In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.
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Basic Fishing Equipment
FISHING TACKLE Matching the right rod and reel to the lure or fishing technique, and knowing what line type and size works best sounds complicated, but it's actually basic common sense and logic. If you match these tools properly you can cast faster and better and even the more experienced angler can be more comfortable fishing, more accurate at casting and make your time on the water more enjoyable. Let's look at the fishing equipment and tackle that you might need to get started. If you are new to fishing, all you really need is an inexpensive Spincast Rod and Reel Combo Set and some worms. Oh, and a Fishing License! This Page is merely a suggestion of items that one would appreciate to have while during a fishing expedition. There are some items that you may want now, like extra hooks. Unless money is not an object, I would purchase individual items throughout time as you discover fishing is what you really enjoy. If you have already visited the Fishing Section at your favorite store, I bet you were a bit overwhelmed by all the packages of hooks, fishing line, packages of weird looking critters and such and so on.
novice anglers feel a little overwhelmed their first time walking
down the bait
and tackle
isles. There is generally much to choose from and it is hard to
determine what it is that you actually need for your first trip to the pond
or lake.
Start With What Kind of Fishing Pole To Get
The next
tiny little expense would be the hooks. I recommend either some small eagle
claw hooks, or you can buy a spindle
with a variety of sizes in it. The total expense should only set you back no more than $30 or $45. We'll discuss other types of Fishing Poles below.
As your
knowledge and skills improve, so will your choice of tackle change to
adapt to the ability that comes with experience. Let's build our arsenal! Throughout the rest of this page you can learn about the equipment used to catch fish; from rods and reels to doughballs and stinkbait. Though fishing can become complicated with fancy lures, expensive reels, shiny boats, water-depth finders, and all sorts of other gadgets, all you really need to fish is a pole, some line, a sinker, a bobber, a hook, and some bait (all referred to as tackle).
page and the tackle referred throughout this page is more geared
toward basic freshwater fishing. What's a rod and reel, line, and bobber you ask. Just be patient, were getting ready to discuss all of that in a minute!
let's organize what we need for a simple and successful fishing trip.
Fishing Lingo for equipment is tackle TYPES OF FISHING TACKLE
tackle is used to get your bait
or lure
to the fish. You don't need a lot of equipment to begin fishing. In
fact, it's a good idea to begin with basic, simple tackle. You can
try more difficult tackle after you've mastered some basic skills.
Basic Old Fashioned Cane Pole The simplest fishing tackle is a pole with fishing line attached to the end. It is used with a float and hook or lure. This gear is simple yet very effective for fish in shallow water.
pole can be made of cane, bamboo or a straight piece of tree branch. Cut a piece of fishing line as long as the pole. Tie the line to the tip of the pole and a hook to the other end of the line. A small sinker, called a "split shot", is squeezed onto the line above the hook. The sinker makes it easier to swing the bait out into the water and keeps the bait under the water surface. You may also want to use a bobber or float. By moving the bobber up or down the line, you can change the depth of your bait in the water. With a pole and line you can fish the area near the bank, where many fish often live.
have a wide selection of Cane Fishing Poles for you to choose from.
You are sure to find just what you are looking for by shopping Our
FUNdamentals of Fishing Store. Simply click the link or image above
and browse through our selection. Other types of fishing tackle use reels to store large amounts of line which are attached to a rod. They let you cast your bait or lure farther. They also help you retrieve lures correctly, fish in deeper water, and battle larger fish more easily.
rods are named for the reel (or lack of reel) that holds the fishing
line. Each type of fishing reel has an appropriate fishing rod that
goes with it.
Fishing Rod A Fishing Rod is a light, long, and slender pole. It is where the Fishing Line and Fishing Reel are attached. The purpose of a Fishing Rod is for you to place the Fishing Lure or Fishing Bait at a farther distance from where you are. Likewise, the fish you are after might break your Fishing Line if you do not have the right Fishing Rod.
Fishing Rod holds your Reel which in turn holds your line. A length
of fishing line is threaded along a long, flexible rod or pole; one
end terminates in a hook for catching the fish, while most of the
rest of the line is wound around a reel at the base of the pole. The
pulley-like arrangement of the reel allows the fish to be "reeled
in" once caught.
Fishing Reel
Like any other Fishing equipment, Fishing Reels are very important in almost any Fishing adventure. A Fishing Reel is a frame like a spool which turns on an axis, for winding the Fishing Line. It is attached on the bottom part of some Fishing Rods and on the top of others. You can read more about that by visiting Our Reels Page. Fishing Reels keep the excess Fishing Line on the spool, release line during Casting, and take back the line at a handle's turn. They are most often used in conjunction with a fishing rod, though some specialized reels are mounted directly to boat gunwales or transoms. Fishing Reels come in different features, characteristics, and types. Sensibly enough, each Fishing Reel Type has its own application. Likewise, there are points to consider when buying one.
easiest ones to use are called spin-cast
having the knowledge of information will help you a lot in choosing
the Fishing Reel that is suitable to your Fishing needs. TERMINAL TACKLE Terminal tackle is the tackle between the fish and the rod. Fishing Line Fishing Line is another essential piece of equipment that plays a big role in Fishing. It is the cord connecting the Fish Hook to the Fishing Rod and Fishing Reel. Choosing the right kind of Fishing Line is as important as buying the appropriate Fishing Rod and Fishing Reel. The type of water where you will be fishing and the species which are probably living there must also be taken into consideration. Fishing Lines are commercially available in spools and vary in lengths, depending on how long you want your Fishing Line to be. Like any other Fishing equipment, you need to consider a lot of things when it comes to choosing the appropriate Fishing Lines. They vary in characteristics, types, and applications for different Fishing situations. Visit Our Fishing Line Page to learn all there is to know about Fishing Line A fish hook is the device which goes at the end of your line that actually catches fish either by impaling them in the mouth or, more rarely, by snagging the body of the fish. Fishing hooks come in all shapes and sizes. They are probably the most important part of your fishing equipment, but luckily they are not very expensive. It's a good idea to have a small assortment of hooks for various fishing situations. Visit Our Fishing Hooks Page to learn all there is to know about Fishing Hooks
Rig is a word used to talk about the way you tie together bait, lures, hook, swivels, leaders, sinkers, bobbers, flashers, dodgers, cheese doodles and anything else you can attach to a piece of fishing line. A rig might be held by a rod, by hand, or attached to a boat or pier. Some rigs are designed to float near the surface of the water, others are designed to sink to the bottom. Some rigs, such as the yellow gollywobbler, are designed for trolling. Many rigs are designed especially for catching a single species of fish. Visit Our Fishing Rigs Page to learn all there is to know about Fishing Rigs
Sinkers are lead weights used to cast light lures and to drop the bait quickly to the bottom of the lake or river bottom, where most fish swim.
in together with bobbers, they hold the line at a given point.
Bobber It could be called a float, bobber, cork, etc. Bobber fishing is one of the first methods we all learn when starting to fish.
sinker takes your bait to the desired depth in the water, and the
bobber holds it at that level. It will allow you
to adjust the depth of your hook wherever you want. Bobbers let you know when you've got a nibble as it will begin to bob up and down or move around.
piece of tackle called a swivel comes in handy if you are using bait
(like a minnow) or a lure (like a spinner) that has a twisting or
turning action that tends to get your line twisted. Tie a swivel
between your bait and your line. This will allow the bait or lure to
spin without getting the line all tangled up. Swivels are inexpensive
and come in various sizes to match the hooks and lures you might be using. With all the items mentioned above you can actually begin fishing. Simply tie the hook onto the end of the line, come up several inches and squeeze on your sinker, and put your bobber on above that. Put some bait on your hook and give it a toss into the waters. If you would like to learn in detail how to setup a certain type of Fishing Pole, visit Our Set Up Pole Page
Bait Bait is what you put on the end of your line to attract the fish, something a fish would love to eat. Just like people, all fish are not attracted to the same foods. Some baits work better than others for certain types of fish. Bait can be broken down into two major types:
live or natural bait,
Live and Natural Bait
only bait you really need are worms!
could potentially buy some bait from a local bait store, but if you
want to keep this first trip really cheap you can simply dig up some
worms in your backyard or find some small bugs while you are at the lake. Worms can be caught on a dewy night using only a flashlight and a tin can that has a bit of grass and soil in it. This keeps the worms alive. To keep the Worms alive until such time that you are ready to go Fishing, Keep the container in a cool, dim place. Some people say to keep them in the refrigerator. I do not know if this method works as for when I tried, my wife about had a cow!
you want to keep them more than a couple of days or want a quality
container use a worm box.
There are a number of living creatures that many fish like to eat. For most fish, the best all-around baits are nightcrawlers or worms. Other live bait can include leeches, minnows, crayfish, crickets and grasshoppers.
In fishing lingo, artificial bait is usually called a lure. If you've ever wandered down the fishing aisles, you'll know there are literally hundreds to choose from. I just want to give you just the basics. These are ones that should be in every tackle box. We think this will give you a good starting point. Some lures closely Imitate living creatures such as worms, flies, frogs, and minnows. Other lures attract fish by their movement and their sound or by tempting the fish's curiosity. Artificial lures are designed to look and move like something a fish would eat, namely worms, minnows, grasshoppers, flies and other tasty morsels. There are hundreds of different types of artificial lures, but many come under the basic categories of Crankbaits, plugs, poppers, spoons, jigs, or spinners.
is no doubt you'll be dazzled by the variety!
restraint or soon you'll need a tackle box bigger than your boat! Select a few crankbaits. FLW tour crankbaits are cheap in price and they catch fish. You will need a shallow diver and a deep diver. Two colors of each are fine. Bass are not too picky when it comes to color. Find a natural looking one that resembles baitfish and select a shocker bright one. These represent the two extremes and work well. Next select a few spinnerbaits. There are so many varieties. Try the Terminator. Go for natural and then some shocking colors, both with gold blades. They work best in all conditions. Select some plastic worms. Going for natural colors will serve you well. Visit Our Lure's Page for all the varieties of Lures and their use.
Now that you know what to get, your going to need something to keep all this stuff in. That's where a tackle box comes in handy. Most any durable box with a tight lid and a handle will do the job! It could be an old toolbox or sewing box. Most sporting stores and department stores sell tackle boxes in a variety of styles and sizes.
Visit Our Fishing Tackle Box Page to purchase a new Tackle Box Here's a Tackle Bag I purchased from
Got your fishing pole, tackle, even got a lunch . . . ready to go fishin'!
How about
those things that are often forgotten that should be part of your
fishing trip. Click the Next Button below for Those little handy extra items when going fishing
you have
any hints, suggestions, techniques or anything that you would like to share
have me put onto this web page,
Copyright © This website is the composition of many hours of research. Information contained within this site has come from numerous sources such as websites, newspapers, books, and magazines. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.
DISCLAIMER: PLEASE READ - By printing, downloading, or using you agree to our full terms. If you do not agree to the full terms, do not use the information. We are only publishers of this material, not authors. Information may have errors or be outdated. Some information is from historical sources or represents opinions of the author. It is for research purposes only. The information is "AS IS", "WITH ALL FAULTS". User assumes all risk of use, damage, or injury. You agree that we have no liability for any damages. We are not liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, or special damages. You indemnify us for claims caused by you. Please be advised that the content of this site is a source of information only. The FUNdamentals of Fishing Website cannot take responsibility for animal welfare or actions taken as a result of information provided, and if in doubt you should seek the advice of a qualified physician or veterinarian.
I do not suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it! |