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The Conclusion

I should start by congratulating you for reading this far. Putting up with 5 pages of my crap, as well as the terrible dreaded "lateness" must be hard on the most dedicated stalker. (Either that, or you cheated and jumped straight to the "Conclusion" link. Shame on you!! Back to the beginning!!)

So who wins this war?

Of course, it's a tie. J You can't have read this far and not realised that I love both of them equally!

Sorry to disappoint ya, folks. But if you've got time to read a whole damn feature on these two groups, you've got time to join them both, believe me. The Bee Squad is, as far as I know, the first club for Noromos. It's got a great name and is sincere in its newsletters and web pages. I for one wished that sincerity came with a bit less frame action but hey, we don't always get what we want. (See, you wanted a conclusion! It happens to the best of 'em!) The club is very friendly and open and a great place to start.

LOON seems to consider itself a bit more sophisticated that the Bee Squad, Reade either has no idea the Squad exists (snort, how could she not) or chooses to ignore it. Little Noromo talk goes on and it's a lot more fanfic and US oriented.

But like I say, your best bet is to join both! So go wild! J

NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions.
Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer.
Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy.
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