In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.
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Fishing Bait
Fishing bait is any substance used to attract and catch fish on the end of a fishing hook. Traditionally a common prey species of the fish.
number of Fishing Baits in the market today is overwhelming.
first step is to decide what you are fishing for. Which of the
various techniques a fisher may choose is dictated mainly by the
target species and by its habitat. It's important you have a general idea of what you're fishing for.
if you are a beginner or you simply could care less about what
species of fish you catch as long as you don't go home empty handed
on your first trip out, there is but one universal known best bait
for fishing. There are other baits you may want to consider for your fist trip, but worms are probably your best bet for your first trip out. They offer the beginner fisherman the best chance at landing a fish, it may not be the largest fish but it will be the easier way to get yourself "hooked on fishing". We'll discuss Night Crawlers on our next page, but if your anxious to read about them now, you can click here.
can be separated into two main categories: Artificial Bait
or imitation fish bait is considered as Lures. Lures are the name
given to spinners, jigs, poppers, flies, and spoons. When used, these
are seen by fish as a natural food such as a minnow, mayfly, worm,
smaller fish, etc. Fishermen have also begun using plastic bait and, more recently, electronic lures, to attract fish.
Our Fishing Lures Page to
find out more.
Natural Bait Studies show that natural baits like worms and insects are more recognized by fish and are more readily accepted. Live bait simulates food items that fish normally eat. Bait that is alive and moving after you hook it will catch more fish. Some bait is available year-round and some is seasonal.
natural bait angler, with a few exceptions, will use a common prey
species of the fish as an attractant. The natural bait used may be
alive or dead. Common natural baits include worms, leeches, minnows,
frogs, salamanders, and insects. The common earthworm is a universal bait for fresh water angling. Grubs and maggots are also excellent bait when trout fishing. Grasshoppers, bees and even ants are also used as bait for trout in their season, although many anglers believe that trout or salmon and many other fresh water fish roe is superior to any other bait. In lakes in southern climates such as Florida, USA, fish such as bream will take bread bait. Bread bait is a small amount of bread, often moistened by saliva, balled up to a small size that is bite size to small fish.
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any hints, suggestions, techniques or anything that you would like to share
have me put onto this web page,
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