Marcia McMahon is a Reiki Master specializing in both Ususi Reiki, traditional  Reiki, and Angelic Reiki, and teaches both! She has been attuned to the master degree, and works with Archangel Michael, Hope, Raphael and Uriel in her readings and her private sessions with Reiki and Crystal healing. Marcia has been practicing Reiki since 2008, and giving readings with the angels  for 14 years now. She formerly taught art and art history professionally and is retired. She is a stage 4  breast cancer survivor doing well and using reiki for other cancer patients, as well as her skills in hypnosis. She is an herbalist through study , and she has healed of stage 4 cancer using a multidisciplinary  approach. Marcia is a four time published author and has written about angels in her book, Ascension Teachings with Archangel Michael she has described the Ascension Process, and awakening with AA Michael. Find this book  on has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs.

To set up a private session, please contact Marcia at or call the  office at 217 391 6701, cell 217 823 2871 to inquire. Most Reiki sessions are an hour and cost is 50.00. For a shorter session the fee is 30.00. You can pay via pay pal, or in person at my home office in Taylorville.  If you are a cancer patient and cannot afford a session just contact Marcia! Reiki assists the healing of your body, and chakra system thru relaxation and the biomat is also used. Relaxation speeds healing from surgery radiation, or chemo all of which Marcia has been thru.

As well if you would like to add a reading from your angels the cost of a session is 85.00. please contact Marcia at Distance Reiki training an sessions are also available online. Marcia is a former professor online. 
