Reloaded: The Dark Ages

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“Life imitates Art.”

Wanop is off doing god knows what… Kismet and Usagi are mutually pursuing their own personal agendas… Darwin and Feng are on another plane of existence… Dhu and Beldor are spreading their chaos… Grog and Waraugh’s locations are respectively unconfirmed… Brother Xorin and Veeni have lost communication with the legion… Hastur, Wolf, Shaggy, Klidius, Testius, Prostiate, and Kamadake have been proclaimed MIA… Fagan and his crew have seemingly disappeared.

Welcome to the Dark Ages of Pornfork

Drums sounded in the distance dust clouds billowed over the ridge. A deal with the devil, that’s what I made. It’s been almost 3 years since the deal was struck, and almost 4 years since I left my friends in search of my brother. Since the day I set out on this mission my goals, my hopes, everything had been forfeit; today lives would be forfeit.

Finding Grog was everything, I felt the bond severed with him and I knew that his life had ended. His business was always that of extreme danger. Stealth, subterfuge, and darkness were the tools, death was the trade, and loneliness was the consequence. We are the last of our kind. Gremlins of our variety were rare to begin with; being the last of my race added urgency to my cause.

When I followed the trail to Porniko it seemed obvious where Grog had gone. The strange temple standing in the middle of the town seemed the obvious treasure seeking destination of my sneaky sibling. What was not obvious was how to enter… It did take some doing to uncover, but I eventually made the connections which led me to the dark tower on the edge of town.

Being a mage myself I know the type to inhabit such towers… necromancers. I knew that I would see things I did not want to see, but when my undead brother answered the door rage overtook me. Without thought the flame erupted from my fingers and swallowed Grog’s form. I would not see him serve as an undead butler.

The face of my brother’s would be master is one that has haunted me since that that day. The woman was tall, and thin with a plain narrow face. Her eyes were dark eyes and her long black hair was the very darkness itself. An aura of death surrounded this woman. I wanted to tear the eyes from her face, and ignite the hair on her head.

It turns out however that this woman had more than enslaved Grog’s body… she had imprisoned his soul. The price for his release was my assistance in the acquisition of certain “artifacts.”

I have served toward the purpose of freeing his soul ever since. That is why today, over that ridge… I will kill every man, woman, and child. The small village of barbarians will be burnt to the ground. I will take their lives and steal their most holy relic, because of the deal that I have made with a devil.
