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This is where the links of artists I know permanently live. Most will be the result of pic trades. All banners on this page were created by the page owners unless otherwise noted. :) (insofar as I know anyway) Note: Were you listed before and you're not now? Means you've moved and I can no longer find you OR you've taken my art down/I've taken your art down(<--highly unlikely on the second part.) Wanna change things? Mail me.
Also: I'm consolidating. If I like your banner I'll use it. Nothing personal. I'm a fickle beast.

Last update: 5/04/05
T'San Enterprises
Monthy Gargoyles Contest
Deacon Blue @ side7/Blackbird
The Realm of Pickled Relish
Me at Side 7/ArtWanted
Supergirl's Home on the Internet
Gargoyles Comic Web Site
Ami on the Web
Ryvnn's Realm
Thalla's Art
Adult Monthly Gargoyles Contest
Other, home of Night Shade.
Cool beyond cool though not supported with all browsers/versions. It's well worth fighting with to see the yummy art. Seems defunct so check out: Her Deviantart Gallery

T'San Enterprises
Dogmatix's Page =) Alternatively you can go to her Elfwood Gallery
Alternatively again, you can go here which involves even more art--fanfic/fic related. Parent site contains material that may be inappropriate for younger viewers.

Monthly Gargoyles Contest
Go. Look. Enter. Vote! T'is fun!

The Art of Deacon Blue (IE only)
Now at Side 7. :) .....'cause he's a lazy bum. Includes real, live, flashy webpage...but same old Side 7. *Fell holds up a sign that says "He made me say this....send help!* =)

The Realm of Pickled Relish
Hrm...well...I think I'm finally out of intro fodder. =) But my navigation will look funny if I take all the blabbering out right now. Jet's awesome. Go visit.

Gallery @ Side 7 (IE only)
call it "insurance" *chuckles*
Portfolio @ ArtWanted
The mini-est of the mini-galleries. *L* I tried to pick what I thought was the best rep of each medium I tend to work with (in keeping with their particular TOS.)

Supergirl's Home on the Internet (Banner resized but otherwise all Supergirl's :)
4/03/02 Less image-intense now but in a construction phase. Go with patience, I'm sure she'll sort the bugs out as soon as she can! =D
See also: Her Elfwood Gallery

The Gargoyles Comic 
Web Site

Ami on the Web
Whee, structure! =D It's still in the de-bug phase.

Ryvnn's Realm

Thalla's Art
The best pixie ever, she is!

Kyan @ Deviantart,

Adult Monthly Gargoyles Contest
Warning: Adult content. (I ain't kiddin'!)

Best with IE unfortunately...but if I can get over it, so can you. KWS is quality people. Go visit.

Background by Celtic Web Art (no updated link)

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For questions or comments, please contact me @ Fellanora(AT)yahoo(DOT)com. (You know how that works)
Unless otherwise noted, all characters, babble, ideas, and images (including backgrounds, banners, buttons, HTML & etc) created by and property of M. "Fellanora" Kirk. All Rights Reserved and all that jazz, dig?