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Bee Squad Concept || LOON Concept
Bee Squad Website || LOON Website



The concept of the Bee Squad? That's a bit of a truism, ain't it? It's a club, a squad, a group of Noromos who are bee fans after seeing Fight The Future where, as we all know, the real hero is the bee that stops M & S from making that fatal cunsumation! It's all set up rather officially, with very technical sounding titles for everyone, which I personally find confusing as hell. Upon joining, you're a Cadet - if you have an X-F website, you're a Sargeant. After that, you've lost me!
The Bee Squad is run by Nat, Andrea and Maclau. Bee Squad is actually a part of their larger site, NAMFiles or something like that. These chickadees are from Columbia, so you might occasionally spot some strange grammar and weird lettering. Whenever I email 'em, I seem to get Maclau, who also designed the website.
Every (one?) two weeks or so they publish a newsletter, usually a very interesting read, with links, news, quizzzes and what not. Worth the read!


LOON = League of Outrage Noromos. Yeah, it's just another Noromo club! It's for Noromos who are PISSED OFF about all this Shippie BS happenin'. There's no ranked system of being, apart from Reade as first in command and Loa as second. J When you join, you give your name, email addie, Noromo status (I'm "Harcore"!), Noromo position ("Position of Full-Time Noromatic Objectivity, Presiding Over a Shipper-Weakened God"...hey, I had a late night that time!) and website - if ya have one. There used to be a "what does being a Noromo mean to you?" section but that got scrapped when LOON underwent a recent upgrade. Reade's was something like, "It means I like foreplay better than the actual deed?!", which means she's pro-UST, something I choose to...ignore. J




Ahh, the website. Frames ahoy!! Those frame-wary should just stay right away. Two frames, pretty damn big ones at that. We've got a FAQ, which honestly doesn't help a whole lot J, a member's list (with unlinked URLs, very annoying - luckily you can find them here!), a "Join Now" page, instructions on how to link to them, guestbook, etc. The two best parts of their site are the Noromo links (mainly members', and not all are specifically Noromo friendly, but very interesting nontheless. I think I stole a few from these guys. There's also a section where you can view archives of the Bee Squad's newsletters, but it's all tied up to Onelist, and not very easy to navigate.
The other page of interest is the message or "Forum" board. There is the "Official" board run by Noromo cartoonist extrordinaire, GaDawg, but as Sonja noted, it's very established and not too newbie-friendly. This one, on the other hand, is much less established, fairly easy to manage once you get the hang of it, and as a bonus, you're much less likely to get spoilered without warning.
Lastly, these Noromos have one very annoying habit: they use frames, but don't add the attribute "target="_blank" to their links! What am I talking about?? Simply, they haven't made their links open in new windows, and as they use frames, it's very damn annoying. Really, that's my only complaint!


That crazy Reade. She has had a fair amount of HTML experience, it seems, and LOON is currently looking very ultra cool at the moment, what someone's called "the gradient effect". Basically Reade uses HTML very effectively. LOON has a place to join, 3 (plus more in the future?) member's pages, a page with a few member's links, a link to LOON's Yahoo! Club (which has pretty much died a quiet death since the mailing list's popularity increased, or since Bill found a really good joke book J). Uh, what else. LOON has now expanded and is starting to have member's areas, with fanfic and work etc that they have, Noromo related or not. There s a very small archive of LOON's Noromo friendly 'fic, but it doesn't hold a candle to...well, anything. There's also links to the XFU's Noromo Studies, which Reade is the Dean of. (Here's Reade's official page on Noromo Studies, and also mine!)
LOON has a quite distinctive look, but it's biggest problem is it's lack of continuity in links. Quite a few pages don't link to anything (ie back to the main page, or previous page), and LOON could do with a constant pattern for one. On the other hand, it's a frames free zone, and looks so darn cool it's easily forgiven!


NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions.
Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer.
Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy.
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