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the NAM interview

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The NAM Interview

As a part of March 1999's Feature, N.V. interviewed four prolific online Noromos (via e-mail).

Later on, the Interviews were expanded to include as many Noromo webmasters as I could find. One of them was NAM - short for Natalia, Andrea, Maclau - who are the Commandants Bee in Charge at the Bee Squad. The interview was divided into 3 parts - NAM as X-Philes, NAM as webmasters and lastly, NAM as human beans.

an x-files fan PART ONE: AS AN X-FILES FAN

When did you start watching The X-Files?
NATS: In 1997 (Season 3-4), thanks to my friend Maclau.

ANDREA: Since "Squeeze".

MACLAU: 1994 (in our country Season 1 was broadcasted in that year), since "The Jersey Devil".

Just off the top of your head, some classic episodes?
NATS: Deep Throat, Little Green Men, The Host, Terma/Tunguska, Small Potatoes.

ANDREA: Ice, 3 (my fave!), Fire, Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Jose Chung's "From Outer Space", Small Potatoes, Bad Blood, Little Green Men.

MACLAU: Mmm, Ice, Fire, 3 (my fave), Syzygy, War of the Coprophages.

How long have you realised you were a Noromo? What do you think about the whole Shippers vs. Noromos thing?
NATS: * Since I started to watch the show.

* It's a cool fight, everyone is defending their ideals ... let's see who will win at the end!!!

ANDREA: * I realized my NoRoMo Status since the beginning of the show. (But I didn't call it "NoRoMo status", I just didn't think they made a nice couple.)

* I think, this NoRoMo vs. Shippers is a stupid fight, we all have different opinions, (and, I guess, it's right). The big problem is when, in this case, the shippers, visit your page to insult you, flame you, etc.

MACLAU: * Oh, it's a long story... Well, I have to admit that I was a kind of shipper during the first 10 episodes, till "Fire" ... I was a child (you know, I was 10 years old when I watched it), and I didn't understand The X-Files' plot at all. But "Fire" made me realize, that Scully is not enough for Mulder, and that there's a lot of things under the show, more than a "relationship" between the main characters ...

* I don't agree with the shippers, I think they're watching the show in a wrong way, they are "diminishing" the whole work of Chris Carter & staff; inventing things like "UST", and ignoring the original plot of the X-Files. We (noromo people) are just looking for the vital right of the opposition, and well, we deserve a little bit of respect!!

What was your opinion on the movie, and in particular, ~~that scene~~?
NATS: Fight the Future is the best movie I have seen in my whole life, really, but I think *that* scene sucks, fortunately nothing happened! The Bee was ready to attack!

ANDREA: The movie is x-cellent! The plot, the picture, the effects ... I don't see *that scene* in a shipper way, I understand it like a mutual expression of friendship J

MACLAU: I really love the movie, (even though we founded The Bee Squad). I waited for it, and I got what I wanted; some answers, a bomb scene, a UFO inside ... The hallway scene, well, I agree with Andrea, and I think they both were scared, and they ARE alone, so, they didn't realize what they were about to do ... also, although this sounds bitter, Mulder wanted to "prove" a kiss from Scully (it also explains to me *that scene* of Triangle) finally, he's a man, and the men don't have heart at all (sorry, does it sound spiteful? LOL).

How do you feel about the characters now (eg, are you a OBSSEsor, a Mulderist, a Frohike Liberationist)?
NATS: I like all the characters. I Looove Byers, mmm, I'm a Mulderist, and a Max Fenig Protector!

ANDREA: I'm a Mulderist because he's a "complex" character (oh, and he's a really handsome guy!)

MACLAU: Absolutely MulderLover, Mulderist, Drooling-on-Mulder, or whatever you call it. Scully isn't my fave character, she looks great in a morgue, making autopsies, and working in common cases. Also I'm a big fan of Diana Fowley/Mimi Rogers (yeah, I know I'm alone on this), I love her character, and I would love to see her with Mulder!
(Brianna falls over gagging at the prospect of this!)

X-F links you love to death?
NATS: * The Lone Gunmen Estrogen Brigade
* mmm, every page about the Lone Gunmen

ANDREA: * Tiny Dancer's Episode Guide (she's shipper but she has a lot of info!)
* The Official Page
* The X-Files: For the Detail-Obsessed X-Phile

MACLAU: * The Museum of X
* The X-Files: For the Detail-Obsessed X-Phile
* AV's X-Files Page
* Isis Galaxy
* Area 42
* Jenny's X-Files HomePage
* And all the Bee Squad's members pages!! J

What are your thoughts on fanfic? Do you read it regularly, write it? If so where is it archived, under what name?
NATS: I don't read fanfic, compared to Andrea or Maclau, I don't like it.

ANDREA: I'm a regular reader of fanfiction, I like it but depends on the kind of story, my faves are the "X-Files episode alike", and I like some of MSR, because there's a lot of good writers, uh, but it seems like always the same story is repeated again and again... cliche.
I have some ideas for fanfic, but I don't write.

MACLAU: I don't read fanfic frequently, but I like Crossovers, the humorous fanfic, and the Mulder/other fanfic!
I wrote 4 or 5 fanfics, but in spanish, and I'm writing a big fanfic also in Spanish waiting to be translated.

a brainflash! PART TWO: AS A WEBMASTER

BEE SQUAD: Maclau answers this part 'cause she's the Webmistress, and the page was her idea.

How old is your site now?

MACLAU: The Bee Squad like the Shrine, is 10 months old.

What inspired you to create it in the first place?

MACLAU: Well, before I built the page, I used to be in my friend Ryan's message board all the time. (He's the webmaster of "The Museum of X"), he had a pretty cool design, and I loved his work on the page, so I decided to make my own site, with his help. The Bee Squad was born with Fight the Future, inspired by the Hallway scene, just to show to everybody, that not everything is romance, like shippers think. And because that little, cute, and powerful bee saved us from the chaos.

Do you still enjoy updating it and looking after it?

MACLAU: Of course!!! Although our page can't be the "highest source of information" because we live outside US, I love to change the design, and look for spoilers, and pics, and just adding new, interesting, and creative things like the Bee Squad, the Cemetery ... it's great!

Have you had much interesting feedback from it, made any new friends / enemies?

MACLAU: I have to admit, we're well known by the shippers, they love to come to my page and flame me through everything they can, the guestbook, the Forum, e-mail ... LOL. Yeah we have a lot of enemies because of what we write about Diana -The Saint- Fowley and our NoRoMo position, but there's a lot of allies too, and the proof is the always-growing Bee Squad!

Who thought of the title "The Bee Squad"? It has instant Noromo connotations and is therefore very effective!

MACLAU: *Maclau leans her elbows on Andrea and Nats shoulders* Please, it was me!! sure, I'm the official founder!!!

*Nats kicks Maclau's ass* Hey!!! OK, OK, it wasn't me!!! I'm just your transcriber ... !!

No, seriously, we thought about the Honeybees, and the way they organize their communities, and we thought about a Squadron against the shipper plague. We never thought how good it could work!


Real names -
NATS: Natalia Pinto.

ANDREA: Andrea M.

MACLAU: ... Mmm, hell. Maria Claudia (and Brianna is the 3rd person in internet to know it).

Alias' used, if any?
NATS: Nats, and "J. Byers".

ANDREA: I also use "Invisigoth" and Maclau and Nats call me "Scully".

MACLAU: Well, I use "Invisigoth" on IRC, my X-buddies call me "Mulder", in school call me "Spooky" or "That X-thing".

Please list all the websites you run...

BEE SQUAD: We have another X-Files site in spanish:

Maclau is the Web-geek so she's building 2 pages more about La Femme Nikita and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Also she designed one, (bu$ine$$) at, and she and another friend called Andrea will build one about "The Matrix" (here).

Which mailing lists / message boards / newsgroups do you usually hang around?

ANDREA: AV's Mailing List, The Bee Squad (Forum and Newsletter), the "Official" NoROMo Message Board ...

NATS: Ditto.

MACLAU: Spoilerville, Bee Squad, XPPH, SPDD (the unofficial), COGDD (Church of our Guy David Duchovny),, LHML (Laurie Holden Mailing List), xcolombia [spanish], the official Forum Board (FOX), mmm ... and some more I forget.

E-mail addie:



Also: to all!

What would be likely to find you reading / listening to / playing?
NATS: Reading - Listening - Playing - Everything related to X-Files.

ANDREA: Reading a little bit of everything, Listening to Foo Fighters, and rock in general.

MACLAU: I don't like reading (just X-Files novels, and "best sellers"). Listening "102.9 Radioactiva" --> the best radio station in my country, and that means Rock, Ska, Metal, and more Rock.

What do you spend your time doing when your modem's turned off?
NATS: Drawing and "X" everywhere, studying, reading, and listening to music.

ANDREA: Ditto. Also I used to visit Maclau's house, we (Nats, Maclau and me) go out to the cinema ...

MACLAU: *Maclau thinks about it for 15 minutes* Uh ... that's a hard question, LMAO ... I go to school (that doesn't mean I'm *studying*), I watch X-Files and La Femme Nikita and well, doing whatever a "supposedly-normal" girl does --> I don't think I'm normal, everything is related to X-Files, so I'm spooky.

Any other links of interest...



Any other comments that you think I might've missed....

BEE SQUAD: (Insert here typical comments after an interview)

... We also enjoyed doing this, and well, congratulations to Brianna and NoRoMo Values, you're doing a great job.

Greetings to all NoRoMos reading this, join the Bee Squad, and never, never let the shippers invade your space, you are right, and the shippers ARE WRONG BABY!!!!

Thanks J
Over and Out,

The Commandants Bee in Charge
Nats, Maclau and Andrea


MSR - Mulder / Scully romance (you know, the evil stuff)
LMAO - laughing my ass off
Foo Fighters -

Nats, Andrea and Maclau are, as Marita puts it, "three talented ladies". Despite the obvious shortcomings of having English as a second languauge, they manage to control the Net's most well known (and one of the oldest) Noromo site. And they do it all with such good humour and style that it almost makes me sick. J

NAM X-Files Shrine -

The Bee Squad -

NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions.
Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer.
Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy.
Visited link ... ... ... Unvisited link.