucks pulling up on West street, and the firefighters running into the buildings. Not knowing you were in there saving people.
You are a much braver man than I am.
I will never forget working with you.
Good Bye Friend.... Al

Alan Hickman (North Arlington, NJ ) May 11, 2002

Dear Paul,

You will never be forgotten.
No words could express the sorry felt. Disbelief still fills my mind.
We will meet again Paul and until then you will be greatly missed.
You will always be the hero that lies in us."

Jeff Sellars, life long friend

Friday, November 23, 2001

It seems only yesterday we met at the age of 14.
Amazingly you only lived around the corner on 35th Street.
We became friends and I can remember parties in your mom's house when she wasn't there, and the trouble you got into when she came home.
Our circle of friends changed throughout the years, but somehow we always ended up at the same parties once in a while.
Then I married and you became friendly with my husband, going to the studio with Mike Fiorito and Carmine.
Unfortunately, I was never there to watch. We gave you and Tina our apartment when we moved and you helped us sheet rock our new house.
Haven't seen you much in the last 3 years.
Almost hard to believe you are gone.
My heart goes out to your parents, Tina and your sons.
For surely a wonderful life has been taken way to soon.
You will be missed by many.
Love, Sally & Brent Mitidieri

Sally Mitidieri (Hicksville, NY ) May 15, 2002

To the family,friends and loved ones of Paul Gill,
I don't even know where to start.
I am sitting here thinking about all the great and wonderful times I had with Paul in my life and I just don't even know where to begin.
I guess I can start by saying that Paul was one of the Gentlest souls to ever walk this planet. He was especially kind,extremely generous,insanely funny,incredibly talented and just a little strange from time to time(in a good way).
I can still remember the first time I went over his house when I was about 12 years old and he and his sister Michelle performed "Chopsticks" together on the piano.
The nights I had slept over his house and we would hang out in the clubhouse,staying up and talking all night long.
That night in Castle Dracula in Wildwood Crest where you helped that man who was having a seizure.
It seemed like everyone in that room had froze up with fear and you took control and in all probability saved that man's life.
That should have been a sign of what was to come.

There were all the great times we had where we did absolutely nothing but hang out and just talk.
Being with you was always a great time.
The nights that you, Mike and I would go jamming at the Roxie Studio rehearsal.We would try to make music but usually spent half the night just laughing and joking around.
Meeting every Sunday afternoon in the summertime(usually sneaking away from the wives and other responsibilities)just to play stickball for a couple of hours.
Meeting on cold winter nights (still sneaking away)just to go shoot some hoops with Sean and Tony.
It almost seemed like the older we got, the more child-like we behaved.
Life is not going to be the same without you being a part of it.
I truly pray for your dad, John and his wife, Georgette,your mom, Lorraine,your sister Michelle and her husband, Dean,your wife, Tina and the prides of your life -- Aaron & Joshua.
It won't be easy for them to be without you, but they will be proud to know that not only was their father a hero, but more importantly, he was loved dearly by those around him.

We miss you more and more every day Paul!!
Laniel Buchell & Family (Apopka,Fl.)

Laniel Buchell (Apopka, FL ) May 15, 2002

Dear Tina, boys and Gill Family,
I never got to see you the day of the memorial to tell you how sorry I feel for your loss and how Paul was one of my best friends.
We shared in many good times,I will never forget the dinners at Maspeth and Broome St. Tina and Debra would try to cook for us and we would drive them nuts.
The parties, the nights of b-ball with the boys and the excuses we made up to go.
Taking our sons to Flushing Meadow to watch us play stickball and the tournaments we joined.
To all the side jobs we took on, you got me through them all with laughter.
I know you are shining down on me telling me you know what a good friend you were to me and I will always remember all the fun and great memories.
As my friend you were always there to lend a hand.
As a firefighter you gave your life to save others.
You are a HERO I miss you old pal,

Sean and Debra Carrig, West Islip,NY

I remember how Paul used to talk to me like an equal back when we went to Church together, and that may not seem like a big deal to most people but at the time
I was like the youngest kid that hung out with our crowd and yet he still lifted me up to feel like one of the older guys/gals.

David Madera Okinawa, Japan


Although we met in MLHS, we had only spoken sporadically throughout the past 17 years.
Shelly asked me to call you when you were laid off from your second job, to see if you could work in our family contracting business.
You had already found other work, and you asked me what you could do to help the business. But I wasn't surprised, because you were always a kind, supportive and selfless person.
After that we kept in touch, and I invited you to my graduation party in May, 2001. That's the last time I saw you,
I'm so thankful you came.
We had a great time!
I think of you every day, and I'm thankful for all the wonderful memories we have.
I know you're in a better place - and people behave better now, trying to live up to the kind of person you were.
You're in my thoughts and prayers! Love,

Lorraine Quinlan New York, USA

Paul was a wonderful guy great friend.
He and I were team mates on the wrestling team in High School.
Paul is in a better place now and he will be missed.

Armando Loney Tampa Florida

Hello Paul,

I was in the City last September 11 and watched, trembling and horror-stricken, from my office window as the Towers burned and fell. The images and feelings of that day have been branded into my head and heart, and color every waking moment. I have found some peace by saying good morning to you every day for about the past year when I spy your face shining out from the many pictures that adorn the memorial wall in Grand Central Terminal. So you see Paul, even now, you are offering comfort and protection to lost and grieving souls.

Mary McGuire

I pass by the memorial in Grand Central Station every day and see the photograph of the firefighter with the wonderful smile. I say a prayer for all the people lost and have tried to imagine the man behind the smile.

After reading all the warm and loving words on these pages, I will think of this man as someone who I would have been proud to call a friend.

I have always believed one of the most important accomplishments of a person would be to make a difference in another's life. Mr. Gill not only made a difference to all those who loved him, but now made a difference to someone who never had the honor of meeting him in person.

Please know that there are people who see his picture every day, stop, say a prayer, and will never forget the man with the wonderful smile.

All his family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers, also.

Leesa Martin


I saw the CNN special (Firehouse 54/4) and I had not a dry eye the whole time.

My name is Matthew Fox. I'm a Firefighter in New Jersey who answered the call on September 11th 2001. I spent many weeks in New York working at Ground Zero. I worked night & day and at times doing double shifts.

I was there when Engine 54 came home. It was all dusty and stripped. I and a few that were there helped put her back in service. A lot of my time was spent in that Fire House and I shared in the grief with those who worked there. They never shut me out and included me in everything. They told me stories about those who were lost and Paul stood out in my mind. His drawings are awesome. He was a great man I have no doubt of that.

Engine 54, Truck 4, Battalion 9 will always be in my heart. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about the men the station and the time. When I look at my pictures of the Fire House at that time, I go back and I reflect and it is a reminder what my brothers in the service did.

The Engine 54, Truck 4, Battalion 9 station means so much to me. I had a jacket made so I can wear it proudly. I have attached pictures so you can see the jacket.

I hope all is well with the Gill family and may God bless you all.

Matthew Fox

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