I build and furnish doll houses and room boxes in 1:12 scale, and I enjoy making as much of the furniture and accessories that I can. So if you are a D.I.Yer like me, then you might find a use for some of the projects listed here. I hope you have some fun doing them.
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Flower Seed and Bulb Packets
"Victorian" Scrap BooksChristmas Wrapping Paper 2Christmas LanternsChristmas Wrapping Paper 1Christmas Shopping Bag #1Hat Box #3Hat Box #2
Hat Box #1
Hat Box Instructions
Shopping Bag #1
Jigsaw Puzzels
Farm Animals Picture Book
Birthday Cards
Christmas Cards
Letter Writing Pad
Family Photo Album
Two Boxes
Ladies' Shoe Boxes #1
Ladies' Shoe Boxes #2
Men's Shoe Boxes
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
Since 5th September, 1998. Well, the clock has ticked over and this restart was from the 13th March 2006.