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Life is what happens while you're making plans

(Leven is het meervoud van lef)



This relates about all adventures, experiences and new people I encounter during my new start in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where I entered a masters training program at the University Malaysia...

 Mainly meant to keep friends & family updated, it's also meant for anyone else who's interested. Just remember, always try to make your dreams come true ;o)

®on®on © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and all years to come   






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Friday, 18 April 2008
Mood:  blue
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

God, I feel so upset tonight… I really cannot focus on anything. I feel like making a website about my ex-girlfriend, complete with pictures and all… About how she has been cheating me as long as I’ve known her. About not telling me she was carrying my child… About how she lied to the other guy and got him to marry her… about how she made him believe for 4 years he was the father… About how on and off she would contact me, trying to keep me warm in case she might need me in the future… About how she would tell me to forget about being close to my daughter and better to focus on my work, only to subsequently keep on pulling @ me and not allowing me to start a new life... About all the million times she has been manipulating me and lying to me… About how she seems to be using our daughter as bait, as emotional blackmail, as trading material…. I feel emotionally abused, used, raped !

Manipulation-lies-manipulation-lies-manipulation-lies…. There doesn’t seem to be an end to it… Some people never learn and it confirms to me; characters probably never change.


But I don’t want to do all that… I don't want to go as low down to that level... I just want to put on happy things… about my little girl on the webb… even if I’m only a Fly-over-daddy rather than full-time-daddy… I’m there for her, as much as the situation allows me to, with all the sacrifices it has taken so far…

But not like this… I need to take a break from the abuse… temporarily change my phone number… So if I don’t pick up the phone, you know why… you can mail me to get my new number…

Posted by RonRon at 03:30
Updated: Saturday, 7 June 2008 02:35
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Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Snow in April !
Mood:  happy
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

I love my new place ! It is still a student’s-room kind of place only, but I have my own attached bathroom now and the view is much improved. From my window I can look @ the park and see the squirrels jumping from tree to tree. When it was suddenly snowing last weekend, everything was covered in a beautiful white layer of snow.

Needless to say the large kitchen is also a big improvement, and I can actually sit outside to enjoy the early spring sun in our petit garden.

Ever since I came to UK I had to start cooking for myself again. When you go around and see what the average UK-fare is like, you’ll understand why. But I kind of enjoy it and rediscovered what I have always quite liked to do; experiment and improvise a bit with food. The best part was when one of these evenings one of my consultants and colleagues came over for dinner. We had a good time and it felt just like those good old days when I was still in medical school and my house was pretty much a mini-restaurant where on a regular basis 3, 4, 5 or more people came over to eat.

Posted by RonRon at 23:14
Updated: Thursday, 8 May 2008 12:33
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Thursday, 24 January 2008
Tulip bulbs
Mood:  silly
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy






Flower bulbs are Dutch best... I bought some bulb flowers for the house the other week. The scent of this beautiful Hyacinthus is just lovely. Today I thought about how back then in the 2nd world war, when there was a famine in The Netherlands, people were forced to eat flower bulbs in order to survive. Then I was reminiscing about what the effect would be... if anyone would fart later on, would it be smelling like flowers ?





























Posted by RonRon at 22:01
Updated: Tuesday, 8 April 2008 22:58
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Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Job wanted !
Mood:  blue
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

The stocks turn red and my days turn blue. I hate job hunting... I always have... It is all so artificial, almost like performing a play; you dress up, pretend a bit, make up some good one-liners... much like going out and trying to get the girl at the bar to talk to you, and better even, get her to like you - also something I was never ever good at - it's all about first impressions. But how looks can deceive...

Last week I had my first interview in Germany. I got along quite well with the language, no prob's there. But it started out already with the chief consultant interviewing me from his bedside... turns out he had some unfortunate skiing accident. An interview like that can hardly tun out normally, can it ? Anyway, fate will take me where I'm supposed to go. I started looking around for opportunities in England already. But one thing's for sure; I always bump into all the weird stuff, it's like some kind of physics law.

Oh, BTW, talking about skiing; last weekend I visited Frank & Paul's by now legendary Apres-Ski Party. Good old-fashioned fun, as you can see Tongue out

Posted by RonRon at 03:52
Updated: Tuesday, 8 April 2008 23:50
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Friday, 11 January 2008
Mood:  bright
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)
I'm currently living in a village that is so small, that the only movie theatre around is the porn-cinema... How liberal Dutch, and, how surprising, for a village with so many churches. I guess I'll have to cut down on my "art-house" movie consumtion then. Maybe I should go to the International Film Festival in Rotterdam at the end of this month after all, even though money is slowly running out. But as a compensation I just saw a wonderful movie about ancient Greece together with my little girl. The Disney interpretation of Hercules is way cool, and since there was a lot of gospel in there, I'm sure the mother will approve Tongue out

Posted by RonRon at 03:02
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Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Dutch = bicycle
Mood:  happy
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

No Dutch goes without a bicycle. If you don't have a bycicle, you're not a real Dutch (and you'll have to walk most of the time). That's why this is my new (2nd hand) baby...

Posted by RonRon at 22:01
Updated: Thursday, 10 January 2008 05:20
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Sunday, 6 January 2008
Jingle bells; gloomy x-mas spirit
Mood:  not sure
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy

Being back in the Netherlands was, in a sense, a bit of a bummer. Of course there was the cold. And all details I had to arrange didn’t exactly add to the joy. Though from a financial and career wise perspective, coming back was probably a wise choice, for the emotional component it seemed to be not the best move ever. It makes you realise that you cannot step into a process that has been ongoing for many years, and then suddenly expect to be fully part of it. On top of that there was the sad passing away of a young person, who is both the younger brother of a close friend, as well as best friend with 2 other close friends. Makes you think about things when you're standing there on a crisp-cold, December morning to give your last respects...

Christmas was a drag, as it always is. Feels like running around with your head chopped off. I guess it’s just too many days of too many visits in too short of a time. Still, it was good to see how especially my grandparents were happy to see some visitors.

I guess that I dread these cold, dark, gloomy days because due to the short day-light period, time seems to slip through your fingers. All those days seem as if you only had done a fraction of what initially was planned. Even subsequent days don’t seem to yield anything, since public services and shops are still not working. Now the 1st week of January has passed, I finally seem to be able to get some work done. My job interview in Germany will be coming up soon. I’m quite curious what it’ll be like. Will it get me where I wanna go ? And do I know where I wanna go ? I’ve turned 35, and by now I need to know at least a bit what I’m heading for. So far it doesn’t look yet as if I really had a clue…

Posted by RonRon at 22:01
Updated: Thursday, 10 January 2008 05:22
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Sunday, 11 November 2007
Just confused...
Mood:  blue
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy
I’m not quite sure whether it’s me… Lately I’m in doubt about everything I undertake. Whether it’s my thesis, the quality of work I’m doing, my capability as a doctor, the fact whether I want to be a doctor for the rest of my life at all…just the other day I was talking to someone. We doctors have a love-hate reationship with our work. The problem is, once we’re in it, it is so difficult to get out. However much we hate the working conditions, we can’t get ourselves to quit unless there is “Force Majeure”, because we also all love this line of work.Then, subsequently, I don’t even wanna start regarding the things in my personal life. Yeah, sure enough, it’s been cooked up for a longer time already. But things keep on smuthering and you can’t leave your past behind you just like that…. Sigh… I guess time will have to tell.

Posted by RonRon at 22:01
Updated: Sunday, 11 November 2007 18:52
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Friday, 9 November 2007
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

Went to my friend’s parents house for Deepavali. I missed out last year due to night shifts and so on. Brought some cup-cakes of the renown brand “Pretty Frostings” that Liza picked up @  Amcorp Mall (thanx ;o). It was a joy to see how the little one of Saundri’s brother was handling her cupcake. Just to think that about 3 years ago she was born some 6 weeks too early in our hospital, due to bleeding placenta praevia. I still remember how anxious Saundri’s sister in law was @ that time, as I was part of the team taking care of her in that time. Looks like some things turned out all right for sure…

Posted by RonRon at 20:42
Updated: Sunday, 11 November 2007 19:20
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Monday, 5 November 2007
Always right... as always...
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

Part of the reason why lately I haven’t been putting much on my blog were the ongoing troubles I had with my brand-new Sony VAIO. From the very day I bought it I went into trouble, the thing hanging, slowly responding and finally fainting, aka total black-out. Initially I thought it was the new Windows Vista softyware, but after I had to bring it back to the repair centre a 4th time, I was already convinced there must be a Gremlin inside my laptop (Remember that movie from the 80’s ?). I told them that this baby was not gonna leave the repaircentre ever again, at least not in my hands. My demand for return of the purchase sum was not granted, but in all fairness, after my rambling they did compensate me by giving me one of the later models, brand-new of course. It looked promising, though Windows Vista seems to have some inherent Gremlins of its own indeed. But fortunately for me I didn’t end up like this cartoon.

Posted by RonRon at 22:01
Updated: Thursday, 12 June 2008 02:52
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