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Rod and Reel
The Rod And Reel Combo The Spincasting Rod and Reel The Spinning Rod and Reel The Baitcasting Rod and Reel Fly Rod and Reel A rod and reel combo is a pre-packed rod and reel. If you are new to fishing, these combo sets are a great way to start because they are already put together. Manufacturers match the right reel with the right rod and are designed to work in harmony with each other. They usually even put the right line on the reel for you.
can often find a good combination set for around $20 at Walmart,
Kmart, and bait shops. Fishing supply stores sometimes carry cheap
combos, but many of the larger stores target experienced anglers and
might carry only more expensive rods and reels. As there are several kinds of rod and reels to choose from, depending on the type of fish you're after and how you like to fish. There are two basic rod and reels setups for the new or occasional anglers. That is spincasting and spinning. The best advice for anybody starting new or maybe purchasing a Rod and Reel for a child is to keep it simple and inexpensive. The simplest and inexpensive rod and reel combo is the Spincast Rod and Reel. It is the easiest to operate and control. Start out with this inexpensive set to begin with, and once you've learned to handle it, you can gradually move up to more expensive rods and reels. Of course, you might find that you're perfectly content with your original choice, even after having some experience under your belt.
Spincasting Rod and Reel Do Not Confuse with Spinning or Baitcasting Rod and Reel A Spincast Rod and reel combo are the most popular and the easiest to handle making it perfect for the inexperienced angler and Junior Anglers. Spincasting outfits are excellent in teaching the beginning angler and children the mechanics of casting. The spincast reel is mounted above the rod with the reel spool enclosed and with a nose cone cover, this prevents line snarling and backlash's that are associated with bait casting reels. Casting is a simple task, the angler presses and holds down a button on the rear of the reel, this disengages the line pick-up pin, upon the forward cast the line comes off the spool. Once the crank handle is turned the pick-up pin is engaged retrieving the line on the spool. Spincast reels have low gear ratios as a result of the size of the spool, which makes it difficult to fish lures that require a fast retrieve such as: inline spinners, spinner baits and buzz baits.
purchasing a spincast reel consider selecting models with anti
reverse and smooth drag system versus the inexpensive all plastic
models with sticky drags that result in broken line.
Purchase a Spincast Rod and Reel Combo The Spinning Rod and Reel Do Not Confuse with Spincast Rod and Reel Spinning reels cast quickly and long distances, making this rod suitable for all types of freshwater and saltwater fishing. The Spinning reel's design is a fixed spool reel mounted below the fishing rod with a mechanical pick-up (wire bail) used to retrieve the fishing line. The anti reverse feature prevents the crank handle from rotating while fighting a fish allowing the angler to use the drag. In casting a spinning reel the angler opens the bail, grasping the line with the forefinger, and then using a backward snap of the rod followed by a forward cast. The line is drawn off the fixed non rotating spool and not against a rotating spool such as a bait casting reel. Because of this, lighter lures can be used where the weight of the lure does not have to pull against a rotating spool. Spinning rods have large fishing line guides to minimize line friction upon casting. Spinning outfits operate best using fairly light weight limp flexible monofilament fishing lines and are used for bluegills, crappies, perch and walleyes. Once you've mastered a Spincast Reel, you might want to move up to a spinning reel. This type of reel has an open face and a bail. To make a cast, you have to work the bail and hold the released line between your forefinger and the surface of the rod while cocking your arm to cast. A spinning reel is a little trickier to work with than a closed-face reel, but with some practice, you should have no problem mastering it. Purchase a Spinning Rod and Reel Combo
The Baitcasting Rod and Reel Do Not Confuse with Spincast Rod and Reel The Baitcast Rod and Reel with its more complex reel is more difficult to control and is better suited for an experienced angler. Baitcasting outfits are excellent for many kinds of fishing, and come in a wide variety of options and types: Round and Low Profile, High and Low Retrieve Speed along with anti-reverse handles and line drags designed to slow runs by large and powerful gamefish. Baitcasting outfits are considered the standard when using heavier lures fishing bass, pike and muskie. All bait casting reels are mounted above the rod. When casting, the angler moves the rod backward then snapping it forward, the line is pulled off the reel by the weight of the lure. In the early years of bait casting reels the angler used their thumb to control the amount of line travel as well as to prevent the spool overrun or backlash. Today all quality bait casting reels have a spool tension feature for adjusting the centrifugal brake, and or a magnetic 'cast control' to reduce spool overrun during a cast and resultant line snare called a birds nest. Baitcasting reels offer the angler a wide variety of fishing line options ranging from the new super lines (Braided Low Stretch) to copolymer "Fluorocarbon" and nylon monofilament. Baitcasting rods have also evolved from the older 5-6 foot pool cue rods to 7-9 foot lengths used today allowing increased casting distance and accuracy. Overall bait casting outfits are best suited for the experienced angler, they can be intimidating but you can learn with a little time and effort. The Baitcasting Rods has eyelet guides running along the top of the rod and their reels set atop the handle grip. Baitcasting rods have either a pistol grip or straight handle. I don't care what anybody has told you, unless you have used one of these before, you do not want to start out with the baitcaster. These are often used for saltwater angling, and they can be difficult even for seasoned fishermen. To throw a baitcaster, you have to keep pressure on the line with your thumb as the line is being played out. If the pressure isn't just the right amount and consistent throughout the casting process, you'll end up with wads of tangled line, called a "backlash." Purchase a Baitcast Rod and Reel Combo Fly Rod and Reel Fly rods are very long, flexible rods. In fly fishing, you cast the line, not the lure. You'll see anglers develop almost artistic casting techniques, adding to the appeal of the sport. Line guides and reel are mounted on bottom of the rod. Fly rods come in various weight classes and lengths, suited for different locations and fish. Fly rods are considered to be one of the most difficult sport fishing rods to use. Successfully casting a dry fly requires the user to collect a large amount of float line in the air by making large, sweeping arcs with the rod tip. Once enough of the ribbon-like line for the length of the cast is out of the reel spool and into the air, a last forceful thrust is made to propel the line and fly forward onto the water. This process is referred to as "loading". Spincasting is easier than fly casting, with the user needing only to make a single, quick, over-hand motion before releasing the line. Exact techniques vary as casting style weighs heavily on the type of reel, bait and line used, as well as the species of fish being sought. The angling method of fly fishing is casting a fly or streamer consisting of a hook tied with fur, feathers, foam, or other lightweight materials to mimic insects, minnows and other such aquatic creatures. The fly lure is non-weighted for which the fly rod uses the weight of the fly line in casting the fly lure. Fly lines are available in a variety of forms varying from tapered sections (double-tapered, weight-forward, shooting-head) level (even through out) as well as floating and sinking types, attached on the end of the fly line is a leader of monofilament or fluorocarbon fishing line called a tippet in which the fly lure is tied to. Fly rods are long, thin, flexible fishing rods originally made of split bamboo, but now are constructed from man made composite materials (fiberglass, carbon/graphite and boron/graphite) ranging from 6ft to 14ft in length. The fly line, not the lure, determines casting. Fly rods are sized (matched) by the weight of the fly line from size #0 rods for the smallest freshwater trout and panfish up to and including #16 rods for large saltwater game fish. Fly fishing reels are mounted below the rod with the basic design of line storage. Early fly reels often had no drag systems just a clicker that was used to keep the reel from overrunning the line when pulled from the spool, the angler used their hand as a line brake known as palming when fighting a fish. Newer fly reels have incorporated disc type drag that allows the angler the adjustment range using the combination of the rod and reel to control large game fish in powerful runs. If you're considering fly fishing we highly recommend that you seek professional guidance by visiting your local fly fishing pro shop in selecting the rod, reel and fly lures as well as receiving lessons on casting.
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