A Holistic  Wellness Program! Heal with Divine Help! Let Angelic channel , author, and stage 4 cancer survivor Marcia McMahon teach you how to heal body-mind, and spirit with the Divine Inspiriation ! 

Marcia Mcmahon, who is a channel for the Ascended Masters and Archangel Michael has made joyful recovery from stage 4 breast cancer.  Marcia remains well today! Marcia is the expert that many have turned to for help and advice while going thru both traditional cancer treatment ( chemo , radiation and surgery)  and with foods, supplements, and proven solutions!   Learn the Vegan diet and juicingMarcia’s clients range from readings for lightworkers to everyday people struggling with seeking insight thru her vast knowledge of foods and herbal supplements to create a better outcome and chance of improving health later!  

She continues to assist others with Breast cancer, and other cancers through Reiki,  diet, essential oils, juicing and programs like hypnosis!  There is no claim to cure cancer but to assist the knowledge of what foods provide possible outcomes that are desirable. 

Included in this package of materials will be a recipe book, a  pdf, know-how on juicing, and a list of essential oils to better promote healing and increase your chances for beating your type of cancer! 

one Client said this: "

About 9 months ago I had a real scare when the M.D.s were thinking I had prostate cancer. One of the people I turned to for holistic solutions was Marcia McMahon, my Reiki practitioner. The Reiki sessions Marcia does are always so relaxing that I usually either fall asleep or come pretty close to doing so. I treat myself to a Reiki session from Marcia every 2 to 4 weeks these days. Thankfully I'm still cancer-free! My Reiki treatments keep me as healthy as possible. Thank you so much for being a part of my healthcare team, Marcia!" Dr. Todd, D.C.

- Todd W. Austin, D.C

*** Disclaimer** if you have cancer be sure to see your physician. This program is an alternative program that will help you, but is not considered medical advice!  Check out all your options and rely on your own intuition and reason to choose alternatives!