Porn Lore

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More Lore on Carews Song and Dance
The Curse of Yole
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The Snake God Stirs
A Time for Change
Kantonis's Journal
Reloaded: Yole
Covert Ops: Emery
Revealed: Sleep With One Eye Open: A Tale of Wanop
Reloaded: The Dark Ages
The Man Named
Revealed: Exhuming Darwin
Crossover: Cullen Revisited
Doesn't Anyone Stay Dead?
With New Eyes
Revealed: The Night Before

Welcome to The Porn Lore Section of The Lair I claimed that I would have this section way back when I thought we would get to the new world and now I am delivering. This section is for new players who do not understand my campaign as well as old players who want to remember old adventures. Basically it will contain stories about the world as they have already happened fictionized by yours truly "Carew". I will still post things that haven't happened yet or are new on Carew's song and dance this section is like a more elaborate Game report. The stories listed as "Reloaded" are stories that expand the area or revisit old heros that we haven't seen in awhile. Stories listed as "Revealed" do not always pertain to anything the PC's are currently dealing with and may contain spoilers so read these at your own risk. Again Hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 1: History of Porn Earth
Chapter 2: Fagan
Chapter 3: Coming Someday


Chapter 1

Porn earth, as we know it, is at least several centuries old. The most primitive societies that can be proven were elven. There may have been other races native to porn earth but these races have since become extinct leaving little or no trace of their existence.
These Porn elves were the only known humanoids in the world for at least three thousand years. During this time all things were peaceful it was a flourishing and peaceful planet. The elves were primarily interested in nature and used the forces of magic to aid nature in the form of agriculture. They developed a method of writing as a source of communication, which is undecipherable to those today. They used this writing system merely to communicate over vast distances. The people of porn earth were content, however this would soon change.
During this time of peace the gods and goddesses found porn earth to be uninteresting they could not help a planet that was already perfect. Now unlike the typical myth this story does not start with a battle between good and evil in fact evil had nothing to do with the corruption of porn earth at least not in the way you would think of evil. What brought about the downfall of porn earth was actually a simple mistake.
What we know of today as the porn pantheon was at one time simply a group of low power cosmic entities. When they saw the perfect world of porn earth they saw an opportunity to prove their worth to the elder gods by showing them that they could aid porn earth in it’s growth.
The pantheon secretly manifested themselves as mortals and planted themselves amongst the elves. They lived among the elves and introduced many new ideas and inventions to the elves. Some of these things greatly improved the quality of life on porn earth such as, music, art and literature. Unfortunately they accidentally introduced a few things that had a very negative effect on the world by introducing such things as, alcohol and money. The porn pantheon started to realize that they were not helping as much as they thought and decided to retreat before they were discovered.
Unfortunately it is very difficult to hide something from the gods. The elder gods quickly discovered what had happened. They were not considered for godhood but they were left solely responsible for the porn earth. “It’s your mess you clean it up.” The world placed in the charge of these gods was now vulnerable to evil without true elder gods to protect them.
Due to the induction of money and alcohol, it was not long before evil started to manifest itself on porn earth. With the creation of money came taxes with taxes came government, and with these things came greed and tyranny. With the use of alcohol came many poor mistakes and the downfall of many good men and women. The peace that porn earth had sustained for so many centuries was now becoming unstable as it began to feel the effects of crime, slander, suspicion, and violence.
But as bad as the porn pantheon had screwed up they did manage to at least keep the world, despite its newfound flaws, relatively peaceful. Compared with other worlds porn earth had suffered no major wars or mass destruction. This would change with the birth of Fagan.

Chapter 2 Fagan

Now we know that the name “Fagan” can be equated with “Evil” but once it was not so. In fact there was nothing really to equate with evil. As I already told you the world was flawed but really not a bad place to live at least until the young elf we would come to know as Fagan started to stir up his brand of trouble.
They say that in every family tree there is a bad apple and Fagan was exactly that. As a boy Fagan seemed charming enough actually you would have looked at him thought hmm what a nice looking chap and then likely went on your way without another thought. He was very intelligent and quite a fast and agile youth. He often dominated in games of both the intellectual and the physical variety. And as many of high intelligence do Fagan grew bored. Bored with the games, yes, but more importantly bored with the rules. He decided that the games could still be fun but it was the rules that needed to be changed. Fagan then started on his quest to break the rules. Which ones? All of them.
Fagan quickly dissociated himself from his family. He found himself to be superior to his family in every way. In fact, he believed that these wretches that he had called parents were far too inferior to conceive a being such as he. He began to entertain the delusion that he was not conceived but created by the gods with the sole purpose of leading the mass of fools inhabiting the Porn earth. Perhaps there was something skewed in Fagan’s brain perhaps he was simply dreaming or perhaps this is the truth, for Fagan’s family is not remembered as is Wanop’s, they were lost in the annals of history.
He quickly became a bully refusing to play games unless he was allowed to play with others who would agree that he should not be limited by the rules. Any one that tried to enforce the rules learned fast that this was a bad idea as Fagan soundly pummeled these “self-appointed referees.”
It was not long before Fagan began taking anything and everything he desired. History would decide that this was the beginning of the famous “Guild de Estoriv” however this is simply a fanciful name that followers of Fagan used to delude themselves, to make it seem that they were a brotherhood when in fact they were slaves to Fagan and his maniacal directive. Fagan never fancied himself a thief. Rather he was a being that was not concerned with rules his agenda had nothing to do with amassing power through wealth his agenda was simply to gain the power he needed to change the rules for that is when he would truly begin to have fun again.
And he did start amassing power rather quickly actually. And this is where it becomes apparent that Fagan’s Faction (for this is a better approximation of the true nature of the group) was not interested in mere wealth. The next step was magic. Fagan wanted it. And I do not mean that he wanted to know how to craft spells. No, what he wanted was magic itself he began to learn magic at the hands of the worlds finest mages and then they we systematically eradicated. What Fagan wanted was to once again break the rules. This time he wanted to upset the balance of nature, he wanted to be the only one left on the planet that could utilized the forces of magic. Thus he went about orchestrating the extinction of Mages, Sorcerers, and priests who held magically abilities. By this time Fagan’s reach was so far reaching that he very well might have accomplished this extinction agenda. But we will never know because the Porn Gods once again interfered, perhaps creating their worst blunder ever.

Coming Soon Chapter 3:The Mana Dilemma