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Life is what happens while you're making plans

(Leven is het meervoud van lef)



This relates about all adventures, experiences and new people I encounter during my new start in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where I entered a masters training program at the University Malaysia...

 Mainly meant to keep friends & family updated, it's also meant for anyone else who's interested. Just remember, always try to make your dreams come true ;o)

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Thursday, 5 June 2008
The Country without a Post Office
Mood:  blue
Topic: House & Garden Philosophy

I am being rowed throug Paradise on a river of Hell:

Exquisite ghost, it is night.

The paddle is a heart; it breaks the porcelain waves...


I'm everything you lost. You won't forgive me.

My memory keeps getting in the way of your history.

There is nothing to forgive. You won't forgive me.

I hid my pain even from myself; I revealed my pain

only to myself.

There is everything to forgive. You can't forgive me.

If only somehow you could have been mine,

what would not have been possible in this world ?


Agha Shahid Ali

Posted by RonRon at 21:01
Updated: Monday, 21 July 2008 04:44
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Saturday, 7 June 2008 - 02:30

Name: "M."

Beautiful poem... wish it was about you and me.

If it is not , forgive me.

If it is, yes, you are everything that i have lost , but there is nothing to forgive, because you did nothing wrong . But if you feel you did, you have been forgiven . Dont shut me out, nor hide your pain. i am yours , had always been and always will , if you would only claim....

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