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Coming soon: pencil and other dry media

At the moment I am without a main portfolio but please watch this page for updates on the matter. Remember: fellanora.topities no longer exits.

Also feel free to contact me via email

This page last updated: 5/13/05

"Earth Spirit" done in pencil. April 14-15, 2000
Gwynn, done in colored inks and Photoshop. June 3-4, 2000. Gwynn is property of herself.
Griffon Standard in metallic ballpoint pen and Photoshop. June 23, 2000. Image was requested by Hawk
Morlan-Re, done in pencil. June 17, 2000
Allaidh, done entirely in mechanical pencil. June 8, 2000
Faranath and Ralenath, sketch painted over with Picture Publisher. October 30 - November 15, 2000
Fellanora done in ink and Photoshop. September 4, 2001
Night Shade done in ink and Photoshop. October 6-8, 2000. NS belongs to Night Shade
War Axe done in pencil, February 14, 2001
Allaidh done in pencil and sharpened in Picture Publisher. March 7-8, 2001
Elf Woman done in pencil. December 19, 2000
Weird Panther done in pencil, tinted in Picture Publisher. January 31, 2001
Syrmel and Demonalisa done in ink and Prismacolor pencils. They are property of themselves. July 2-3, 2001

Main page Colored Pencil Gallery Digital Gallery Misc. Media

All images (pics, buttons, banners, backgrounds) are property of Fellanora, characters property of Fellanora unless otherwise stated. Please respect.

A border around the thumbnail indicates something of an almost explicit nature. IE: near-nudity or nudity w/o goodies showing. Keeping it clean here, folks.

Background by Celtic Web Art (no updated link)

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For questions or comments, please contact me @ Fellanora(AT)yahoo(DOT)com. (You know how that works)
Unless otherwise noted, all characters, babble, ideas, and images (including backgrounds, banners, buttons, HTML & etc) created by and property of M. "Fellanora" Kirk. All Rights Reserved and all that jazz, dig?