Exhuming Darwin

They itched. Always they itched. Stitches from head to toe, he shambled down the isle. An isle is the only way to describe the pathway between the multitudes of festering corpses atop stone. Too large to be a true Halfling, too small to be a dwarf, he was part of both, and then some. The master made him this way for a purpose, not that he had ever truly explained that purpose. His left eye bulged; it was off center, the bulging happened when ever he had to fix his vision in any one location for too long. What his vision was fixed on now were three clay Jars; the latest acquisitions.

The report he submitted just 2 minutes ago now came to mind:

Vessel: 33416 (Shadowshift)

Thesis: The Shadowshift vessel, against counsel was sent on its final mission. In accordance with our interplanar treaty we were to acquire certain artifacts for “Guild de Estev” finally settling a century old debt now paid in full.

History: This vessel sent on nearly 15 separate life spans, was set to be decommissioned. The master felt for reasons unexplained that the Shadowshift unit although unstable was a fit choice for the mission. The constitution of this particular unit allowed it to be useful far beyond its projected span.

Mission Summary: The mission was simple, acquire the weapon: Pornfork (see attached for details), meeting with members of “The Fanix” (a.k.a. “Guild de Estev”) afterwards. Delivery marked debt settlement.

Post Mission Developments: The Shadowshift unit sustained considerable mental deterioration upon completion of the assigned task. Without a clearly defined directive, most vessels assume a role within the designated setting and continue in a data collection and compilation role. This unit however began to exhibit irrational behaviors that can only be compared to that of a religious zealot. It embarked on quests centering on the Pornfork item (which after the Fanix deemed it of no further use allowed the unit to keep). These quests were the obvious result of mixed and melded memories from multiple life spans. The purposes of these quests were an alternating mixture of revenge and redemption. Memories from each span excursion creating obvious conflicts eventually led to a complete psychotic break. The surprising result of this break was dissociation, which manifested itself as amnesia.

Amnesia seemed to settle the unit for a short period of time but as memory returned so did the mental erosion, and the irrational behavior patterns. The “quests” became more and more self-sacrificing until finally the unit was destroyed in a suicidal attempt to battle the notorious purple dragon: Hibiscian.

The termination of the Shadowshift unit did yield beneficial results in the acquisition of two new units Vessel #43217 (Sendria) and #43218 (Feng)

Recommendation: The decommission of unit #33416 has been long overdue, it is the recommendation of this agent that the unit be taken out of span excursion rotation immediately.

The eye continued to swell, the stitches continued to tingle; and he loathed his next course of action. He loathed it because not 20 minutes ago the 3rd jar was full of ashes. Presently the Jar marked #43218 (Feng) was inexplicably empty. He would now have to inform the master.

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