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Gifted intuitive Marcia McMahon affords a look at your akashic records, your souls' purpose, and any other questions or concerns that you may have . Highly recommended by former clients she specializes in helping you heal. " Know thyself" Plato.

Reading with the Archangel Michael consists of three questions that you have, I will go into deep meditation and ask the angels what you need. I will l write out about 2-3 pages of information for you. this will emailed to you plus we set up a session on Skype or Face time to clarify! this takes a few days. Prepayment is expected for the purpose of allowing me time and effort given to you!

Please send 100.00 for the cost of the reading with the Angels ahead of your session with me. When it pops up you will simply add the amount to pay pal using any credit or debit card. If this is a Holiday special as advertised send only the amount of 85.00 usd. Readings take a few days are directly channeled from Archangel Michael and guides and we 'l set up a Skype or phone session after I've worked one hour on the reading! 

Readings are not substituted for medical advice or future predictions, through they can be , as much as spiritual growth right occupation, relationships and healthy choices for your life! 


Endorsement for Marcia McMahon



I found Marcia McMahon through her eBook, Ascension Teachings of Archangel Michael.  The tone of her comments was so humble and friendly, I just felt moved to reach out to her for some help with understanding and healing an episode of depression I was going through.  Wow!  The help I received was far deeper and more life-changing than any expectation I may have had!  She quickly grasped the spiritual dimension of what I was experiencing, yet she never imposed her perceptions, always working in collaboration with my own direct experience.  She combined supporting me to access deeper levels of my own mind with her profound intuitive insights, a process that filled in a multi-dimensional picture of the causes of my current situation.  Because Marcia’s guidance in helping me piece together fascinating past life information was so healing, I decided to take her Angelic Healing class.  Working with her in this way has opened the door to a very powerful synergy between us.  We have both experienced visions of the unfolding of my life journey, and have both experienced the release of kundalini energies during her Metatron meditation.  Marcia is an evolved soul who is attuned to high level spiritual beings, so the wisdom and power she and I have tapped into together continues to be a source of amazement and joy!  Her presence has proven a powerful catalyst for the on-going development of my own spiritual gifts, and with her support, I am feeling confident to move forward in bringing them further out into the world.  Marcia’s confidence, joy and gratitude for her intuitive wisdom are infectious -- she clearly delights in her work.  And all this has been done over Skype! DR. Laura, Boston, MA.

Readings are 100.00 / hour - two hours depending upon what information you are seeking. Mini readings and Parties are also welcome! Parties are 250.00 or 50.00 per person.  To inqiare about a reading please contact Marcia at 217 823 2871

Email Marcia at

Michele R, UK 

"Dear Marcia x Oh yes yes@ this is sure affirmation of Angelic beings I am so amazed@!!!!thank you for the wonderful reading of my records. I felt elated last night and eventually retired to bed I fell into a lovely sleep and during the night awoke to turn my radio off twice and my bedside light a few times I said hello and went back to deep sleep. It is impossible for these to just switch on! I then dreamed " love and alight Michele C., UK


Thank you so much for all that you do. I feel very honored and special to call you my dear friend. The reading today was Amazing and spot on!! 

I told my husband Peter, about getting art supplies ASAP, for her creativity. She is INCREDIBLY TALENTED and it would bring some light into her darkness. When I got home, she had a huge art setup for sketching, color pencils, paints, etc.

She has already sketched several black and white pieces! She has AMAZING 

Natural talent. So incredible, you would swear it was traced!!

Her mood has definitely lightened up quite a bit!

I’m sooooo happy. 

Please continue to pray for my darling baby girl. 

Thank you again!!

Love you! Noël. 

-I adore and love you much !❤️