Doesn't Anyone Stay Dead?


My partner is an idiot. I don’t know who trained him and where, but they messed it up big time. Even with his “special” natural talents he’s managed to bungle this assignment twice.

Where I come from that either gets you kicked off the team, or it gets you dead. Color me thrilled that I’m still working with him.

We were paired together for our obviously similar talents. That’s where the similarities start and end.

I don’t love this assignment but from what I understand it’s my ticket home. No more peeking in on shit I really have no business peeking at. No more of this “The Master says…” nonsense. Nobody asked this guy to bring me back. Forcible resurrections? Someone needs to shut this joker down. Unfortunately I learned the hard way that it’s easier said than done. Especially since dying is not something that the living like to do.

Home… would I even recognize it? Would my friends recognize me? Ha! Course they would, I’m not exactly the model example of my race.

Unfortunately this assignment looks to be going in all the wrong directions, home is getting further away and the outcome is looking messier day by day.