Alternate Universes

This page contains unusual, and highly improbable stories and fan fiction works.

From original, to the downright fanboy syndrome inspired.

The latest such work diving into that realm is the serious, yet highly comical, "The Legend of the Ninja Artist" A story that has gotten me some props from one of the artists featured in it and was posted to his group. A larger version is under editing now, and will be put up when I can swing it.

Enjoy the stories ^^ Mike Charger webmaster and creator of M. Charger Productions

Single Shot stories

Alternate Universes story 1 Galatic Sailor Warrior
Alternate Universes story 2 No Need For an Immortal!
Alternate Universes story 3 Forrest Desires
Alternate Universes story 4 Virtua Furry fighter (aka Furry Shenmue)
Alternate Universes story 5 Ordinary Family
Alternate Universes story 6 The Legend of the Ninja Artist

Breath of Fire meets Tenchi Muyo!

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six