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Sal's Resume

Sal's Resume


Permanent Address:
St. Paul, MN 55119
home (651)_____ -_____

Current Address:
Morris, MN 56267
Home: 320.___.___
Cell: 651.___.___


Desire an opportunity ...


Training: First Aid, CPR, and various group home setting skills needed to serve the physically challenged population

ESL Teaching Certificate (Fall of 2009) from Hamline University (St.Paul, MN)

Basic Reading Tutor Certificate of Attendance & ABE Consortium In-Service on New Policies, Methods, and Materials for ABE/GED/ESL Instruction from Alexandria's Runestone Learning Center through the Minnesota Literacy Council in October of 2005 and 2007 repectively

Understanding Culture, Understanding People from the Human Services Conference through UMM's Continuing Ed Dept in April of 2005

Blandin Community Leadership Project Certificate 2004-2005

University of Minnesota-Morris, Morris ,Minnesota. Bachelor's Degree-Class of 99'. Majored in Liberal Arts for the Human Services -Public Administration. G.P.A: -/4.00

HS Diploma. Harding Senior High, St. Paul, MN. 1995. G.P.A: 3.91


Student Mentor (1998)
UMM Minority Student Gateway Program, Morris, MN. One of 5 mentors that assists 19 first-year students in their transition to a rural college setting. Within this 4-week summer program, I was able to serve as a teacher's assistant for a computer science course. Also I was a supervisor and adviser in their educational, academic, social, and physical experience. This is to prepare them for their potential challenging and cultural shock year as many of them are from the more populated big cities, like Chicago.

Legislative Student-Intern (1998)
Council of Asian Pacific for Minnesotans, St. Paul, MN. Served as a non- paid Administrative/Legislative Assistant to others at the office with some summer projects through running errands and attending meetings. One particular project was building a list of networks among the Asian Pacific American community in the state's colleges and universities (see CAPM newsletter).

Radio Show Assistant (1998)
KFAI- "Filipino American National News" Radio Show: Minneapolis, MN. Served as a volunteer assistant in the weekly 30 minute radio program. My duties included: Outreach coordinator, networking, and participating in the talk show.

Unloader (1998)

United Postal Service: Eagan, MN. Got physically built from unloading various sized packages from trucks and package cars in the loading docks in a team-oriented environment.

Patient Services Student-Intern (1997)
American Cancer Society: Patient Services-Minnesota Division, Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Completed a summer project that further the mission of the ACS. I helped market a Hmong Cancer Patient Video through phone calling, speaking in group meetings, and creating content material for a homepage. Other duties included writing letters, visiting and interviewing health professionals about cancer and cultural issues, and contacting people in the Hmong community for a survey data analysis report on the video.

Sales Person (1996)
Kirby Corporation: Maplewood, MN. Duties included marketing and customer service through demonstration presentations (vaccuming) at various homes throughout the Metro area.

Employee Sales Person-intern (1995)
3M Company: Store, Maplewood, MN. Duties included customer service, stocking products,
inventory, and cashier.

Office Worker-intern (1994)
3M Company: Plant Engineering, Maplewood, MN. Duties included typing, running errands, data
entry, answering phones, and filling.


Job Coach (December 12th of 2005-November 21st of 2007 (last day I worked before getting layed off) Present)
Stevens County Developmentally Achievement Center: Morris, MN. Help oversee work for various number (1-10) of clients with daily tasks that are developmentally (physically handicapped disabled or mentally challenged) disabled adults (total of 60-65 in our facility).

Consumer Counselor (June of 1999-Present)
St. Francis: Prairie Community Services-Ravenwood Home (formerly Hoffman Home): Morris, MN. Help assist about 8 consumers with daily tasks that are developmentally (physically handicapped disabled or mentally challenged) disabled adults. Also, I'm currently a mentor through the Community Services Program by helping (role modeling positive behavior, academic assitant, and getting involved with social activities to get him prepared for life) a youth in town as part of community social service program for PCS.

GED-ESL Instructor/Tutor (September 2008 - Present)
Alexandria ABE Consortium in satellite location of Morris, Minnesota Started out as a volunteer in the Fall of 2004... Morris Literacy Project Volunteer Coordinator

International Student Orientation ESL Instructor (one week in August 2010)
University of Minnesota Morris - Morris, Minnesota: To better prepare "new" international students for the high academic standards at UMM (in and outside the classroom).

Human Services Trainer (Aug. 2004-Aug. 31 2006 (last day I worked) Present)
Divine House-Human Services Trainer: Adult mentor for a young kid with Autism. Serve as a positive role model through various activities: outings, homework, etc... Also, I'm currently doing one and one with a high school youth with special disabilities. Help with various task (personal cares, feeding, etc..) in and outside the house.

Job Coach (Feb-May 05')
Chokio-Alberta High School-Job Coach: Worked 1:1 with a high school teen during his after-school job for Prairie Community Services. Oversaw youth's work in a variety of areas: office work-paper shredding; yard work-raking; house cleainging-vaccuming, washing windows, etc..

Temporary Service Employee (1998-1999: Winter Break)
Office Team Temporary Service:Roseville, MN. An assistant at United Hospital's Human Behavior Service Clinic in St. Paul. Duties included: filiing charts and running various errands.

Residential Adviser (1997-1998)
ORL -Clayton A. Gay Hall, Morris, MN. As a student and a part-time member of the University staff, my role was to represent the University administration at the residential halls, as an adviser, counselor, and a representative of my residents. My duties included: developing a relationship with each of my 30+ DIVERSE residents, being available for assistance to 235+ residents in the hall as I take on-call, enforce rules and regulations of the University, and other responsibilities to build a friendly and safe community sense of living for all.

Fast Food Worker (1993-1998)
Taco Bell, St. Paul, MN. Duties included customer service, cashier, new employment orientation,
stocking, food making, and inventory. Experienced dealing with customers.

Newspaper Deliverer (1989-1990)
St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch, St. Paul, MN. Delivering newspapers for the afternoon route.



1. COPC Community Dialogue Series 05'-Present

"to address issues of cultural diversity, particularly as it relates to building a tolerant and welcoming environment in our community. The original intent in the COPC grant application was to focus on emerging community attitudes as the number of residents from other ethnic backgrounds increases"

Co-Chair 06'-07'

Facilitate meetings and network with members in the community to work-together to welcome newcomers from diverse ethnic-backgrounds

2. Morris Literacy Project: ESL/GED Classes- Fall of 04'-Present

-"giving the opportunity for everyone to learn English and get a chance for a high school diploma"

Project Coordinator 04'-Present

Oversee volunteers tutoring ESL and GED Students

3. Morris Special Touch Chapter04'-Present

-"providing all types of activities for the local "developmentally disabled" community and their caretakers on the first Saturdays of the month"

Secretary 05'-Present


1.Asian Student Association 95'-99'

President 98'-99'

Secretary 96'-97'
-organizational skills from performing the high demanding errands to accomplish the task of fulfilling the organization's goals of educating Asian and Non-Asian community on our diverse enlightening cultures

-attended the Harvard Asian American Intercollegiate Leadership Conference at Cambridge-Boston, MA in 1998.
-attended the Hmong Youth Leadership Conference at Georgetown University in Washington, DC in 1996.

2. International Student Association 95'-98'
-responsibility and organizational skills from helping with the various numerous tasks: dinners, outings, and other get-togethers

3. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship -Spring of 96'-99'
-an active loving committed member and part of their Outreach Committee 98'-99'to advocate diversity.

4. Minority Experience Committee Member 96'-97'
-gave feedback on minority related issues in campus

5. Select Committee-Admissions Counselor 97'
-gave feed back on selecting UMM's Admissions Counselor
-able to comprehend written material

6. Morris Campus Student Assembly 97'-98'
-one of the 19 member representatives to serve the UMM students' needs and suggestions on illuminating this campus: Helped lobby for the New Science Building addition and the Regional Fitness Center at the state capitol.

a.) Student Service Committee

(1) Student Employment Committee
-serve as Chair, which my role was to get this 5 member student/faculty committee together at times throughout each quarter and discuss about a recent new student employment program in campus.

7. North Central Association Subcommittee I 98'
-only student representing member to help assess the Quality of Student Academic Life: Pre-and Post-UMM years. This is part of the process the Univeristy of Minnesota-Morris goes through to get reaccredited every 10 years by the NCA agency.

8. Alpha & Omega98'-99'
-co-restablished a new Christian student organization in campus to help serve the student of color community. I help lead fellowships or meetings every Friday nights in campus.


1. Minority Student Program Scholarship 95'
2. Freshman Academic Scholarship 95'
3. Minority Student Leadership Certificate 96'
4. Residential Advisor of the Month-October 97'
5. Student Leadership Award 99'
6. Employee (Ravenwood Group Home) of the Month 01'
7. Blandin Community Leadership Award 05'
8. Minnesota Literacy Council Outstanding Volunteer Award 05'
9. Morris Human Rights Award 09'


Participated in track, soccer, baseball, Asian Club, and Spanish Club.
Top 5%:Graduated 18 out of 367 students.


Responsible, motivated, determined, understandable, self-reliant, organized, hard-worker, friendly, and honest.


workout, read books (especially the Bible), run, go to Bible Studies, local/overseas mission trips play sports, read the Newspaper daily, community church-ministry/volunteer service opportunities, learning about different cultures and personal social-life issues or challenges, writing websites, etc..


Ministry Activities

Labor work: shingling roofs, pounding stucco walls, sodding grass, lawnmowing, painting (indoor and outdoor), landscapping/gardening, washing windows (indoor/outdoor), tree trimming, laying concrete foundations (fence posts and garages), rock picking (front yards), snow shoveling (driveways and roofs), putting insulation, etc..


Available Upon Request

Luaine Logan
Tom McRoberts
Neil & Ruth Thielke
Steven Sterud

God in the Workplace, a personal testimony

Return to "My-life"

Last Modification: November 21st, 2007 (est. March 18, 1997)