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Mike's Magic Forum
Hello.  This used to be Mike's Magic Site.  I haven't really been into Magic lately (more into Video Games) so I have decided to hand this site over to you!  Yes, you!  This is now a site YOU can contribute to.  Whether you want promotion for your own site (I'll include justt about anything including links for the page with your article.)  It will stay up here FOREVER with your email adress, ad-free, pop up banner free with your choice of background (or let me choose to eliminate tackiness).  Just give me a reasonably long article and pop it goes up on my site.  Ok?  Sounds pretty easy huh?  I though that you'd like it.  Whoever the hell you are.
 How to Contribute 

 Top 10 reasons to Fireball Serra Angels 
 Is Magic Dying? 
 The Death of Weenie Decks 
 Post-4th Edition Decks 
 Are Sliver Decks Overlooked? 
 Deck Building Tips 
 10 Best Cards Ever 
 Best and Worst Sets Ever 
 A 6th Color 
 6th Edition? Do it Right this time! 
 Made up Cards 

 A Sligh Overload