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When using the banners/linking me, please drop me a line so I can see and/or return the favor! I can link back here though there should be more recent art in my artwanted page or wherever I end up moving--said unknown place will contain all my links/linkbacks if possible.

Thus far these are the non-url leftovers from my last home. I hope to have more at some point.

Linking problems? *points to email at the bottom of every page* Well...

Last update: 5/05/05

Moving on...

{Home} {Site Content} {News and Additions} {Copyright Info & Misc} {References}
{Link Me} {Links} {Artist Links} {Photos}

Background by Celtic Web Art (no updated link)

For questions or comments, please contact me @ Fellanora(AT)yahoo(DOT)com. (You know how that works)
Unless otherwise noted, all characters, babble, ideas, and images (including backgrounds, banners, buttons, HTML & etc) created by and property of M. "Fellanora" Kirk. All Rights Reserved and all that jazz, dig?