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This month, NOROMO VALUES is featuring...

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featuring ... da bee

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Bee Poetry
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Meet Sandy, every Noromo's
favourite creature!

What's this Feature all about? Our favourite buddy, da BEE. MASHEO has a "temple of the bee", and The Bee Squad's solely devoted to the "bee is saviour" philosphy, so I thought it's about time that N.V. gets some bee action of it's own! J

Why the bee? Well, if you're any kind of Noromo at all, you'll know that the bee is our buddy. In Fight the Future, it is solely the efforts of Sandy that stop the dreaded kiss scene from happening! On one level, I applaud Sandy for his efforts. On another, I wonder why the script writers let it get that far that they needed a bee to bail them out. Why they didn't, more logically, have either Mulder or Scully realisen what a big damn mistake they were making! (By the time you read this, my page on the Almost-Kiss might be back up. Or maybe not.)

But I digress. Why "Sandy"? You might notice that some Noromos or their websites refer to the bee in the movie as Sandy. As far as I know, this is the name The Bee Squad has given him, probably just for the sake of it.


And on with the show ...


The fact is, there is an appalling lack of Bee-devoted poetry in the Noromo's world! What follows is my attempt (cough), using every "Bee" rhymin' word I could think of!


Oh Bee
It's you who set us free
And made the whole world see
That Mulder & Scul - ly
Do Not Belong Together.

If for a small fee
I could again have the glee
That crashed over you and me
When You Stung Her.

Hmm ... oh lordy, gee
I'm sure you will agree
(With me)
Mulder deserves a knee
And Scul - ly:
Da Bee.

Us Noromos screamed "Iiiieeee!"
And spilt all of our tea
When we finally did see
(Hopeful - ly)
The Bee
End The MSR.

Woe - is - me
Say those Shipper - ry (folks)
And She
Are a You - And - Me!
Noooo, I plea
And this is the key:
Trust The BEE!

Tastes like pee
Ye (All Hear Me)]


Wasn't that bloody brilliant?! Now you're all inspired, go write some of yer own!!


WEBSITES: - search for "bees"! These guys have loads of great images! I think you're somehow meant to pay for them ... perhaps these images appeared through the "save as" loop hole? Which, you kinda have to think, is obvious ... er ... don't sue. When you eventually scroll to images at the bottom part of this page, you'll find I've largely "borrowed" their resources!

Bee Squad - their "link to" images - go check 'em out, very cool things, methinks!

MASHEO - Greg has the original Temple of The Bee here (non frames version), and it's great! Recently revamped, it's back and looking better than ever, with an Oracle of the Bee, very well put together History of the Bee, and coming soon - Choose your own Bee Adventure. Requires Javascript but works in both browsers. After you've checked it out, head on over to his Discussion Board and start a-postin'!

International Bee Research Assosciation - I don't really give a stuff about bees. If you do, however, there is a very comprehensive list of links on this page.

The Amazing Bee Cam - You would not believe this! A bee cam!! LOL! (This is the intro page, check it out.)

Planet Bee - a part of a larger site, but this is a nice, single page with some praising info on bees. I stole one of these people's graphics!

Bee.Net Hosting - Very friendly looking bee logo, first thing you see! Get hosted by bees! :-) Nothing actually about bee, y'understand!

A page of about 8 bee pictures - Like the name says (*I* say, it didn't say that :) P> 


TBS image by Sonja of Acacia:
Bee Story! Angry bee image from Greg of MASHEO:
more bees look! this one's inflicting damage! cool!
fossilised bee it's planet bee!
ok, so they're webhosting people! more bees, more swarmin' action
yet another bee cute bee!

NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions.
Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer.
Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy.
Visited link ... ... ... Unvisited link.