Covert Ops

The truth is I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. The flyer said they were looking for strong men and women with a firm sense of Justice and moral character. It even said the task was not for the feint of heart. What it did not say was that signing up with the "Crimson Trident" required battling a secret and ancient force that was neigh invincible.

As a leader of a rouge unit our mission was to infiltrate the city of Emery which had mysteriously been abandoned. And come out with as much information as possible.

At first it seemed to be a walk in the park, Emery seemed to be exactly what it looked like, an abandoned city. That is until those yellow skinned bastards started gating in.

From every friggen corner of the city green doors opened (my arcane agents say they were much like that of a dimension door spell but I have a feeling they came from much further away than typical) They came out with their silver swords and started mowing us down. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Looking like elves but meaner, they wore top knots in their hair (like the friggen emissary of Hamachi does).

A handful of us got out of there alive (Using dimension doors of our own I might add).

After reporting back to my commander I learned the blatantly obvious. These "things" were not from this world. That and the fact that if they were showing up in Emery it meant they were aligned with our ultimate enemy. According to my "superiors"… things had gone from bad to worse.

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