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Life is what happens while you're making plans

(Leven is het meervoud van lef)



This relates about all adventures, experiences and new people I encounter during my new start in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where I entered a masters training program at the University Malaysia...

 Mainly meant to keep friends & family updated, it's also meant for anyone else who's interested. Just remember, always try to make your dreams come true ;o)

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Friday, 25 April 2008
Mood:  hug me
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy

My boss is the greatest ! First of all for hiring me of course Smile But second of all because she is such a nice person to work with. And last but not least, she is a great support in difficult times. Being a single mum of an 11-year old herself, who is in my position with the only difference of having her child living with her, she can be a source of reflection. With her ex-partner acting just like mine, she can give me useful advice on and off. A week ago I was going totally bananas over the whole thing. I was even at the verge of letting go, not being sure whether I was doing the situation more harm than good. But then I knew that this would also make my little girl very sad. I realised once again that all this is not about me, not about my ex, but about a child. I won’t let go, but I just have to think over what to do. And it will take patience….

Posted by RonRon at 05:03
Updated: Tuesday, 27 May 2008 15:37
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