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Coming Soon: Digital and other computer-related media

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This page last updated: 5/13/05

Ilyna done in Photoshop. December 29, 01 - January 3, 2002
Vixen, portrait. Done in pencil and colored pencils. November 29, 2001
Beauty done in Photoshop, January 15-17, 2002 Beauty is property of herself
Allaidh done in Photoshop, January 22-23, 2002
Marilyn Monroe done in Photoshop, March 1-2, 2002. Photo reference used is property of Stills
Allaidh done w/2 types of mechanical pencil. March 11-12, 2002. Main photo reference is property of Boris Vallejo
Sabrina Brachode done in Photoshop, March 10-11, 02. Sabrina is property of Solitare.
Supergirl done in Photoshop, March 21-22, 02. She is property to herself

Main page Pencil Gallery Colored Pencil Gallery Misc. Media

Background by Celtic Web Art (no updated link)

All images (pics, buttons, banners, backgrounds) are property of Fellanora, characters property of Fellanora unless otherwise stated. Please respect.

A border around the thumbnail indicates something of an almost explicit nature. IE: near-nudity or nudity w/o goodies showing. Keeping it clean here, folks.

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For questions or comments, please contact me @ Fellanora(AT)yahoo(DOT)com. (You know how that works)
Unless otherwise noted, all characters, babble, ideas, and images (including backgrounds, banners, buttons, HTML & etc) created by and property of M. "Fellanora" Kirk. All Rights Reserved and all that jazz, dig?