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Life is what happens while you're making plans

(Leven is het meervoud van lef)



This relates about all adventures, experiences and new people I encounter during my new start in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where I entered a masters training program at the University Malaysia...

 Mainly meant to keep friends & family updated, it's also meant for anyone else who's interested. Just remember, always try to make your dreams come true ;o)

®on®on © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and all years to come   






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Friday, 26 August 2005
Question 23: Ron's bloodgroup is 100% arabica roast; O true O false
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Starbucks
Nothing beats the tranquillity of the night after the rain has swept all the dust from the roads earlier in the evening. Just a bit drizzling, still, it won’t stop me from walking home when there is no cab to be seen in the whole area. When after some 3 minutes a cab is approaching, I hesitate for a moment, but decide to walk on. Especially up Hill Street there is a strong scent coming from the white flowers in this tree that I only know under both the name Japanese tree as well as Cambodian tree. I love the scent as it always reminds me of Bali and the times I spent there. Ahh, memories memories…
This evening was another evening of trying to cramp all the exam stuff in my already overloaded memory. This whole exam is really driving me nuts, and if I’m gonna make it through this exam @ all I actually ought to buy all the Starbucks people some cake or something. From time to time I must have looked quite sad, and they always seemed to know when blood levels where dropping and I needed another caffeine boost. If I would have gotten into an accident one of these evenings and they would have checked my blood group, they probably would have found something like 100% Arabica, double roast.
But still, it’ll keep driving me nuts for the next 9 days or so I guess. For anyone in the medical business who wonders what I’m talking about; go and take a look at the free physiology sample questions @ and see how you like it

Posted by RonRon at 21:01
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Saturday, 23 July 2005
The Italian job
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Starbucks
Well, thought it was about time for a tribute to my barista's; the people who make sure my cafeine levels keep on flowing on steady levels without too many fluctuations, unlike my life... I must say that the absolute summum of their service extends to even getting me home. Having spent another heavily intoxicated evening with me, my laptop and an occasional ICQ-er intruding my study activities (huh-huh), they were so nice as to bring me home @ the end of the evening. This meant that all 5 of us managed to get ourselves in one of these small, "mini"-like cars you see so often around here (Kancil). Well, my salut for its horse powers, for the driver (who would have done a good job in the F1) managed to steer the thing around the catacombs of the parking basement in the way they drove those mini's in the above mentioned movie (they have more than just espresso in Italy I guess).
Anyway, turns out I'm not the only one maintaining his blog here, so here some attention for another blog that might bring us some interesting topics in the future. I must say that the topic on panty liners was very educational hehehe... Check it out on the "Mi log"-link @ the left. Unfortunately I couldn't leave comment, one apparently has to log in, but here's my cheers for the site...

Posted by RonRon at 21:01
Updated: Sunday, 13 November 2005 21:08
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Wednesday, 23 March 2005

Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Starbucks
When I woke up most of the heat of the day had settled. I took a quick shower to get my day started and planned for my afternoon of shopping in the Mid Valley mall, to see if I could get any good deal from the Chinese New Year discount offers. On going outside however, I changed my mind. I nice fresh breeze cleared the air of any remnants of the usual offending heat. It reminded me of warm summer evenings in The Netherlands, getting ready to settle on one of the Maastricht terraces of one of its many cosy pubs, after not having had more than just a nice fresh salad for dinner. I decided to refrain from any silly purchases of things that were actually discounted all year round, for reasons of whichever occasion came along. Instead, I went up back to the apartment to fetch my laptop and started walking to section 14, to nestle in one of the chairs of Starbucks.
Having been busy most of the evening with arranging banking business and chatting with some friends and my mom on internet, in the end of the evening, just before I want to wrap up my things and go to do my late shift, this lady approaches me. “You don’t happen to be German, do you ?” she asks me… Cause I’m actually looking for a German person. I’m afraid I have to disappoint you, I have to confess to her. A conversation unwinds about her ex-husband who is a Finnish guy and how I should avoid ever getting one for a husband. I assure her politely that the day I’m gonna have a husband is most probably never gonna come. And so she keeps twisting around, trying to make it not too obvious she wants me to meet two of her friends who “would be interested in practicing their German with someone, cause you do speak German don’t you ?”. I don’t know what to think about it and getting rather anxious to leave I manage to short circuit the whole thing by giving her my hp-number and getting myself including notebook in a cab asap, only to arrive late (again) for my night of unpaid consultation labour. What happens next we’ll have to await…

Posted by RonRon at 22:01
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Saturday, 11 September 2004
@ Starbuck's
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Starbucks
Well, there I am again, sitting at Starbuck's coffee place on the terrace with the laptop. I love the fact I can just sit down here, plug in and use the wireless internet. Just this week bought my wireless LAN-card. Bla-bla-bla... technical B.S.... And their small espresso's are quite nice... But ehrrr..... my cafeine levels are rising sky-high hahaha

Posted by RonRon at 21:01
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