Thursday, 10 November 2005
Unite Against Terror News
If you Love Liberty, Hate Tyranny, then you NEED to checkout this site and it's associated links.
Dear Unite Against Terror signer,
Signatures continue to arrive. Please encourage colleagues and friends to sign. Issue 2 of Democratiya (November-December 2005), the free online review of
books, has reviews of Ted Honderich's
book After Terror by Jon Pike, and Michael Ignatieff's book Ethics in an Age of
Terror by Eve Garrard. Go to http://
Please consider letting others know about Democratiya.
A new debate on civil society and terror has been opened on Madrid11. Go to to participate.
The Organisers of Unite Against Terror
Protect Free Speech Online: Stop HR 4194
Just got this update in from The Online Coalition, when you read it, keep in mind the words of Benjamin Franklin, "We must all hang together, or we will most assuredly, hang separately."
But if you are one who thinks standing up for Liberty, and Freedom would "cause trouble"?
I commend to you the words of Samuel Adams'
"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace.
We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand
that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity
forget that ye were our countrymen."

Dear Friends,
You haven't heard from us in a few months - but we've been working hard
to protect your freedom to speak online. And now we need your help.
Right now - there are TWO bills in Congress that will affect bloggers -
one good, one bad. The bill that deserves our support is HR 1606 - The
Online Freedom of Speech Act.
The other bill - HR 4194 - is a substitute offered by those most
interested in regulating the Internet. Its supporters are engaged in an
aggressive campaign to pass this legislation in Congress, in an effort
to muddy the waters and distract Congress from passing real protections
for bloggers. They're so terrified of your freedom to speak your mind
that they've actually compared giving freedom to bloggers to the scandal
involving Scooter Libby in the White House. (No, we're not making that
In order to pass the bill we want - we need - to stop the sham
alternative bill, HR 4194.
Their measure, HR 4194 purports to protect "bloggers" from campaign
finance regulation. But, in fact, it is so riddled with exceptions and
exclusions that it is worse that nothing.
Click here to search for your member of Congress by zip
code. Tell them that the blogosphere is not behind HR 4194.
Problems with 4194:
* It offers no guidance as to the treatment of group political
activity, potentially treating all group websites that discuss federal
candidates as political committees
* It would stifle technological innovation. HR 4914 specifically
mentions "blogging," but ignores such as already-widely used
technologies like podcasting, wikis and peer-to-peer networks, let alone
the technologies of tomorrow.
* Its alleged protection to incorporated bloggers offers no real
protection. In comments filed before the FEC, supporters of HR 4194
have stated explicitly that those websites which endorse, expressly
advocate, and urge readers to donate funds to the election of preferred
candidates do not qualify for protection under the law. This would force
bloggers that speak forcefully about politics to seek legal counsel - a
complete disaster.
This measure is a smokescreen designed to confuse the issue and prevent
better laws from passing. Call your Representatives in Congress and
make sure they understand that HR 4194 is unacceptable.
The Online Coalition
PS - If you're a blogger, make sure your member of Congress knows that
you're telling your readers about HR 4194. And if you post about this issue - please send a trackback to
this post so we can show Congress what bloggers think about their
watered-down attempts to "protect" free speech online.
Linked Back to Samantha Burns
The Not So Daily, Daily Best Reads|
Tuesday, 8 November 2005
France In Flames
Words fail to give an adequate picture of the present days in France, but this Map despite the fact that it is without doubt dated at this time, does reveal what the media has clouded with smoke and mirrors.

From Leaders fiddle as France burns
By Colin Randall in Paris
(Filed: 08/11/2005)
11am update: France declares state of emergency
In pictures: Paris burns after week of rioting
France was struggling to overcome one of its gravest post-war crises last night as every major city faced the threat of fierce rioting that began 12 nights ago and now seems to have spun out of control.
A mechanic inspects the wreckage of a burned-out car
Despite an assurance from Philippe Douste Blazy, the foreign minister, that France was "not a dangerous country", the spread of violence prompted the Foreign Office in London to warn travellers that trouble could break out "almost anywhere".
Dominique de Villepin, the beleaguered prime minister, announced that officials in riot-hit areas would be authorised to impose late-night curfews "wherever it is necessary" in a bid to halt the disturbances.
He rejected calls by a police union for troops to be sent in but said that 1,500 reservists were being called up and repeated an appeal to parents to keep adolescent rioters off the streets.
Although the disorder began on the intimidating sink estates of Paris's northern suburbs, trouble had been reported yesterday in the early hours from most regions of the country. Even areas such as Brittany, the Loire and Bordeaux, favoured by British holidaymakers and second- home hunters, have now been drawn into the worst wave of unrest in France since the spring revolt of 1968 set in motion the downfall of Gen Charles de Gaulle.
More than 1,400 vehicles were destroyed during a night of increasing violence
Yesterday the violence also claimed its first life. A 61-year-old man died in hospital three days after being beaten unconscious when he left his home in a northern Paris suburb intending to stop rubbish bins being set on fire.
Even before renewed disturbances broke out last night, figures showed that rioters had wrecked 4,700 vehicles, injured more than 100 police and rescue workers, and opened fire in at least six separate incidents
The Times of London has a handy table of the numbers of cars burned during each day of the French riots. Tim Blair and Mark Steyn have called this metric the Car-B-Q. A graph showing the numbers of cars Car-B-Qed against day is shown below

Two inflection points immediately jump out. The first occurs on Day 6 when the car burnings really took off after trending flat for the previous 5 days. I think this represents the missed opportunity to deal with the riots at an early stage, either with large concessions or large crackdowns. I don't think it mattered which as long as the authorities acted decisively, which they didn't, because this was the period when the French government stood paralyzed like a deer in headlights.
The second inflection point is Day 11, when the graph appears to be flattening out. Appears because Day 11 is also the day in which the modality of the disturbances began to change from Car-B-Qs to arson against churches, schools and buildings combined with shooting attacks against police officers. But clearly it may be the case that the French riots may be running out of steam and therefore susceptible to the countermeasures the government is now putting in place. Let's wait and see.
Early skirmish in the Eurabian civil war
By Mark Steyn
(Filed: 08/11/2005)
According to its Office du Tourisme, the big event in Evreux this past weekend was supposed to be the annual fete de la pomme, du cidre et du fromage at the Place de la Mairie. Instead, in this charmingly smouldering cathedral town in Normandy, a shopping mall, a post office, two schools, upwards of 50 vehicles and, oh yes, the police station were destroyed by - what's the word? - "youths".
Over at the Place de la Mairie, M le Maire himself, Jean-Louis Debre, seemed affronted by the very idea that un soupcon de carnage should be allowed to distract from the cheese-tasting. "A hundred people have smashed everything and strewn desolation," he told reporters. "Well, they don't form part of our universe."
Maybe not, but unfortunately you form part of theirs.
Mr Debre, a close pal of President Chirac's, was a little off on the numbers. There were an estimated 200 "youths" rampaging through Evreux. With baseball bats. They injured, among others, a dozen firemen. "To those responsible for the violence, I want to say: Be serious!" Mr Debre told France Info radio. "If you want to live in a fairer, more fraternal society, this is not how to go about it."
Oh, dear. Who's not "being serious" here? In Normandy, it's not just the cheese that's soft and runny. Granted that France's over-regulated sclerotic economy profoundly obstructs the social mobility of immigrants, even Mr Debris - whoops, sorry - even Mr Debre cannot be so out of touch as to think "seriously" that the rioters are rioting for "a fairer, more fraternal society". But maybe he does. The political class and the media seem to serve as mutual reinforcers of their obsolete illusions. Or as the Washington Post's headline put it: "Rage of French youth is a fight for recognition".
Actually, they're very easy to "recognise": just look out the window, they're the ones torching your Renault 5. I'd wager the "French" "youth" find that headline as hilarious as the Jets in West Side Story half a century ago, when they taunted Officer Krupke with "society's" attempts to "understand" them: we're depraved on account of we're deprived. Perhaps some enterprising Paris impresario will mount a production of West Eid Story with choreographed gangs of North African Muslims sashaying through the Place de la Republique, incinerating as they go.
Let?s pretend we don't see it, and it might disappear

Let?s pretend there isn?t any alarm. More to the point, let?s call it all alarmism. If doesn?t explain the traffic and chatter on the boards that the PR slicks can?t influence. Here?s one of the people out there exposing a corner-store jihadist who has been using chat boards to ply his trade:
Go to !No Pasaran! for the reast of the story.
It is claimed by some that by over reacting we may create a religous war where none yet exists. I am afraid that time has past and on the matter of religous war or no religous war we no longer have a choice.
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!
Monday, 7 November 2005
The Doubtful Value
of Duality
As Europe braces itself for what might be the 13th Day of Flames there is a wide range of thought upon the origins and eventual outcome of this conflagration.
There are those who deem this to be the Start of the French Intifada, just recently altered to the Intifada of Europe with the News that in addition to France, in Paris,Aulnay-sous-Bois, Suresnes,Asnieres-sur-Seine, in total twenty something suburbs of Paris as well as,
!No Pasaran! Other regions of France suffered increased attacks : Le Havre, a Rouen, Nantes, Blois, Tours, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Mulhouse and Colmar were particularly affected. 2 churches were torched; Saint-Edouard in Lens and one in Sete. Schools in Nantes, Strasbourg, Lille, and two in Saint-Etienne were targeted by arson attacks. A police stations in Clermont Ferrand was totally destroyed and another one was smashed by a vehicle in Moulin-a-Vent.The Flames have spread to Denmark
MSM blackout on the intifada in DenmarkIt’s not just Paris. Successive nights of riots have rocked parts of ?rhus, the second largest city in Denmark. Little to nothing has appeared in the English language press about the second front in the Eurabian intifada. ?rhus is home to an excellent Danish university, and is a place where I have spent some time. It is usually spelled “Aarhus” in English.
Fortunately, Hendrik, The Viking Observer, has translated in his blog a press account from Jyllands-Posten, a Danish newspaper which has been the target of Muslim protests for publishing drawings of the prophet Muhammad.. A few excerpts:
Rosenh?j Mall has several nights in a row been the scene of the worst riots in ?rhus for years. “This area belongs to us”, the youths proclaim. Sunday evening saw a new arson attack. Their words sound like a clear declaration of war on the Danish society. Police must stay out. The area belongs to immigrants....
Four hours after the short meeting, Falck (Danish privat emergency service – Henrik) sent a group of fire engines under police escort to the nursery Kj?rslund on S?ndervangs Alle, right across the street from Rosenh?j Mall. Gasoline through the windowA window had been shattered at the back of the house, and the fire had been blazing, apparently because of gasoline poured onto the floor, then lit. Falck stopped on Viby Square, a couple kilometers from the site of the arson attack, waiting for the police to turn up so they could be escorted to the nursery. Two nights earlier, other Falck-employees were threatened, when they were covering up broken shop-windows. Cobblestones had smashed the shop-windows from one end of the mall to the other. The police wrote in their report saturday night, that the youths had their stones with them in bags, when they came to Rosenh?j....
He calls himself 100 percent Palestinian, born in a refugee camp in Lebanon 19 years ago, and now out of work in Denmark.“The police has to stay away. This is our area. We decide what goes down here”.
The MSM has done everything possible to minimize the Islamicist nature of the violence in Europe, and has blacked-out coverage of the Danish front. Here is another example of how the blogosphere has become essential to an understanding of the realities of the world.
Hat tip: Ed Lasky
Thomas Lifson 11 04 05
And now we learn it has leaped the boarders of Germany and Belgium.
Officials Cautious on Violence in Germany and BelgiumBERLIN, Nov. 7 - Cars were torched late Sunday night in two German cities, Berlin and Bremen, and in Brussels, in incidents that appeared to be inspired by the communal riots in France, leading European officials to warn that poor and dissatisfied youths of immigrant backgrounds lived all over Europe.How exactly did we all come to this pass, what was the origin, there are many explanations, failure to integrate immigrants, manipulation of simmering resentments but what was the ONE physical action which sparked all this destruction? Read and pay close attention to the following tale.
Silent march follows Paris riots
Hundreds of people have taken part in a silent march through a suburb of Paris in memory of two teenage boys whose deaths sparked two nights of violence.
The crowds blamed police for the deaths of the two boys, electrocuted when they climbed into an electrical station.
Reports say the boys were trying to evade police, but local officials deny they were being chased when they died.
Meanwhile the unrest continued for a third night, with nine youths arrested after about 20 cars were set alight.
'Shot fired'
There were no clashes with police, unlike previous nights, on Saturday but several youths were seen throwing petrol bombs and other missiles in the district of Clichy-sous-Bois.
About 300 police have been deployed to the area to maintain a law and order and will remain until further notice, officials said.
Police detained 14 people after Friday night's clashes, which officials said saw 15 police officers and one journalist injured, and a shot fired at a police van.
The area where the violence took place has many immigrants
Thursday's violence broke out after youths attacked firefighters who had been called in to help the two victims, who were aged 15 and 17, and a third youth who received serious burns
Did we all catch that last little bit? If not let me repeat it with added emphasis.
Thursday's violence broke out after youths attacked firefighters who had been called in to help the two victims, who were aged 15 and 17, and a third youth who received serious burns
Oh yes they were SO outraged and grief stricken at the deaths of these two boys that they let me repeat..
attacked firefighters who had been called in to help the two victims, who were aged 15 and 17, and a third youth who received serious burns
Some how that does not instill in me a belief that there was any real concern by the mob for those two boys, except maybe as Martyrs?
There are voices asking for moderation and for us not to leap to judgment
At the lead of this fittingly is
The Moderate VoiceImportant Note To Readers
by Joe Gandelman
Our co-blogger Jack Grant's posts on both this site and on his are always independent and unique...and the ones he's posting now are more authoritative than ever.
Just to remind our readers: Jack Grant is a scientist working and living in France. So you might want to take special note of any original or "pointer posts" he puts on this site to get his perspective from France....where all of the turmoil is taking place. The rest of us writing and pontificating from the United States are relying on news reports but don't get to talk to any people in France first hand.
So do check out his posts. We'll chain link his to ours.
Related Posts (on one page):
1. Important Note To Readers
2. A note upon the riots underway in France
3. Many cities in France are burning
4. France's Clashes Spread To Paris On 10th Night Of DestructionRandom FateFear and hate
by Jack Grant
Many, especially those on the right-wing, are not only correlating but seeking evidence for how the riots and gang-coordinated violence in France might be related to Islam.
Correlation, despite our desire for an orderly and understandable universe, does not prove causality.
In this particular case, it is similar to the violence in the late 1960s and early 70s in the US, where there were riots that originated in areas that were mainly inhabited by people whose skin color is commonly described as black.
Does this mean that blacks are inherently violent? The predominant view today is only a racist would say so.
However, it is apparently perfectly acceptable to say that since the riots in France are occurring in regions inhabited predominantly by Muslims (many if not most of whom are African and NOT Arab, by the way) somehow proves that Islam is inherently violent.
Yet, somehow, this thinking is acceptable, even though the logic differs not at all from the ?logic? of the latter half of the 20th century used to justify all kinds of racism.
I have a theory about racism; it is a way for people to avoid the hard work of thinking.
I have a theory about hate; it is a way for people to avoid the hard work of thinking.
We should seek out the true origins of the riots, and as has been written elsewhere, I suspect we will discover they have far more in common with the origins of the riots in the United States of the later half of the 20th century than with some grand Islamist conspiracy to overthrow ?the WestBut I am afraid things have gone much farther than simple rioting, which usually does not include internet and cell phone coordination of what appear to be orchestrated raids on outlying regions as
De Doc's Institute relates to us
Filed under: The Islamicist War ? De Doc @ 3:27 am
Or would you prefer, perhaps, اثنان دقائق إلى منتصف ليل ?
The violence in France is spreading. Over 300 towns and cities have now reported some degree of rioting. Belgium and Germany are now seeing copycat car-b-q?s.
Now, for the record: I do not believe there is an organized Islamicist cabal calling the shots in France.
That doesn't?t reassure me, though. I don?t think anybody should be reassured.
Not all riots lead to revolutions. But revolutions generally grow out of the initial, chaotic conditions that riots breed.
As usual we are getting the news filtered to varying degrees.
More cars torched but situation calmer as France plans anti-riot curfews
AFP - 22 minutes ago
PARIS (AFP) - More cars were torched overnight but the situation looked calmer after Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin announced that regions are to be given powers to impose curfews to curb riots that have gripped hundreds of towns across France.
French youths riot again despite curfew threat
Reuters - 57 minutes ago
PARIS (Reuters) - Ignoring the government's threat of a curfew, youths rioted for a 12th successive night in France, torching more than 800 vehicles around the country and injuring four police, the Interior Ministry said on TuesdayHowever to my mind one of the most piercing observations was in !No Pasaran!
Translation of article linked from ?Zek est de nouveau parmi nousThe latest offensives to some kind of "emergency plan for the suburbs", aiming to re-enstate the authority of the republic in the occupied territories.
The islamists then consolidated their victories, and from it to gradually conquer more land.
The message was clear: any incursion of the French State into the territory was punished by riots, fires, and on French nationals. That applied not only to the police force, but also to firemen, doctors, etc. The riot stopped when the government dhimmis accepted, not only to leave islamists a free hand, but to finance them with billions for an "emergency plan for the suburbs".
But, like criminals always leaving their mark, the riots revealed their true objective through their targets: social schools, cribs, centers, community gyms, etc...
In other words they were mainly buildings representing the French Republic, those which symbolized the "policy of integration" the most were most prominently attacked.
These riots didn't?t take place because "France refuses to integrate its ", and other banal reasons, but exactly for the opposite reason: because France tries to integrate its .
But despite the ineptitude of the political leaders, there are shining evidences that the common folk betrayed by the State are still able to stand their ground and see to the of their homes and families. For some time I have known that examples such as Liberte J'cris ton nomme the French Libertarian Party indicated that spirit still beats in the hearts of the French.
The vacuum left by an absent State posted by U*2 @ 11:41 AM
The first curfew has been declared and the idea of people taking things into their own hands is starting to be bandied about. Raincy will have a curfew starting at 10 or 11PM. In Asnieres, a citizen's brigade is being formed to help police.As I said before there have been many voices raised pro and con on what exactly this conflagration really means, And to those who see it as a simple reaction to long held economic injustice. I reply
were it only that simple. It would be to be desired.
But as the Revolutionary swims in the Sea of the Proletariat (though in this instance most of the workers are unemployed and on the dole) so this has been used and directed. Yes it might very well have been spontaneous but the first outbreaks were not uncommon to those areas, it is something different now.
And to those voices raised in trying to pour oil on troubled waters? If you listen closely you can almost hear Patrick Henry saying to them across the centuries.
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field!Make no mistake,despite ALL the issues we as Nation have had with their Political Leaders the common folk of Asnieres,
ARE our brethern.
The Doubtful Value of Duality lies in either or thinking, what we face now is a situation where both sides of this debate have truth, but their separate truths do not exclude the other.
Michael Moore was full of it,
these are the Minute Men of the 21st Century.
Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons
Frappr map of The Committees of Correspondence
There's still plenty of room.Add your self to
The Committees of Correspondence Frappr map
Blogs that link to this post are: The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns
(though to be honest MrBig should have linked to the post below this one, we gonna get this worked
out one way or the other!)
Welcome to my map, Sam, MrBig and Laura, Good to see you JJ
The Open
Trackback Alliance
When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a
Statement of PurposeNow upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.
And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.
One of the most important discoveries I make in those early days was the website of Samantha Burns, which included a unique informal community of bloggers, who not only linked to each other but actually browsed and read the blogs they linked to.
Later I was honored to be allowed to join another more formal blog community. At that time I decided that while I welcomed blogs that wanted to link to me, I was not that interested in simply joining blogrolls to add links. After that I made no more attempts to join any blog alliances. I have been kept busy supporting the linkages I have and at times I feel guilty that I cannot get around to all the websites on my blogroll as I could when it was smaller.
So why do I welcome this recent invitation to join the Open Trackback Alliance? Have I reconsidered my former decision?
No I am posting and joining this Alliance because it is RIGHT for me to do so.
Because it FULFILLS my original Statement of Purpose that the Blogs are indeed the 21st Century Committees of Correspondence, whose duty and honor it is to SHARE information, thoughts, ideas, news and to discuss the same. To diligently search for the truths that lie behind the distortions and half-truths of the Legacy Media.
What the blogs associated with the Samantha Burns site did informally, and without structure, this Alliance only aids and structures. There is in fact no conflict between what I do now, and what I decided to do sometime ago.
For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.
Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.
And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.
As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.
The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the
Blogs that Trackback to this Post:
Third World County , The Conservative Cat,
The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns Diane's Stuff
Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)
Sunday, 6 November 2005
The Second Dunkirk
Europe is in flames, the price of ignoring serious problems and turning a blind eye to the breakdown of Civil Society is spreading.
Will the rise of Eurabia be a foregone conclusion or does the will to resist still remain.
This from the comment section of
The Barbarians at the Gates of ParisEveryone knows la douce France: the France of wonderful food and wine, beautiful landscapes, splendid chateaux and cathedrals. More tourists (60 million a year) visit France than any country in the world by far. Indeed, the Germans have a saying, not altogether reassuring for the French: “to live as God in France.” Half a million Britons have bought second homes there; many of them bore their friends back home with how they order these things better in France.
But there is another growing, and much less reassuring, side to France. I go to Paris about four times a year and thus have a sense of the evolving preoccupations of the French middle classes. A few years ago it was schools: the much vaunted French educational system was falling apart; illiteracy was rising; children were leaving school as ignorant as they entered, and much worse-behaved. For the last couple of years, though, it has been crime: l’insecurite, les violences urbaines, les incivilites. Everyone has a tale to tell, and no dinner party is complete without a horrifying story. Every crime, one senses, means a vote for Le Pen or whoever replaces him.
I first saw l’insecurite for myself about eight months ago. It was just off the Boulevard Saint-Germain, in a neighborhood where a tolerably spacious apartment would cost $1 million. Three youths—Rumanians—were attempting quite openly to break into a parking meter with large screwdrivers to steal the coins. It was four o’clock in the afternoon; the sidewalks were crowded, and the nearby cafes were full. The youths behaved as if they were simply pursuing a normal and legitimate activity, with nothing to fear.
Eventually, two women in their sixties told them to stop. The youths, laughing until then, turned murderously angry, insulted the women, and brandished their screwdrivers. The women retreated, and the youths resumed their “work.”
A man of about 70 then told them to stop. They berated him still more threateningly, one of them holding a screwdriver as if to stab him in the stomach. I moved forward to help the man, but the youths, still shouting abuse and genuinely outraged at being interrupted in the pursuit of their livelihood, decided to run off. But it all could have ended very differently.There is
much more in the above article.
Antagonism toward the police might appear understandable, but the conduct of the young inhabitants of the cites toward the firemen who come to rescue them from the fires that they have themselves started gives a dismaying glimpse into the depth of their hatred for mainstream society. They greet the admirable firemen (whose motto is Sauver ou perir, save or perish) with Molotov cocktails and hails of stones when they arrive on their mission of mercy, so that armored vehicles frequently have to protect the fire engines.French Muslim Riots Growing More ViolentThe rioting by French Muslims continues to spread and grow more violent.
Widespread riots across impoverished [Muslim -ed.] areas of France took a malevolent turn in a ninth night of violence, as [Muslim -ed.] youths torched an ambulance and stoned medical workers coming to the aid of a sick person. Authorities arrested more than 200 people, an unprecedented sweep since the beginning of the unrest. Bands of [Muslim -ed.] youths also burned a nursery school, warehouses and more than 750 cars overnight as the violence that spread from the restive Paris suburbs to towns around France. The U.S. warned Americans against taking trains to the airport through the affected areas.
At the nursery school in Acheres, west of Paris, part of the roof was caved in, childrens' photos stuck to blackened walls, and melted plastic toys littered the floor. The town had been previously untouched by the violence. Some residents demanded that the army be deployed, or that citizens rise up and form militias. At the school gate, the mayor tried to calm tempers. "We are not going to start militias," Mayor Alain Outreman said. "You would have to be everywhere."
Fires and other incidents were reported in the northern city of Lille, in Toulouse, in the southwest, Rouen, in the west and elsewhere on the second night of unrest in areas beyond metropolitan Paris. An incendiary device was tossed at the wall of a synagogue in Pierrefitte, northwest of Paris, where electricity went out after a burning car damaged an electrical pole.
"This is dreadful, unfortunate. Who did this? [Muslims. -ed.] Against whom?" [You. -ed.] Naima Mouis, a hospital worker in Suresnes, asked while looking at the hulk of her burned-out car.
On Saturday morning, more than 1,000 people took part in a silent march in one of the worst-hit suburbs, Aulnay-sous-Bois, filing past burned-out cars to demand calm. One banner read: "No to violence." Car torchings have become a daily fact in France's tough suburbs, with about 100 each night
Dan's note The situation may have gone past marching against violence
French Police Arrest 250 As Arson Grows
ACHERES, France - Youths armed with gasoline bombs fanned out from Paris' poor, troubled suburbs to shatter the tranquility of resort cities on the Mediterranean, torching scores of vehicles, nursery schools and other targets during a 10th straight night of arson attacks.
Police deployed a helicopter and tactical teams to chase down youths speeding from one attack to another in cars and on motorbikes. Some 2,300 police were brought into the Paris region to bolster security, France-Info said. More than 250 people were arrested.
The violence ? originally concentrated in neighborhoods northeast of Paris with large immigrant populations ? is forcing France to confront long-simmering anger in its suburbs, where many Africans and their French-born children live on society's margins, struggling with unemployment, poor housing, racial discrimination, crime and a lack of opportunity.
The unrest, triggered by fury over the deaths of two teenagers, has taken on unprecedented scope and intensity. The violence reached far-flung corners of France on Saturday, from Rouen in Normandy to Bordeaux in the southwest to Strasbourg near the German border, but the Paris region has borne the brunt.
In quiet Acheres, on the edge of the St. Germain forest west of Paris, arsonists burned a nursery school, where part of the roof caved in, and about a dozen cars in four attacks that the mayor said seemed "perfectly organized."
Children's photos clung to the blackened walls, and melted plastic toys littered the floor. Residents gathered at the school gate demanded that the army be deployed or suggested that citizens band together to protect their neighborhoods. Mayor Alain Outreman tried to cool tempers.
The Moderate Voice has video and an extensive list of links covering this issue. Bravo!
Blogs of War now has a special Europe section to cover the French Intifada.
The French Bantulands
Much has been said about America's history of Slavery, Segregation, Jim Crow Laws and Discrimination.
South Africa's history of Apartheid is also thrown up from time to time.
These black marks on our past we earned regrettably, though sometimes it irks that European intellectuals seem to be blind to the fact that most of our sins are in the past and we have been working on them for almost 2 generations now.
BUT little has been said in public, or the press about the squalor of the French Muslim enclaves, they have been rigorously ignored,
That is getting harder and harder for the Legacy Media to do since for over a week they have been in flames.
Now that it's Sunday, do you think rioters will respect the Sabbath day?
The night's activity: 1295 vehicles torched, 312 arrests, and Paris hit for the first time since the riots started. In Evreux, rampaging youths armed with baseball bats directly confronted riot police.
Violent confrontations between riot police and hooded youths took place in Evreux where the shopping center 'du quartier de La Madeleine' was hit by extensive damage. There were injuries on both sides but police authorities were unable to supply any numbers (or unwilling to).
See this post for details on activity earlier in the night (ie. incidents not repeated in this post).
The spin is amazing.
Violence in Paris suburbs sparks copy-cat unrest
EPINAY-SUR-SEINE, France (Reuters) - Violence erupted again in poor suburbs of Paris where youths torched buildings and dozens of cars and sporadic unrest spread in the early hours of Saturday to at least three other French cities.
In a potentially worrying development for Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin's beleaguered government, police said more cars were set alight outside the greater Paris area than in the capital's suburbs, the epicenter of riots for more than a week.
Violence erupted again? Should that not be violence continues to spread? Is theis the 10th or 11th day fo the French Intifada?
France shaken as riots spread

Arson attacks, running battles with police, random gunfire and looting over 10 nights have spread from the dingy Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois to dozens of other predominantly Muslim slums, where religious fundamentalism competes with drug pushers for the attention of alienated youths.
In an alarming turn early yesterday, police said the unrest had even reached the centre of the French capital, where more than a dozen vehicles were torched.
A growing number of rioters seemed to have found a political demand: the resignation of the Interior Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy. But Mr Sarkozy, who is accused of having inflamed the riots by calling the youths that began them "louts" and "scum", is refusing to moderate his tough stand, telling yesterday's Le Monde that the Government's strategy of firmness was correct
Oh wow they go on a rampage and Sarkozy if at fauilt because he HURT THEIR feelings by calling them names.
PS an appropriated English translation of the word he used would be rascals.
It is true that the French Government has much to be held to blame for, the segregation, and ghettoizing of the Muslims Immigrants was a very bad idea and the French People's inability to assimilate foreigners is a problem too, BUT when you compare the squalor of the Muslim enclaves in France with the squalor and the destitution these people would have endured if they had never come to France?
I mean if you are living in subsidized housing, means given you by the State and the crowding is so oppressive, MAYBE having 10 or 11 children adds to the problem?
The truth is they should pray to Allah with gratitude that they face now a French Government rather than a Muslim one.
If the later they would be facing Hama Rules.
n February 1982 the secular Syrian government of President Hafez al-Assad faced a mortal threat from Islamic extremists, who sought to topple the Assad regime. How did it respond? President Assad identified the rebellion as emanating from Syria's fourth-largest city ? Hama ? and he literally leveled it, pounding the fundamentalist neighborhoods with artillery for days. Once the guns fell silent, he plowed up the rubble and bulldozed it flat, into vast parking lots. Amnesty International estimated that10 , 000to25 , 000Syrians, mostly civilians, were killed in the merciless crackdown. Syria has not had a Muslim extremist problem since.
I visited Hama a few months after it was leveled. The regime actually wanted Syrians to go see it, to contemplate Hama's silence and to reflect on its meaning. I wrote afterward, "The whole town looked as though a tornado had swept back and forth over it for a week ? but this was not the work of mother nature."
This was "Hama Rules" ? the real rules of Middle East politics ? and Hama Rules are no rules at all. I tell this story not to suggest this should be America's approach. We can't go around leveling cities. We need to be much more focused, selective and smart in uprooting the terrorists.
I say that NOT to advocate this tactic as a solution to the present problems, but to indicate there is a degree in quality and quantity of oppression between the West and the East.
We are not Saints. but I very seriously doubt Hama Rules will be invoked in France, under a Muslim regime?
In a heartbeat.
Captain's Quarters has an eery, but with a ring of truth read on these events.
The Islamists, however, understand that they have the momentum and the political will that the French and their government lack. They will not give that up easily, and not without significant concessions. One cannot help but be reminded of the first barbarian sack of Rome at the hands of Alaric, who decreed that the Romans would keep their lives only as long as they refrained from interfering in the pillaging of Alaric's forces until they finished. I wonder what the Islamists will demand from the French for their survival.
UPDATE: This is a MUST READ from !No Pasaran!
A perfect example of how Idealogical editing of the News spreads lies and engenders chaos.
It appears that Nicolas Sarkozy was deliberately demonized in the TV reports of him using his strong language earlier in the week. In fact, there was footage available showing Sarkozy using the word ?racaille? (riff-raff) while speaking to an inhabitant of Clichy-sous-Bois who herself had just used the word while expressing how fed up she was with local crime.
Sarko answered her using her own words. In politics, that?s a way of communicating empathy. Her words were edited out and never shown in the ensuing days. His weren?t. ?Arret sur Images? showed the whole exchange today.
Mr. Sarkozy was filmed quietly and calmly speaking to youths from Clichy who were apparently very deferential toward him (calling him Monsieur), eager to talk to him and seemed impressed that he was willing to leave himself unprotected by bodyguards in order to spend some time with them. In a what amounts to a ghetto that?s a sincere display of trust.
That footage didn?t make the news programs simply because the Provisional wing of the CGT got in the way of honest journalism. It didn?t suit their political agenda, and through its? heavy ideological editing fanned the flames you might see in your nearest car park or bus depot. Never mind the possible tensions that the press can inflame by reporting too much, worry about what harm is caused by consciously reporting too little.
Thursday, 3 November 2005
Lest We Forget: Tehran
Nov 4, 1979
I posted this last year on Nov 4, 2004 this day Nov 4, 2005 marks the 26th year in the Jihad against the West.
Today is the 25th anniversary of the day the jihadis declared war on America. On Nov. 4, 1979 Islamist students in Tehran overan the U.S. embassy and took 66 Americans hostage. The hostages were held for 444 days. They were released on Jan. 20, 1981--the day Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. From My Pet Jawa go there for more information 1979: Militants storm US embassy in TehranMilitant Islamic students in Iran have stormed the US embassy in the Iranian capital,Tehran, and taken more than 90 people hostage.
The students have demanded that the Shah of Iran, who fled the country in January, be extradited from the US, where he is currently receiving medical treatment for cancer, to stand trial in Iran.
It is reported that revolutionary guards and police did nothing to stop the take-over and Iranian television has indicated its support for the action by broadcasting live pictures of the siege.
Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini, who assumed control of Iran in February, has also voiced his support for the occupation. Is there a person alive who really believes that the Ayatollah Khomeini was not in complete control of the Revolutionary Guard or that if he
had ordered the release of the hostages and been refused the crowds would not have torn the Guards into bloody shreds?
Thus was shown the Jihadist Respect for one of the oldest International Traditions that of the Sanctity of an Emissary.
We had been attacked by Muslim Terrorists before and since but on Nov 4, 1979 we experienced the first State Sanctioned attack upon the innocent.
From what I read in the papers and hear on the radio and see on TV, I do not believe the present regime in Iran differs much and why should it the new President was on the Student Counsel which met regularly with the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Let us take a moment to remember the Fallen.
For me it will be my Cousin, Casey Puckett
Beirut, 1983.
Wednesday, 2 November 2005
One Year Today, Lest We Forget
From From Wikipedia
Theo van Gogh (July 23, 1957 – November 2, 2004) 
Van Gogh was murdered in the early morning of Tuesday November 2, 2004, in Amsterdam in front of the Amsterdam East borough office (stadsdeelkantoor) on the corner of the Linnaeusstraat and Tweede Oosterparkstraat streets. He was shot with eight bullets from a HS2000 (a handgun produced in 2000 in Croatia) and died on the spot. His throat was slit, and he was then stabbed in the chest. Two knives were left implanted in his torso, one pinning a five-page note to his body. The note (Text) threatened Western governments, Jews and Hirsi Ali (who went into hiding). The note also contains references to the ideologies of the Egyptian organization Takfir wal-Hijra.
The murderer Mohammed Bouyeri, a 26-year-old man of Dutch and Moroccan nationalities, was apprehended by the police after being shot in the leg. Although born in Amsterdam, well-educated and apparently well-integrated, Bouyeri became a Muslim extremist and has alleged terrorist ties with the Dutch Hofstad Network. In most Dutch media the suspect is called Mohammed B., since
it is common practice in The Netherlands to abbreviate the surnames of crime suspects (or even convicts) in order to protect their privacy.(
WHY?) He is also charged with attempted murder of a police officer and bystander, illegal possession of a firearm, and conspiring to murder others, including Hirsi Ali. He was convicted on July 26, 2005 and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.
Until his murder Van Gogh was working on a movie about the assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn. The film was officialy released on the internet on December 15, 2004 and had its cinema premiere on January 30, 2005.
Van Gogh was cremated on November 9, 2004 in Amsterdam
The day after the murder Dutch police arrested eight Islamic radicals. Six detainees were of Moroccan origin, one was Algerian and one had dual Spanish-Moroccan nationality. By November 11, 18 religious sites (mainly Muslim, with some Christian) had been vandalised or subjected to arson.
The murder led to a wider and more polarized debate about the position of the more than one million Muslims in the Netherlands. Many ethnically Dutch citizens fear that Holland will lose its traditional tolerance and Western liberalism, becoming increasingly influenced by Islamic viewpoints on these issues, including the position of women in society and sexuality. These fears are fueled by population growth studies and projections that show the Muslim community growing much faster than that of the "autochtonen" (autochthonous Dutch). In the four largest Dutch cities, the majority among children under 14 are Muslims, according to the conservative Washington Times. [2] It is projected that the major Dutch cities will soon have a majority Islamic population. On the other hand, many Islamic Dutch residents feel discriminated against and singled out. The increasing polarization has led to calls from many religious leaders and politicians for calm and improved communication between the communities.
In an apparent reaction against controversial statements about the Islamic, Christian and Jewish religions, such as those Theo van Gogh was renowned for, the Dutch Minister of Justice, Christian Democrat Piet Hein Donner suggested the existing Dutch blasphemy laws should either be applied more stringently or made stricter. This had led to a counter call by the liberal D66 party to scrap the blasphemy law altogether.
Independent Dutch member of parliament Geert Wilders (who was previously forced to leave the right-wing VVD party because of his views) advocated a five-year halt to non-Western immigration in the wake of the murder of Theo van Gogh stating: "The Netherlands has been too tolerant to intolerant people for too long, we should not import a retarded political Islamic society to our country". [3]
In opposition to such anti-Islamic sentiments, campaigns for a kleurrijk Nederland [colorful the Netherlands], such as Stop de Hetze were started.
Geert Wilders and Ayaan Hirsi Ali went into hiding for several weeks.
They have been under the protection of bodyguards ever since.|
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