This month, NOROMO VALUES is featuring...

Etc - Leftovers and Off Topics

Indebted, t'is all I am

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Voluntary return links
Mandatory return links

First up we have some thank-you links for those kind souls who have linked to me voluntarily ... then we have company business mandatory-type ones, much less interesting. (Scroll down for them if you really want to.)

These are in alphabetical order, life is fair here. J

Acacia Archive
(go Acacia! Acacia ROCKS!)

The Aussie X-Philes Assosciation
(I'm a member - Aussies only - join now!)

The Bee Squad
(who linked to me and didn't even tell me, good onya!)

Camp Suze
(thanks Suze! I have no idea who you are, but thanks all the same! :-)

(I have no idea who these guys are ... but one day I got an email saying they'd listed me under their X-Files links ... bad navigation to get to the links, and just lists - no descriptions, so be wary 'round here!)

Church of X-Philes
(it's been around since August 1, 1999, but growing rapidly ... try it for some worshipping!)

(ultimate Noromo mailing list headed your way)

MiningCo X-Files
(and thanks for the Noromo links section, David!)

Mulder & Scully Hate Each Other
(my good buddy Greg really likes me!)

Nisei Central
("easy navigation and monthly topics" yet only 3 stars?! J)

No Lovers Zone
(thanks, Lady Adrell and V Darken! These great chickies are also in control of the ARINL webring - more power to 'em!)

Open Directory
(they're building up some great Noromo links, search for "noromo")

Page for Obsessive X-Philes
(check it out - lotsa interesting stuff!)

Sarah Kavaunaugh's X-World
(check out Sarah K's Noromo bee devotion page, LOL!)

Temple of Worship
(thanks mate! A fellow Noromo site here!)

Tiffy Culy's X-Files Page
(thanks Tiffy! On her "AVI's" page she has a very amusing "NoRomo Disclaimer": "Friends hug and dance too ya know!" J We knew that, but I was wondering if the Shippies did!)

A Weasel In The Chickenhouse
(umm ... when you figure out what the name means, tell me too, ok?! Melanie/Weasel ROCKS!!! And not just coz she writes SOR, either! :-)

X-Files for the Detail Obsessed X-Phile
(thanks Marita! This chickie is one cool Noromo!)

The X-Files Links Project
(listed me as a five star Noromo resource! Thanks, guys!)

The X-Files Fan Fic Addicts
(they say I have "more than just the 'fic", LOL! J)
(I refuse to actually hyperlink to this chickie on the basis that she's EXTREMELY shipper friendly ... wouldn't want one of our kind accidentally clicking on it, now would we?! But it's here at all because she was nice enough to link to me & Sonja ... I have no idea why, but hey, asking never hurts anyone J)

More thanks to:

who house me on this site, and are a million times simpler than Tripod and (ugh) Geocities
Still new, but most importantly - you get an address like "" (mine). Note the ".au"! The important part!! Go .au!!
despite the fact I haven't used any of their services yet! Very well-set out site that provies free code for javascript doovies
a cartoon parody of you know who... this is a mandatory job as they have linked to me. I've never actually waited for the cartoons to load :)
free service, will put you in search engines if you link to them (which is what I'm doing!)
same deal as above
see above
see above
see above...these links mean so much to me...

NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions.
Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer.
Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy.
Visited link ... ... ... Unvisited link.