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Life is what happens while you're making plans

(Leven is het meervoud van lef)



This relates about all adventures, experiences and new people I encounter during my new start in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where I entered a masters training program at the University Malaysia...

 Mainly meant to keep friends & family updated, it's also meant for anyone else who's interested. Just remember, always try to make your dreams come true ;o)

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Friday, 25 February 2011
About feeling Zen and coming out stronger; end of an era...
Mood:  hug me
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy
My dear friend,
I know you're very worried about things. Truly enough, the last few months of the year were getting darker and darker, and not just because of the winter... I can reassure you though about the mothers' grip on my life.

There has been a long time of "trying to keep the peace" in order to be allowed to see my daughter. And I do admit that it has been used as a pressure to make me do things that I didn't want to, and as such to affect my life. Of course I wanted to move on, and that's why over the passed year I've been working hard to make it clear that my visits to The Netherlands had my daughters' interest as only intention. There had always been the strain that I would take the girl to do something fun and the mother not being involved, and this added up to her feelings of jealousy. Where in the past I had remained "wisely silent", I have increasingly chosen confrontation. "Yes, the child IS the ONLY reason I visit.... No, it is NOT right for you to continue hoping I will ever change my mind, WHY can't we just agree on creating a situation for the childs' best interest instead of continuing to pretend ?"...

I took a gamble, I knew that she may fully cut off contact, but I had to do it in order to move on.... and I lost..... It was a heavy price to pay; nothing hurts as much as being half and half rejected by your daughter because she is forced to choose loyalty and naturally will choose the mother.

These are times for self-reflection, dear. The mothers' moves are terrible, but she is mentally ill and can't cope in any other way. In a funny way I'm grateful though, cause she forced me to do lots of soul searching. Over the course of time we loose track of what our intentions are whilst we're rolling along a situation. I had to remind myself that from the very beginning I've always been aware of the possibility ending up in the current situation, and that my main goal was to make the child feel loved and aware of my genuine interest in her. My feelings of the need to be a father to her are and should be secondary to that.

When you think about all these things for months, you reach a number of painful insights and you have to admit to yourself that what you would like to believe is not necessarily true. And it was tough, and at times still is...... But it is also a relieve being able to be honest to oneself, and if counseling is meant to help people to come to terms with things, I think I'm gonna be ok without at present. That's why I wrote that I felt rather Zen.... I have felt more at peace with things than I have in years, and without this depending on circumstantial factors, it is the best type of peace of mind one can have...

I know, it all may sound a bit woolly, and if you want to you can blame my Kechara books, but I am moving on and in control of my own life for the first time in years....

Posted by RonRon at 00:43
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Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Familiar Faces
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)
It’s been a while yes… anybody missed me ? No ? Well, it’s been so long that I wasn’t even sure about my password to get in anymore… I’m not gonna make any excuses, just gonna start where I left off… Even though most of the London hotels serve some kind of breakfast, over the past 2 attempts I always started my day by having a double macchiato x2 and a nice Panini from this Italian coffee bar close to Paddington station. No different this time; I happily skipped the breakfast where I stayed and made my way to Paddington. A bit dazed though, as I had only slept for a good hour at most, thank’s to…. Well, I’m not even sure… but things went much better after I threw away the pillow and exchanged it for a thinner one…Anyway, I arrived a bit late, as I had to hop on a few different tubes, having taken the wrong one in my blurriness. I hadn’t even noticed, but after some 30 minutes or so I became aware that the same blind lady who I saw prior to my exam in September and March was there as well. Like before I noticed she must be a regular, must possibly even come here every day to have her morning coffee. I can see how gentle the staff of the place help her on her feet and toward the door when she’s about to leave…. And even though she may very well come here every day, I feel kind of as if I have this secret meeting arrangement with her; whenever I’m in London again to re-sit the exam that I flunked last time, she’ll be there, waiting for me. Of course, this time though, I really hope I passed it…. But if not…. 6 months, same place, same time ?

Posted by RonRon at 03:14
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Monday, 21 July 2008
Cats & Puppets
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

Yup, it's been a while again since I last wrote... Life's a roller coaster once again. More about that later though.

I went to this (for me) relatively obsolete course. Since I was in London for 3 days, I thought I couldn't again let the opportunity go by and not get a piece of the action at all; So I geared up for one of the musicals and picked Avenue Q.

An excellent choice as it turned out, and I can definitely recommend to everyone, cause it is as hilarious as it claims to be.

After the course I popped onto a plane to Amsterdam, because on the next day my little artist would have her very own performance. I was delighted to see that the people from her dancing school had chosen the scene from Cats....

How nice it would have been if this show was still up in London and I could've taken her to see it afterwards. But still, the performance of my little girl was obviously the best, of a kind you cannot get in London, Broadway or anywhere else...

Posted by RonRon at 04:40
Updated: Monday, 21 July 2008 04:58
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Thursday, 5 June 2008
The Country without a Post Office
Mood:  blue
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy

I am being rowed throug Paradise on a river of Hell:

Exquisite ghost, it is night.

The paddle is a heart; it breaks the porcelain waves...


I'm everything you lost. You won't forgive me.

My memory keeps getting in the way of your history.

There is nothing to forgive. You won't forgive me.

I hid my pain even from myself; I revealed my pain

only to myself.

There is everything to forgive. You can't forgive me.

If only somehow you could have been mine,

what would not have been possible in this world ?


Agha Shahid Ali

Posted by RonRon at 21:01
Updated: Monday, 21 July 2008 04:44
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Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Do I sound confused ? I am !!
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)
Back in KL… Feels like coming home away from home… There are mixed feelings; am I ready for KL ? I think I have always been… Is KL ready for me ? Well, I’d say possibly… Is Malaysia ready for me ? I think for the time being unlikely is the right choice of wording. But still, being temporarily back in my familiar environment with the ones who are close to me, gives me the buzz of promise that this big city has always been whispering in my ears… Maybe it’s only a matter of time to wait for it to come true ?

Posted by RonRon at 21:01
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Sunday, 11 May 2008
Dandelion Fluffiness
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

I landed in the Netherlands with @ least 90 minutes delay, literally jumping from the luggage retrieval to the last train east. Sitting in the train and getting no response to any of my messages or calls I gear up for the worst. The possibility dawns on me that I might end up spending the night in the garden unless I would stir up the entire neighbourhood @ 12 midnight. Not my style though… Fortunately a key is waiting for me.

The next day is well spent swimming and blowing away all the fluffiness from every single dandelion along a small forest road (and I mean ALL dandelions). I had planned a trip with the little girl to either beach or Amsterdam, but unfortunately the mom wasted the morning visiting the church (which she can visit on any of the other 3 weekends when I’m not around). When I showed that this upset me, she acted if she didn’t notice. Well, what can I say, she only notices her own sorrows but has never had attention for mine…

Posted by RonRon at 21:01
Updated: Monday, 26 May 2008 13:00
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Monday, 5 May 2008
At last...
Mood:  happy
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)
Perseverance rules.... I was about to get other people involved, but finally managed to get to talk to Gita over one of mom's old handphone numbers. Gita was happy to hear me and I am happy to have made her happy and all is good....

Posted by RonRon at 00:48
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For a little girl's smile...
Mood:  blue
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

Today I’m rather sad once more… I have worked in UK for 3 months now and in that short time I have seen the grave social impact of the stunningly high number of broken families here. When I speak to people (mostly the single mothers), what I notice is that the red thread through most of their stories is that in many situations partners fail to work together to further their children’s wellbeing. Though I’m realistic enough to know that some relationships won’t stand the test of time, it fills me with disappointment that previous partners don’t seem to be able to work something out for their children.

Even more so sad since I’m in that same league as well. It is not easy to set aside your personal interests, face a previous partner who has disappointed you so often already, spend a lot of time and money on a regular basis to fly & train over to their house, all for the sole reason that you know it will put a smile on your little girl’s face.

Posted by RonRon at 23:21
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 00:51
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Friday, 25 April 2008
Mood:  hug me
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy

My boss is the greatest ! First of all for hiring me of course Smile But second of all because she is such a nice person to work with. And last but not least, she is a great support in difficult times. Being a single mum of an 11-year old herself, who is in my position with the only difference of having her child living with her, she can be a source of reflection. With her ex-partner acting just like mine, she can give me useful advice on and off. A week ago I was going totally bananas over the whole thing. I was even at the verge of letting go, not being sure whether I was doing the situation more harm than good. But then I knew that this would also make my little girl very sad. I realised once again that all this is not about me, not about my ex, but about a child. I won’t let go, but I just have to think over what to do. And it will take patience….

Posted by RonRon at 05:03
Updated: Tuesday, 27 May 2008 15:37
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Sunday, 20 April 2008
Good things in life...
Mood:  hug me
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy

Yesterday I was sitting in my room, trying to study a bit and feeling miserable about the nonsense I had to cope with in the past few days. Just when I was driven down to the kitchen by hunger, I bumped into one of the HO's who lives in the same nice new house. Apparently the lot had decided to go out and have dinner with all the O&G-peepz and I was dragged along. I was so happy to get out and unwind a bit, as to get my mind distracted. Such times I realise how lucky I am always to meet so many nice people on my path. Just like when I was still in UM, when having a bunch of fun, bubbly HO's always made working just a bit nicer, however busy or stressed things were. And I'm happy to hear now and then that most of them who have worked with me had an equally good time...

Posted by RonRon at 03:56
Updated: Wednesday, 30 April 2008 03:48
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