Mantra of the Mentat Nerds
Topic: Sci Fi
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning,
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motionTaken from Frank Herbert's Dune.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire
speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in
Piter De Vries

I saw a tee shirt with that on it at ICON 31 I need one just like it! ;-)
Technorati Tags:Caffeine :Java Dune:Frank Herbert
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SHAI DORSAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic: Sci Fi
Just read this from Buster over at Inmuscatine
One to Beam UpCanadian-born actor James Doohan, 85, best known for his Star Trek role immortalized by the catch phrase "Beam me up, Scotty," died of complications from pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease today at his home in Redmond, Wash., according to Reuters. News Blog | Star Trek's 'Scotty' dies at 85
There will forevermore be only one Scotty. He wasn't just an engineer in the Star Trek universe, he was the standard by which all others will be measured
Every one knows Scotty as one of the Heros of Star Trek,
but James Montgomery Doohan was not just a Star Trek Hero,
He was a REAL Hero!
"craziest pilot in the Canadian Air Forces".
At the outbreak of World War II, aged 19, Jimmy Doohan joined the Royal Canadian Artillery, and was eventually commissioned as a lieutenant. His first combat assignment was the invasion of Normandy at Juno Beach on D-Day. Shooting two snipers along the way, Doohan led his unit made its way to higher ground through a field of tank mines and took defensive positions for the night. Crossing between command posts at 11:30 that night, Doohan took six hits from a German machine gun: four in his leg, one in the chest, and one through his middle right finger. The chest bullet was stopped by his silver cigarette case; the shot finger was amputated, and on screen he would generally conceal this. Despite his wounds, Doohan remained in the military, trained as a pilot for the Royal Canadian Air Force, and flew an artillery observation plane, though he was once labeled the "craziest pilot in the Canadian Air Forces".
Shai Dorsai!!
"it means something like true, pure, the actual"

Update Scotty will be going into Space, since our level of technology has not reached Beaming yet his ashes will be put into a rocket. His ashes are to be sent into space ? at his request ? by Houston company Space Services Inc. Space Services spokesperson Susan Schonfeld said Doohan's ashes would probably go up on a Titan 1 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California in late September or early October