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It's a banner

It is by no means my fault if you don't read all of this

Let's get this out and in the open once and for all. There's lots of stuff to look at but none of it is absolutely free for the taking. I outline that below...but let me make it a little clearer. No, absolutely NO you cannot have my characters for your own personal use. NO, no you cannot use my pictures as avatars. I don't care how closely my characters may or may not resemble yours. If you want a picture, ask me for a new one but NO, no you cannot use any of this as your own. I know the temptation. It sneaks up and bites me from time to time. It's probably the same for just about everyone...I'm not gonna take yours or somebody else's pictures and say that's my [whomever]. That behavior is bullshit. Yep, you heard me.

This is my domain. I wrote the copy. I wrote the html. For the most part I've drawn the pictures, generated the graphics and created the characters. Yes, I am very well aware that some of my stuff has been stolen already from pictures to characters to graphics right down to the html. In the appropriate cases, the appropriate people have been contacted. Most often I'm amused by the stupidity out there. I mean [censored] people, if I can figure out how to do this, ANYONE can. I'm a fundamental idiot. I embrace this fact. You should know better, really should. I may be a fundamental idiot but I'm not so stupid I can't recognize my own work. *shakes head* Nor am I so nice as to say "Hey... I worked my ass off on this crap but go ahead... you look tired." Frankly I don't care and I'm not inclined to take that kind of responsibility for you people. Enjoy my site...respect that it's MINE. I'm like a 2 yr old on a lollipop buzz. MINE MINE MINE!

For those of you out there that are remotely interested in these backgrounds and/or buttons (and I mean mine, not the Celtic Web Art ones,) feel free to use them if you like. All I ask is a link back to this site and credit. I'm vain, what can I say? Ideally, I'd like to see where these things go. If you're interested, contact me. Just do keep in mind I'm not in the desktop wallpaper business. Do you think I put all those tags and thumbnails and text and [censored] ugly [censored] because it amuses me or I find it aesthetically stimulating? Please... Now...on to what's been posted here before:

(AKA: The bottomline.)

All drawings are the property of the artists, characters and miscellaneous whatnots are property of their creators. Do NOT beg, borrow, steal, alter or claim any sort of ownership (in any fashion) to any of these pictures from any these pages without prior permission from the artists. Else after the days in court are done what is then left over will be picked over by the gryphons and sold to the gypsies as conversation pieces. Thank you for your good judgement.

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{Link Me} {Links} {Artist Links} {Photos}

Background on this page courtesy of Celtic Web Art (no updated link)

For questions or comments, please contact me @ Fellanora(AT)yahoo(DOT)com. (You know how that works)
Unless otherwise noted, all characters, babble, ideas, and images (including backgrounds, banners, buttons, HTML & etc) created by and property of M. "Fellanora" Kirk. All Rights Reserved and all that jazz, dig?