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Good News
Monday, 16 January 2012
Judge Not!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: You never know who will make it in.......
Topic: Christian Poetry

As A.W. Tozer once said You will never know who made it in to Heaven....Who that on the battlefield with their last breath cried out to Jesus for Mercy and was ushered into His Presence! The whole point is we must recieve Him.....My friend on FB shared this poem, which I think makes a truthful yet humorous point. 


I was shocked, confused, bewildered 

As I entered Heaven's door, 

Not by the beauty of it all, 

Nor the lights or its decor. 

But it was the folks in Heaven 

Who made me sputter and gasp-- 

The thieves, the liars, the sinners,

The alcoholics and the trash. 

There stood the kid from seventh grade 

Who swiped my lunch money twice. 

Next to him was my old neighbor 

Who never said anything nice. 

Bob, who I always thought 

Was rotting away in hell, 

Was sitting pretty on cloud nine, 

Looking incredibly well. 

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal? 

I would love to hear Your take. 

How'd all these sinners get up here? 

God must've made a mistake. 

'And why is everyone so quiet, 

So somber - give me a clue.' 

'Hush, child,' He said,

'they're all in shock. 

No one thought they'd be seeing you.' 



Mahalos to Randal!  

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 5:34 PM EST
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